Booksmarked with anasterisk aremorechallenging.

ADAMS, DouglasThe Hitchhiker’sGuideto the Galaxy*

ADAMS,RichardWatershipDown *

ALMOND,DavidSkellig *

The FireEaters* Clay *

BEDDOR, FrankThe LookingGlassWars*

BLACKMAN, MalorieNoughts andCrossestrilogy*

BOWLER,TimRiver boy*

BOYCE,Frank CottrellCosmic Millions

BOYNE, JohnThe Boy inthe StripedPyjamas*

BRANFORD,HenriettaFire, Bed andBone

BROOKS,KevinThe Roadof the Dead*

BURGESS,MelvinThe EarthGiant

BURNETT,FrancesHodgsonThe Secret Garden

COLFER,EoinArtemis Fowl series


COLLINS, SuzanneHunger Gamesseries

COOPER, SusanThe Dark isRisingseries *

CROSS, GillianThe DemonHeadmasterseries

Callinga DeadMan*

DAHL,Roald Danny, the Champion of the World

Boy *

GoingSolo *

DEFOE,DanielRobinson Crusoe*

DELANEY, JosephThe Spook’sApprenticeseries

DICKENS, CharlesGreatExpectations* Oliver Twist*

DOWD, SiobhanA Swift Pure Cry* Bogchild*

TheLondonEye Mystery

DOYLE, Sir Arthur ConanThe Great Adventuresof Sherlock Holmes *

DUMAS,AThe ThreeMusketeers*

FINE, AnneFlour Babies

The Roadof Bones* The TulipTouch*

FLETCHER,CharlieStone Heart

FRANK,AnneTheDiary of aYoungGirl*

GAIMAN, NeilThe GraveyardBook

GAVIN, JamilaCoramBoy *


Once *

GRAY, KeithOstrich Boys*

HADDON,MarkThe CuriousIncident of theDogin the NightTime *

HIGGINS, F.E.The Black BookofSecrets*

HIGSON, CharlieYoungBondseries

HILL, SusanThe Womanin Black *

HINTON, NigelBeaver Towersseries

HINTON, S.E.The Outsiders*

HOLM,AnneI AmDavid

HOROWITZ, AnthonyAlex Riderbooks

The Powerof Five series

IBBOTSON, EvaJourney to theRiverSea *

JACQUES, BrianRedwallseries

JONES, TerryThe Knight andthe Squire

KENNAN, AllyBeast*

KING, CliveStigoftheDump

KIPLING,RudyardTheJust soStories The Jungle Book

LAIRD,ElizabethThe GarbageKing*

LAMB,CharlesandMaryTales fromShakespeare*

LANDY,DerekSkullduggery Pleasant

LEWIS, C.S.The Narnia series

MAGORIAN,MichelleGoodnightMister Tom

Just Henry*

MCGOWAN, AnthonyHenryTumour*


MUCHAMORE,RobertThe Cherub series

MULLIGAN, AndyRibblestrop*

NAIDOO, BeverleyThe Other Side of Truth*

NICHOLSON, WilliamThe WindonFire series*

Noble Warriors Trilogy*

NIX, GarthMister Mondayseries

The OldKingdomseries

NORTON,MaryThe Borrowersseries

PATTERSON, JamesMaximumRideseries*

PAVER,MichelleChronicles of AncientDarknessseries*

PEARCE, PhilippaTom’sMidnight Garden

PEET, MalKeeper*

PRATCHETT,TerryAmazingMaurice andhis Educated Rodents *

Discworld series Nation* Truckerstrilogy


REEVE,PhilipHereLies Arthur*

Mortal Enginesseries

RIORDAN,RickPercy Jacksonseries

ROWLING,J.K.Harry Potterseries

SACHAR, LouisHoles

Small Steps

SAGE, AngieSeptimusHeapseries*


SEDGWICK,MarcusMy SwordhandisSinging*

SHAN, DarrenThe SagaofDarren Shanseries The Demonata series

SHEARER, AlexGreatBlue Yonder*

SMITH, Alexander GordonFurnaceSeries

SNICKET,LemonyA seriesofUnfortunateEvents

SOMPER, JustinVampirates series

STEWART, PaulThe Edge Chronicles series *

STEVENSON, R.L.DrJekyllandMrHyde* Treasure Island*

STOKER,BramDracula *

STONE,DavidLeeThe Ilmoor Chroniclesseries

STROUD, JonathanThe AmuletofSamarkand* Bartimaeustrilogy *

TOLKEIN, J.R.R.The Hobbit*

Lord ofthe Ringstrilogy*

TOWNSEND, SueThe AdrianMole series

VALENTINE, JennyThe Ant Colony FindingVioletPark

VERNE, JulesJourney to theCentre ofthe Earth*

WALDEN,MarkH.I.V.E. series

WELLS, H.G.The TimeMachine * War ofthe Worlds*

WESTALL, RobertTheScarecrows *

The Machine Gunners*

WHITE, E.B.Charlotte’sWeb

WOODING, ChrisPoison


WYNDHAM, JohnDay of theTriffids*

WYNNEJONES,TimThe Boy inthe BurningHouse*

ZEPHANIAH, BenjaminFace *

Refugee Boy* Teacher’sDead*

ZUSAK, MarcusThe BookThief*