Restoration will be making its first official mission trip toCochabamba, Bolivia, in July 2016! The team will visit with and support La Trinidad, the local Anglican church in Cochabamba and member of the Anglican diocese of Bolivia, and Niños con Valor (NCV), a local children’s ministry that operates three homes for at-risk and abandoned Bolivian youth.

Our time in Cochabamba will be split between activities with La Trinidad and NCV, with some overlap, and focus on: (1) spending time and building relationships with the organizations, their members, beneficiaries, staff, and leadership; (2) ‘refreshing the workers’ at both organizations by providing training in children’s ministry; and (3) organizing and running a Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the children of both La Trinidad and NCV.

The team will leave the USA on Friday, July 1st, and arrive in Bolivia on the 2nd. We will spend 8 days in Cochabamba, with the official trip concluding and travelhome on Sunday, July 10th (US arrival on the 11th).Team members are welcome to extend their stay if they wish to include some sightseeing or vacation.

Cost: Airfare +$850 (includes accommodation, food, and internal transport). Airfare is typically between $1000 and $1400.

The team will be small and so we will need to be selective and flexible.

Submit your application AS SOON AS POSSIBLEto Liz Gray:

You will be notified asap as to whether your application has been accepted.

Final payment will be due by June 10, and non-refundable at that point.

Trip members will be responsible for their own insurance and flights, though advised flights will be suggested (but we’re aware that people often have airmiles or vacation plans etc which may make an alternative route preferable).

Personal Information

Name / Date

Statement of Belief

Are you a member or attender of Restoration/another church? Yes/No
If not Restoration, which church do you attend?
How long have you been part of the congregation?
In what ways are you involved at church now and in the past?
How long have you been a follower of Jesus?
And how would you describe your walk with the Lord this year?
Describe any training in evangelism or missions you have received.

For overseas trips only:

Do you have prior overseas mission experience? Describe (country, work, organization, dates)


Why do you want to go on this short-term mission?
The following specific skills are needed on the team, please check any that you feel would play to your strengths!
 childcare
 prayer ministry
 leading sung worship
 creative response
 other? ………..

Referees and Prayer Support

Name at least 3 people at Restoration who will be actively interceding for you before, during and after your time in the field
Name 2 individuals at Restoration who would be willing to testify to your level of spiritual fitness for this team
Would you be willing to share your experience with the congregation in some way upon returning?
How specifically can we be praying for you as you prepare to go?


The decision as to whether you are healthy enough to go on the trip is your responsibility, in conjunction if necessary, with your physician.
How would you describe your present health?
 Excellent Good Average Poor
Are you presently under the care of a physician?  Yes  No
If yes, please explain.


If selected to be a part of a Restoration short-termteam, I make a commitment to:
  1. Conduct myself in a manner worthy of the Lord while serving Him on the project.
  2. Go through the training process and commit to meeting/training/debrief dates prior to departure and after I return from the time abroad.
  3. Meet all financial obligations associated with the trip/project.
  4. Submit to the authority of the church, the team leader(s), the on-the-field host(s), and the outlined team policies.
  5. Refrain from any behavior that may compromise my witness, keeping always in mind the cultural context of where I am.
Additionally, if at any time while on the project my behavior constitutes a problem, the team leader(s) has the authority to ask me to return home. Any additional costs incurred as a result of this action will be at my cost.
Signature:______Date: ______

Application Process

Please send this application to:
Restoration Anglican Church,
Attn: Liz Gray
1815 N. Quincy St.
Arlington, VA 22207
This form can be emailed to if you prefer
Application selection/approval is based on the prayerful consideration of the Associate Rector for Outreach and Restoration staff. First priority is given to Restoration members and consistent church attendees, followed by a ‘best fit’ basis. The Associate Rector reserves the right to turn down an application if it is deemed necessary and appropriate.

Participant’s Legal Information:




Phone #:

Passport #:

Passport issue date:

Passport expiry date:

*Passport expiration should not be within six months of travel dates.

If you do not currently possess a passport, please contact the Outreach Coordinator immediately to ensure there is sufficient lead time to participate in this trip. See for more information.

Emergency Contact Information (must be name of parent or legal guardian if participant is a minor under the age of 18):




Home Phone #:

Cell Phone #:

Work Phone #:

Email Address:

Relationship to Participant:

Participant’s Medical Information:

Primary Doctor:



Phone #:

Blood Type:

List recent immunizations and dates received (consult your primary care physician for advise regarding necessary immunizations):

List any prescription medications you are bringing on trip, including name of drug, dose and frequency:

List any allergies, including allergies to medications, pollens, food, etc.:

List any current/recurrent health issues:

Participant’s Medical Insurance Information:

Insurance Company:



Phone #:

Group #:

Identification #:


1815 N Quincy St, Arlington, VA 22207 – - 11/28/18