Rsp # / Parkway School District Bullying Survey 2011-12
Elementary Students (Grades 3-5) Survey Text Responses
Question 12: Pleasemake any othercomments you would liketo in the box below: *
1 / on a incident of bullying, i was punched in the gut and told him to stop, but he continued until i was out of the line of lunch.
2 / I dont have any freinds who involve me in recess.
3 / i have never seen anyone bullied.
4 / This is absolutly wiered, i never get bullied or anyone else.
5 / I think in the fourth grade at Pierremont bullying isn't really a big problem as far as I'm concerned.
6 / he said fxxx you to me
7 / Although I haven't been bullied, I have stood up for the people who I've seen being unfairly bullied.
8 / I was bullied at my other school, where one boy said I was in love with another boy just because I talked with him and played with him.
9 / I was bulleyed for being left out in a partnership activity.
10 / On the bus 2 fith graders just it seems like they care about themselves.
11 / I've been bullied with words on the bus by a boy and his sister and my best friend was also being bullied. Even though i was being bullied, she stopped it.
12 / i didn't like it.I will not say the name.But it was a boy in my class.
13 / i have ben hurt a lot.
14 / some people bully me because
they want to
15 / I saw people bully someone but I would help them.
16 / i always help others with their bullying problems.
17 / people think i gossip but i dont. people think im mean when im just trying to stick up for myself. i hate being bullied its the worst feeling
18 / I have not been bullied by anyone before, and I have never seen anyone else being bullied in this school.
19 / i have watched someone being bullied and did nothing to stop it. but then i have seen people bieng bullied and i have tryed to stop it.
20 / people have ignored me and some of my eye statments.
21 / I have watched someone be bullied and did nothing to stop it, I will always stand up for the person who is being bullied from now on.
22 / usally i never get bullied any more but if someone does it's usally phisically (pinching), i do see a lot of bulling during recess usally revolving mostly gosip between the girls in my class.
23 / i havent been bullied but ive helped in a few problemes and somtimes i see it go down but its usally the same people being picked on over and over
24 / there were lots of mean faces and lots of gossip.there were differnet groups of friends that were against each other.
25 / I have stopped bullying on the bus for my cibling multiple times but it seems as though I am the only one stopping it.
26 / i get bullied alot almost 3 times a week, and my teacher dose not help me she took the other persons side even when i did not do anything
27 / I tryed to help me friend out but i didn't .went to be involde init
28 / i dont think that bulling is nice but it happens sometimes!
29 / This is my first year in parkway and i love it!
30 / When i know some one was getting bullied i told a teacher or a adult so it would stop.
31 / this is a pritty good shool
32 / There has been many misunderstandings and rumors/gossip that have been made about me.
33 / I have been bullied because of my size sometimes people amke fun of me because i am too short to do anything. and also because i dont do well in math people amke fun of me and call me dumb.
34 / you should let them be mean to them back!!!!
35 / things have gotten better as the year goes by and i think mmore adults should help instead of just friends because sometims the adults dont help the situation
36 / some people think there better or cooler than other people when there not. they hurt other people alot of times.
37 / i want help i gust want to hide.
38 / what are you going to do with this survey?
are you going to print it or not print it and save it as a file on the computer?
39 / I feel like the same people are getting bullied and bulling. It's painful to be bullied.
40 / People should'nt bully others.Its wrong to do that to others.What if that person who bullies people get bullied then that would teach them a lesson not to bully others.
41 / Bullying is bad!
42 / some people think it is a big deal if someone doesnt have something they have.
43 / were freinds now though.
44 / I tried to stop the bully but they hurt me.
45 / I have no comments
46 / poeple keep telling evrey one i like someone.
47 / when i was taking this survey i was thinking about my brohers
48 / ifeelt sad
49 / I feel scard at school because some people don't exept me at school.
51 / i not sure about number 10 because i sometimes do and somtimes i do not
52 / i think it was good beacues a teacher can help you
53 / all of the qustions that the website asked me about bullying the people who did this stuff to me was xxxxx
54 / I have saw other peole been bulled but a nother person stoped it.
55 / Exxx is the one who has been bullying me.
56 / xxxx isn't at the school anymore.But he told me that xxxx xxxxx had small hands.I told him not to do that but he just basically ignored me. xxxx didnt know because he told me and not her.I felt bad.
57 / the fifth graders make up rumors about people younger than them and call them names.
