RESULTS National Outreach Webinar with Dr. Maya Rockeymoore
November 15, 2016
Sample Agenda for Eastern and Central Time Zones
(all times ET)
7:15pm: Welcome and Introductions
- Have people sign in so you have their contact information (
7:25pm: Overview of RESULTS and what your local group does
- Resource to help you:RESULTS Everyday Heroes video: min)
7:40pm: Overview a current RESULTS issue to demonstrate why anti-poverty advocacy is important and why we need people to get involved now
- You can overview an issue using one of the Outreach Action Sheets below and if you have time, you may even want to have people write letters at your meeting
- Outreach Action Sheet:Congress Must Support Policies that Create Economic Mobility(PDF: Word:
- Outreach Action Sheet:Tell Congress to Protect Hungry Families(PDF: Word:
8:00pm:National Outreach Webinar with Dr. Maya Rockeymoore
8:45pm: Questions about what people heard during the Webinar
9:00pm:Invite new people to get involved with your group
- Remind people about how important their voices are in this work and invite them to get involved – ask people who would like to join to raise their hands
- Give raised-hands people RESULTS Participation Forms to sign up (
- Remind people of the date, time, and location of your next local RESULTS meeting (have a handout if possible)
- If people are not willing to join group, ask if they’d be willing to donate to RESULTS and join our RESULTS Action Network to get e-mail updates and alerts (Participation form has donation and Action Network information)
9:10pm: Adjourn
After the meeting:
- Send thank you notes to everyone who attended with information about your next local meeting. For people interested in joining the group, call them before the next meeting to answer and questions and again remind them of next meeting.
- Contact Jos Linn () for information about getting new members into our e-mail system and submitting forms for any donors.
RESULTS National Outreach Webinar with Dr. Maya Rockeymoore
November 15, 2016
Sample Agenda for Mountain and Pacific Time Zones
(all times PT)
4:50pm: Welcome and Introductions
- Have people sign in so you have their contact information (
5:00pm:National Outreach Webinar with Dr. Maya Rockeymoore
5:45pm: Questions about what people heard during the Town Hall
6:00pm: Overview of RESULTS and what your local group does
- Resource to help you: RESULTS Everyday Heroes video: (7 min)
6:15pm: Overview a current RESULTS issue to demonstrate why anti-poverty advocacy is important and why we need people to get involved now
- You can overview an issue using one of the Outreach Action Sheets below and if you have time, you may even want to have people write letters at your meeting
- Outreach Action Sheet:Congress Must Support Policies that Create Economic Mobility(PDF: Word:
- Outreach Action Sheet:Tell Congress to Protect Hungry Families(PDF: Word:
6:35pm:Invite new people to get involved with your group
- Remind people about how important their voices are in this work and invite them to get involved– ask people who would like to join to raise their hands
- Give raised-hands people RESULTS Participation Forms to sign up (
- Remind people of the date, time, and location of your next local RESULTS meeting (have a handout if possible)
- If people are not willing to join group, ask if they’d be willing to donate to RESULTS and join our RESULTS Action Network to get e-mail updates and alerts (Participation form has donation and Action Network information)
6:45pm: Adjourn
After the meeting:
- Send thank you notes to everyone who attended with information about your next local meeting. For people interested in joining the group, call them before the next meeting to answer and questions and again remind them of next meeting.
- Contact Jos Linn () for information about getting new members into our e-mail system and submitting forms for any donors.