Responsibilities of Mentors and Local Pastors
§ The responsibility of the mentor is:
· To facilitate the development of the local pastor’s vocational identity
· To guide the local pastor’s theological reflection on his or her practice of ministry
· To review with the local pastor the exercise of authority and power in his or her new clergy role
§ Mentors are expected to:
· Maintain confidentiality of the meeting.
· Honor time requirements and commitments.
· Attend initial and subsequent training sessions.
· Guide the discussion of the ministry event.
· Know and be able to communicate to the local pastor the expectations of the district committee on ordained ministry for the yearly written reports
· To submit the mentor report the district committee on ordained ministry on time
§ The Role of the mentor is:
· to be a guide, and not an advisor or psychological counselor
· to be a colleague and resource, not a supervisor or authority
· to be a listener to clarify options and issues that help the probationary member develop an identity as a clergy person
· to be available at designated times but not solely responsible for initiation of meetings
§ The Mentor Report
· It is the responsibility of the mentor and the local pastor to submit a yearly report to the district committee on ordained ministry. The reporting is not an evaluative essay about the local pastor. It is a descriptive report about the mentor and local pastor’s relationship.
· The local pastor is responsible for making sure this mentor report is submitted. If this is a mentor-covenant group situation, one report may be prepared by the group but each local pastor must sign and send in his/her own report. Each report must be signed by the mentor as well.
· The report is a narrative report and may be written based on the following suggestions:
o For the mentor:
1. Write a report about your frequency of meetings and themes of your meetings.
2. Edit the report to remove evaluative words and phrases about the local pastor.
3. Compare the report to the one written by the local pastor.
4. Together with the local pastor, prepare a common report.
o For the local pastor:
1. Write a report about frequency of meets and themes of your meetings.
2. Compare the report to the one written by the mentor.
3. Together with the mentor, prepare a common report.