58 / I have been bulied by both genders for just being mean and saying mean stuff and sometimes they do not let me be apart of stuff or say sombody likes sombody. One of these two of these people where xxxx xxxxx and xxxx xxxxx
59 / A boy bullied me because of how my hair is shorter than others
60 / I have bullied others at my house and others places to.
61 / someone on the bus was being bullied
62 / I don't like being bullied.
63 / People should not bullid
64 / i have been bullied at birthday partys
65 / I did watch another student being bullied and i really did not like. I wanted to step up and help but iwas scared.
66 / I have been bullied by a boy he called me names so when I got off the bus I told my mom
67 / xxxxx is always bulling me and he just will not stop and it agervats me.
68 / I help people when they are being bullied
69 / i triy not to be mean and i think i do a good job at that
70 / the 5th graders on my bus wont stop no matter what and it's annoying
71 / i helpd by saying stop and told a teacher
72 / a kid named xxxx has hert other kids and i stopped them by telling a teacher.
73 / A kid in my class named xxxx was walking and xxxx was cepe fowowing her xxxx said stop and she did not stop
74 / I was felling sad
75 / sometimes I get bulleyed what I play on the coumputer and in foot ball when I play in foot ball and I get pushed. Also for when I wear t-shirts for things I like and that makesme wear some thing to cover it up
76 / i think people colud help even if it isint there responsablilitiy.
77 / I was bulleyed out of school all the way back in maryland before I moved.
78 / i think ther should be more than one teacher to see if people are bulling because i was bullied and no one saw it.
79 / What happens if a person bullys you and no one helps because that is how one person bullyed me?
80 / Pierremont has a lot of fourth grade bullies
they need help to control themselfes
81 / Bullys are bad and you need to stop it
82 / one of the ways i was bullied the person toke my glasses of my face and started clapping them in ther hands and they almost broke them and the lenses got scarched
83 / my life is horble
84 / my friends have been bullyed by thay same porson i was and thay are still being bulled we talked about it to each other.:(
85 / pierremont has alot of bullies exspely in fifth and fourth grade
86 / why do people bully people? i have been bullied because of my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
87 / why do boys bullied boys.
88 / I have not been bullied!
89 / The person that bullies me is really scary when she bullies me i feel like a nobody because i'm way to scared to stand up to her. and she bullie alot of other people too. sometime she makes me so mad that it comes out on my family and now my brothers call me really mean. and i try to tell them it's not my fault.
90 / In first grade i was bullied. I told an adult and the bully got in trouble. Do NOT ever bully because bad things can happen.
91 / Bullying does not happen to me often and sometimes it is not even that it is that sometimes it will simply doing something that is annoy me or saying I brag to much or when I really just trying to tell some thing that I have or can do and they say that.
92 / I tried to walk away from the person but she kept falloweing me on the playground.
93 / i was bullied at my name
94 / Through out the year no one was mean to me or has bullied me and we all got along well so far.
95 / I naved been bullied at school a fuwe at home.
96 / thankyou for asking me these questions and helping me.
97 / If i bulled enyone im soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. I liked this test
98 / i have some people who annoy me. those people are shane,eric and robert.
99 / i wish that they would stop when someone tells them to stop without them telling on you beuase i dont want to get in trouble because that happens all the time to me and i dont like it eny more and i want it to stop
100 / I wish bullys whent to jall!
101 / i dont get buid
102 / how do
103 / I think people should stop bullying cause I don't get it and it is not kind.JUST BECAUSE SOME BODY IS HAVING A BAD DAY DOSE NOT MEAN THEY DO IT TO OTHERS.
104 / People should learn to be nice to eachother.And bullies should put theirselfs in kids shoes and think,how would I fell if I was being bullied.
105 / i feel bad now that i think that i have tryed to sort of make the person that was bulling me feel small.
106 / For abofo what if you did not see it?
107 / i think that i only bullied others sometimes and i only got bullied about once a month
108 / I feel like when he bullys me i don't fit in and i don't belong!
109 / Can other kid become bullys?
110 / it is hard to step up to a bullies but yet there just a other person. sometimes they don't know that they are bullying.I like the saying better safe then sorry.
111 / The kid called me a bad word.
112 / i am inocint
113 / Peaple call me names all the times.
114 / I just want other people to know, that I feel like a lot of adults at my school should be more watchful because whenever I have been bullied, I have had to tell a teacher or adult at school about it instead of them seeing it and/or putting a stop to it. I also think that there should be less tolerance for bulling because of the sheer number of students in our school. I mean, even KINDERGARDENERS are getting bullied! I am not only trying to speak up for myself, but for others as well. I strongly think that for me to be saying all of this, I know that many in this school are not caring for their students as much as they should be.
