2017 Student Survey

Daniel Moser


Technology Questions

Responses – 1080, 33% of Students sent the survey.

Year – 40% 1st year, 23% 2ndyear, 20% 3rdyear and18% 4thyear

Devices Educational Use:

  • Laptop 94%, Tablet 42% and SmartPhone 75%
  • Laptop Types – Apple 51%, Windows 44%
  • Tablet Types – iPad 33%, Windows 8%
  • Smartphone Types – iPhone 56%, Android 8%

Devices brought to class – 5% No Devices, 40% 1 Device, 54% 2 Devices, 5% 3 or more devices

Educational Resource Average Usage during 14-week semester once or more per week –

  • Social Media 27 times,
  • Echo 23 times,
  • Notetaking Apps 20 times,
  • Videos 19 times,
  • Educational Apps 19 times,
  • LMS 18 times,
  • Ebooks 17 times.


  • Most common use, review unclear parts of lecture – Mean 1.67, (1 Highest use, 5 Lowest use)
  • Echo360 – Top Reason: For review, studying or updating notes – 59%.

Engagement Agreement

  • 59% - I get more actively involved in courses that use technology.
  • 63% - Technology makes me feel more connected to what's going on at the college.
  • 58% - Technology makes me feel connected to other students.
  • 55% - Technology makes me feel connected to professors.
  • 36% - I am more likely to skip classes when materials from course lectures are available online.
  • 30% - In-class use of mobile devices is distracting.
  • 69% - When it comes to social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), I like to keep my academic life and my social life separate.

Apps Used for Education

  • Top10 Apps: Blackboard App, Quizlet, OneNote, Epocrates, UpToDate, Notability, Lexi-Comp, Clinical Pharmacology, Canvas, Google Docs
  • Top10 App Vendors: Microsoft, Blackboard, Google, Quizlet, Epocrates, UptoDate, Notability, Lexi-Comp, Clinical Pharmacology, Instructure

Provide Device to Students Question

There were two different questions asked:

Option 1: COD, CON, COP and GS

If your college were to provide students with an electronic device, which would you prefer?
24% Laptop-Apple iOS, 14% Laptop-Windows, 26% Tablet-Apple iOS (iPAD), 14% Tablet-Windows (Surface Pro), 10% No preference

Option 2: COPH and CAHP

If your college were to provide students with an electronic device, which would you prefer?

15% Laptop-Apple iOS, 10% Laptop-Windows, 15% Tablet-Apple iOS (iPAD), 10% Tablet-Windows (Surface Pro), 42% I prefer to choose and bring my own device, 5% No preference

ELearning Questions

How many e-learning modules used?

61% Used used 1 or more e-Learning modules.

27% Used 6 or more e-Learning modules

17% Have not used an e-Learning module

How did you become aware of e-Learning modules?

61% Provided in course

Increased understanding of content presented?

57% Agree

Benefits of using UNMC e-modules

46% can use it more than once,

25% I can practice recalling content,

29% makes content easier to understand,

35% simple to navigate,

35% test preparation,

Disadvantages of using UNMC e-modules

12% I'm not tested on the material,

16% it is too long,

11% it does not hold my interest,

20% I cannot increase the playback speed,

Overall, my college should utilize more UNMC e-learning modules

Agree – 34%

No Opinion - 38%

Disagree - 7%

Detail of Responses

Surveys Submitted by College

Frequency / Percent of Total / Percent of Surveys Sent / Surveys Sent
CAHP / 193 / 18% / 38% / 502
COD / 80 / 7% / 31% / 262
COM / 342 / 32% / 67% / 508
CON / 175 / 16% / 23% / 745
COP / 133 / 12% / 56% / 239
COPH / 55 / 5% / 31% / 176
GS / 102 / 9% / 25% / 416
Total / 1080 / 100% / 38% / 2848

What is your program year?

Frequency / Percent
1 / 305 / 37%
2 / 189 / 23%
3 / 165 / 20%
4 / 151 / 18%
5 / 13 / 2%
6 / 3 / 0%
7 / 2 / 0%
Total / 828 / 78.4

Devices Used for Education

Device / Frequency / Percent
Laptop: Windows / 474 / 43.9
Laptop: Mac / 553 / 51.2
Tablet: iOS (iPAD) / 358 / 33.1
Tablet: Windows / 86 / 8
Smartphone: iPhone / 602 / 55.7
Smartphone: Android / 199 / 18.4

Educational Device Use

Devices Educational Use / Frequency / %
Laptop / 990 / 94%
Tablet / 432 / 41%
SmartPhone / 796 / 75%
Laptop and Tablet / 379 / 36%
Laptop and SmartPhone / 1031 / 97%
Tablet and SmartPhone / 432 / 41%
Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone / 312 / 29%
No Devices / 9 / 1%
Total Responses / 1058 / 100%

Devices: Laptop, Tablet and SmartPhones Used for Education

Laptop, Tablet and Smartphone Used / Frequency / Percent
0 / 9 / 0.9%
1 / 204 / 19.3%
2 / 499 / 47.2%
3 / 316 / 29.9%
4 / 28 / 2.6%
5 / 2 / 0.2%
Total / 1058 / 100.0%

Devices Brought to Class

Frequency / Percent
None / 40 / 4%
One / 343 / 33%
Two / 588 / 57%
Three or more / 58 / 6%
Total / 1029 / 100.0

How often have you used the following resources/tools as part of your course work during the past semester?

