Thursday, January 10th, 6:30 pm

(submitted by Heather Edelstein)

ATTENDENCE: Heather Edelstein, Linda Adams, Marion Alberico, Laurie Liddy, Robin Cino, Joyce Carbonneau, Christine Forgione, Holly Breton, Michelle Farrell, Mary Ellen Bielinski, Bruce Anderson, Bridget Swift, Kathy Bruzzese, Cindy Crowly


Holly Breton explained the new town organization WINS (Windham Initiative for New Schools) which is working with the school board to get out the word regarding warrant article 2 which will be on the town ballot in March.

Bruce Anderson and Michelle presented information on the school board recommended warrant article which as proposed would be $31 million dollars and include building a school on London Bridge Rd for 7th and 8th grade, and a turf field, bleachers and lights for the high school football field. They stressed the overcrowding in all of the elementary and middle schools and stated that Windham middle school is only one in the state not approved. The budget and bond hearing will be tomorrow night, January 11th, the deliberative session February 8th and voting March 12th.

General booster meeting started at 7:10 pm

Minutes from the December meeting were approved and voted into the record.


  • Athletic director – update from Bill via Linda – Twenty-five students qualified for the scholar athlete award. Boosters will again sponsor a male and a female athlete for the Leadership conference at a cost of $110 each. Bill will make the selection. Winter awards will be March 14th. Bill suggested that the spring awards and Jag banquet again be held on the same night.
  • Financial update via Joyce-Still have not heard from the IRS regarding the 5013c application. She was able to figure out the issue with the website and looking up income allocations. Received a payment of $39 from Amazon. Swim team has still not purchased the starting system. She believes the swim team instead made a donation to the Rays in order to use their system which includes touch pads. **At the next by-laws meeting it will need to be determined how long an allocation/grant of funds should be good for.
  • Jag’wear” via Bridget-Holiday shopping went well. No complaints or returns. Will be ordering short sleeve shirts and working on ordering umbrellas. Items still available in the school store. Will again be selling at voting day and possibly awards night.
  • Liaison via Robin-Last email requesting volunteers for the concession stand yielded a much better response. Worked well to not open when there were no volunteers.
  • Senior days via Linda and Robin-Everything moving along. Need to know when cheer wants theirs. Feb 22nd with the girls or Feb 26th with the guys.
  • Membership via Linda-Currently 174 members. Renee is planning on a push next month.
  • PR via Linda-Send info to Beth Donovan to get into the newspaper etc. Linda is handling the Facebook page. If you send her the info. She will copy and paste it to the page.
  • Night at the Races via Mary Ellen-Tickets sales are ongoing but not many have sold. Can purchase on the website or by contact Mary Ellen. Tickets will not be sold at the door. Volunteers will be needed that night and she is planning on making shifts so everyone can enjoy the night. The next meeting will be Tuesday night. Linda state that Last Night has five extra gift cards from their holiday fundraiser. Beth Donovan wants to know if Boosters would be interested in purchasing them for the Night at the Races at a 10% discount ($157.50) Voted and approved to purchase them. Dave, who made a video for the last award night, will be making a Booster “commercial” which they plan on running at the event.
  • Scholarships via Laurie-Finalizing the application next week. Will meet with Beth do discuss the PR. Payouts for last years winner will be going out soon. Discuss regarding one of last years winners, CJay DiPrima who is under going cancer treatment and will have to put college plans on hold. Discussion on how to handle the scholarship funds. Laurie will plan on asking talking with the family to let them know the funds will be there when he is ready to return to school. **At the next by-laws meeting it will need to be discussed how to handle extenuating circumstances in regards to scholarship winners.
  • VP via Marion-Senior invitations are and will continue to go out in coordination with Jane. Wrestling used the concession area for a meet and made a $25 donation to the Boosters. They will be using the area again while hosting States.

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm

No board meeting was held.

Next meeting February 21st 6:30 pm

WHS media center