Faith Formation Commission
Meeting Notes for December 9, 2013
Members present: Yvonne Becker, Sheila Doran, Bill Frantz, Brian Murray, Heidi Murray, Mary Sue O’Donnell, Pat Ruthmeyer, Karen Schaeffer
Opening prayer – Pat Ruthmeyer
Upcoming Events – Bill Frantz and Pat Ruthmeyer
- December Speaker – Joe Sheidel (Speaker series announcement available in Adult Faith on parish website
- Bible Study
- Sunday Gospel Reflection
- Koinonia – January
- Study the Gospel of Matthew – Beginning in January
- Journey the Bible
SWOT Analysis – Team discussion lead by Brian Murray
The team looked at aggregate data compiled from each team member’s analysis of ministry Strengths with the reported Opportunities for growth to find patterns that would lead to a plan of action. Discussion included the following:
- How data was approached individually
- How to quantify results – most popular, highest tallies, etc.
- The need to get the target opportunities to a workable number
- Examining the opportunities in relation to the goals of the commission as stated in the bylaws:
- Nurture small church communities
- Provide living discipleship
- Train and prepare community leaders
- Engage the assembly to become active participants
- Provide the resources for vocational discernment
The team narrowed the opportunities to 14 that had the strongest correlation with the strengths of the ministries that fall under the FFC umbrella:
- Help renew the spiritual lives of parishioners
- Encourage younger parishioners to participate
- Evangelize all involved with a solid faith message
- New parish website
- Welcome new families to the parish
- Continue to build on use of Scripture
- Evangelize youth
- Evangelize parents who are not practicing faith
- Evangelize children who have not had faith
- Introduction into intentional discipleship
- Recruit and train volunteers
- Parents motivated to have children receive sacrament
- Increase communication between parish and home
- Help parents in their role as primary formers of faith
Next steps – Team discussion lead by Brian Murray
Threats/Weakness analysis: examine opportunities in relation to threats (Brian to send out updated chart)
Team members to return results to Pat McManus by January 3, 2014
Proposed agenda for next meeting January 13, 2014
- Look at Threats/Weakness vs. Opportunities data
- Compare top opportunities with FFC goals
- Create pros/cons list for top opportunities
- Begin discussion of opportunities and threats/weaknesses around which FFC wants to focus planning for next year
Closing prayer – Brian Murray