Resource / Type / Daily / 2-3 times a week / Once a week / 1-2 times per month / 1 to 2 times per semester / Never / Blank / Total
E-books or E-textbooks (Specific to your courses or studying) / Count / 113 / 176 / 127 / 150 / 163 / 292 / 59 / 1080
% / 10.5 / 16.3 / 11.8 / 13.9 / 15.1 / 27 / 5.5 / 100
Recorded lectures (Echo36) / Count / 173 / 226 / 184 / 157 / 148 / 133 / 59 / 1080
% / 16 / 20.9 / 17 / 14.5 / 13.7 / 12.3 / 5.5 / 100
Notetaking apps (e.g. OneNote, EverNote) / Count / 257 / 54 / 46 / 26 / 56 / 578 / 63 / 1080
% / 23.8 / 5 / 4.3 / 2.4 / 5.2 / 53.5 / 5.8 / 100
Educational apps or videos (specific to content you are studying) / Count / 150 / 164 / 126 / 145 / 136 / 297 / 62 / 1080
% / 13.9 / 15.2 / 11.7 / 13.4 / 12.6 / 27.5 / 5.7 / 100
Simulations or educational games / Count / 16 / 35 / 59 / 128 / 192 / 585 / 65 / 1080
% / 1.5 / 3.2 / 5.5 / 11.9 / 17.8 / 54.2 / 6 / 100
Social media / Count / 329 / 86 / 76 / 71 / 76 / 380 / 62 / 1080
% / 30.5 / 8 / 7 / 6.6 / 7 / 35.2 / 5.7 / 100
Online collaboration tools (e.g. Vidyo, Skype for Business, BbCollaborate) / Count / 84 / 67 / 70 / 100 / 152 / 546 / 61 / 1080
% / 7.8 / 6.2 / 6.5 / 9.3 / 14.1 / 50.6 / 5.6 / 100
Audience response (PollEverywhere, clickers) / Count / 11 / 56 / 101 / 265 / 205 / 383 / 59 / 1080
% / 1 / 5.2 / 9.4 / 24.5 / 19 / 35.5 / 5.5 / 100
EPIC One Chart / Count / 21 / 44 / 21 / 76 / 163 / 533 / 222 / 1080
% / 1.9 / 4.1 / 1.9 / 7 / 15.1 / 49.4 / 20.6 / 100
Blackboard or Canvas / Count / 3 / 134 / 517 / 33 / 1 / 1 / 345 / 563
% / 0.3 / 12.4 / 47.9 / 3.1 / 0.1 / 0.1 / 31.9 / 52.1
Videos (eg, YouTube) / Count / 30 / 80 / 80 / 77 / 44 / 29 / 135 / 475
% / 2.8 / 7.4 / 7.4 / 7.1 / 4.1 / 2.7 / 12.5 / 44

UNMC Educational Resource Usage

Resource Educational Use / Average Uses per 14 Week Semester[1]
Social media / 27
Recorded lectures (Echo36) / 23
Notetaking apps (e.g. OneNote, EverNote) / 20
Videos (eg, YouTube) / 19
Educational apps or videos (specific to content you are studying) / 19
Blackboard and/or Canvas / 18
E-books or E-textbooks (Specific to your courses or studying) / 17
Online collaboration tools (e.g. Vidyo, Skype for Business, BbCollaborate) / 10
Audience response (PollEverywhere, clickers) / 6
EPIC One Chart / 5
Simulations or educational games / 4

Please rank your most common use of the Echo360 lecture recordings (Ranked in order from 1 = top use, to 5=bottom use).

Echo360 Use – 1=top use, 5=bottom use / Mean / Std. Deviation
To review specific parts of lectures that were not clear during class / 1.67 / 1.448
To add to or increase the quality of my notes / 2.14 / 1.714
To review lectures, I missed due to absence with extenuating circumstances (e.g. illness, poor road conditions, etc.) / 2.16 / 1.781
To study for an exam / 2.23 / 1.802
To review lectures, I missed due to absence without extenuating circumstances. / 2.57 / 2.104
Valid N / 885

My professors/lecturers have used the technology available in the classroom for instructional purposes...