115 / Well I feel that people who are getting bullied it really affects people and really hurts others. I feel that adults don't do much to stop it, they don't give the consequences that are needed, and when others see one person do it they want to do it and the population is growing and what bullies call cool is not cool.
116 / I would like to let someone know, I really want you to stop. I can be very good at kickball, but apparently no one else knows I am.
117 / i am kinda tired of it and its annoying
118 / I feel that no one should be bullied even if they are cruel or mean to others. Everyone should be treated with respect. i Think bullying needs to stop and i am personally scared to go to school everyday because i know that i am going to get bullyed and its just not fair!Bullying has gotten to the point where people are pheasically getting hurt! thanks for stoping bullying!
119 / I was just scared to tell someone/an aduut because it has happend to me alot of times and I am use to it.
120 / bullying makes no sense to me and why people do it it just does nothing for the bully
121 / I have bullied people on my bus because i wanted to, or to bully because I was accused of something I did not do and my friend was being bullied and I stood up to him by telling the person mean things.
122 / I think that people did it to me and they didnt stop because they thought it was funny. but mostly to me at recess and on the bus. i hope it stops and so do every body else.
123 / Even though I have been bullied a few times, I still feel safe and excited to go to school. I have fun at school as well. I am also good at standing up for myself and others when it comes to bulling. :x
124 / I really think that bully needs to stop because me myself have went home crying and I other students have to because I seen fifth graders bully third graders and it was not funny at all it was hurtful to me and I just wanna say sorry to all the student of henry who got bulled I will try to see when someone gets bulled so I can help them out because the person who helped me is aswsome so thanks.
125 / I have teased some people, but then I apologized and didn't tease anybody else after that.
126 / I don't feel all that safe at school.
127 / I not feel like this is really bullying because we are still friends.
128 / i think the person who bullied me was jealous and and i dont see why people have to bully its rude and hurtfull and i wish those peolpe knew how mean they were
129 / I feel like most people do not care how others feel and like bullying others,and usually get away with it, and also do things that they know they shouldn't do behind teachers and adults and bus drivers backs, and also think that some people carrie "cootie" diseases and say anything they touch is contaminated.
131 / I think that the biggest reason why people bully is so they can look cool to there freinds and because of how they act during school hours.
132 / there is one girl who is bulling me and my brother. now me and my brother are not being bulled ever.
133 / A kid in my class bullied me one time in
my class.
134 / It was some of my friends.
135 / if anyone is seeing this i have been bullied and its not nice and its wrong
136 / I have no comments.
137 / i have seen my friend be bullied and he is from koria.people make fun of his name on the bus and i always try to defend him.he has been being picked up from school now cause of the everything is faling back into shape.
138 / I'm usallybullied out side of school of school.
139 / I'm ignoring the bully.
140 / My friend does it for fun and I go along and think it's funny too. I don't really want to hurt their feelings.
142 / i was sorry of what i did and i wanted to say sorry for what i did to the person i was mean to.
143 / i think i was not bully because i am really quiet but i feel bad for others who been bully even though i didn't saw it.And sometimes people joke about me then they say they were joking.
144 / people were giving me nicknames because i liked a person at school.
145 / I think they are playing around a bit to harshly .
146 / Doning this made me feel a better
147 / I never see bullying and things that happen to me are just me and my friends being silly, but we all know nobody is trying to be mean and we make sure everybody knows that and is ok with it. If they aren't we stop.
148 / i never been bullied by someone or stop someone who was bulling and i hate when people bully to someone but i never stoped it so i feel sorry
149 / i wish bullying would stop even though it has no happend to me
150 / i think bluiing shoudle stop
151 / It hurts and I wish people didn't do it.
152 / It seems like in the YMCA kids get away with bullying more so i would like adults to be more aware of that.
153 / i have never been bullied jezz, why can't i just click i have not been bullied and be done? idon't want to have to go through all that just to say i have not been bullied.
154 / I don't like it when people get bullied.
155 / i would like bulliying to stop because it hurts peoples feelings and when i get bullied i just turn around and dont look at that person that bullied me and i just ignor that person and dont talk to them unless they start to be nice to me and when they say sorry
*Responses Are Reported Verbatim Without Correction for Grammar Or Spelling