Options / Frequency / %
In all my courses / 357 / 52%
In most of my courses / 218 / 32%
In about half of my courses / 54 / 8%
In at least one course / 43 / 6%
Did not use at all / 10 / 1%
N/A (I am in an online program) / 5 / 1%
Total / 687 / 100.0

Engagement, etc. - Please indicate your level of agreement for the following statements. - Responses

Items / Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree / Total
I get more actively involved in courses that use technology. / 181 / 436 / 315 / 86 / 30 / 1048
Technology makes me feel more connected to what's going on at the college. / 181 / 479 / 267 / 90 / 32 / 1049
Technology makes me feel connected to other students. / 171 / 435 / 279 / 135 / 29 / 1049
Technology makes me feel connected to professors. / 153 / 421 / 302 / 137 / 35 / 1048
I am more likely to skip classes when materials from course lectures are available online. / 119 / 254 / 176 / 282 / 215 / 1046
In-class use of mobile devices is distracting. / 82 / 236 / 254 / 348 / 126 / 1046
When it comes to social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), I like to keep my academic life and my social life separate. / 360 / 366 / 206 / 95 / 19 / 1046

Engagement, etc. - Please indicate your level of agreement for the following statements. - Percentages

Percentages / Strongly agree / Agree / Neutral / Disagree / Strongly disagree
I get more actively involved in courses that use technology. / 17% / 41% / 30% / 8% / 3%
Technology makes me feel more connected to what's going on at the college. / 17% / 45% / 25% / 9% / 3%
Technology makes me feel connected to other students. / 16% / 41% / 26% / 13% / 3%
Technology makes me feel connected to professors. / 15% / 40% / 29% / 13% / 3%
I am more likely to skip classes when materials from course lectures are available online. / 11% / 24% / 17% / 27% / 20%
In-class use of mobile devices is distracting. / 8% / 22% / 24% / 33% / 12%
When it comes to social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), I like to keep my academic life and my social life separate. / 34% / 35% / 20% / 9% / 2%

List up to 10 apps (free and paid) that you use most frequently for educational purposes (note taking, research, drug information, etc.)

Top Listed Apps / Count
Blackboard Mobile App / 110
Quizlet / 79
OneNote / 75
Epocrates for drug information / 56
Uptodate / 51
Notability / 49
Lexi-Comp / 47
Clinical Pharmacology / 45
Canvas / 37
Google Docs / 32
Outlook / 26
UNMC Mobile App / 20
Medscape / 18
YouTube / 18
Safari / 17
None / 16
Word / 15
Google / 14
N/a / 14
ASCVD Risk Calculator / 13

Top App Vendor/Major Products

Apps by Vendor/Major Product / Count
Microsoft / 190
Blackboard / 110
Google / 90
Quizlet / 79
Epocrates / 56
UpToDate / 51
Notability / 49
Lexi-Comp / 47
Clinical Pharmacology / 45
Canvas / 38
UNMC Mobile App / 20
Medscape / 18
YouTube / 18
Safari / 17
None / 16
N/a / 14
Adobe Apps / 13
ASCVD Risk Calculator / 13
Dropbox / 13
Echo360 / 11

If your college were to provide students with an electronic device, which would you prefer?

All college responses and options combined.[2]

Computer Unit / Frequency / Percent
Laptop-Apple iOS / 142 / 22%
Laptop-Windows / 89 / 14%
Tablet-Apple iOS (iPAD) / 161 / 25%
Tablet-Windows (Surface Pro) / 90 / 14%
I prefer to choose and bring my own device.[3] / 98 / 15%
No preference / 62 / 10%
Total / 642 / 100%

All Responses by College

Device Response / College / Total
Laptop-Apple iOS / 25 / 16 / 66 / 12 / 3 / 20 / 142
Laptop-Windows / 16 / 7 / 33 / 10 / 3 / 20 / 89
Tablet-Apple iOS (iPAD) / 28 / 35 / 22 / 45 / 7 / 24 / 161
Tablet-Windows (Surface Pro) / 17 / 11 / 16 / 23 / 5 / 18 / 90
I prefer to choose and bring my own device.[4] / 70 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 28 / 0 / 98
No preference / 7 / 2 / 20 / 16 / 5 / 12 / 62
Total / 193 / 80 / 175 / 133 / 55 / 102 / 738

Device Distribution Question by Question Format 1 and 2

Question Format Option 1: Responses by College of Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy and Graduate Studies, top responses bolded

COD, CON, COP and GS - Question Format 1: If your College were to provide students with an electronic device,which would you prefer.
Responses / Count / %
Laptop-Apple iOS / 114 / 25%
Laptop-Windows / 70 / 15%
No preference/No Response / 78 / 17%
Tablet-Apple iOS (iPAD) / 126 / 28%
Tablet-Windows (Surface Pro) / 68 / 15%
Total / 456 / 100%

Question Format Option 1: Device Question by College, top responses bolded

Device / COD / CON / COP / GS / Total
Laptop-Apple iOS / Count / 16 / 66 / 12 / 20 / 114
% / 22.20% / 41.80% / 9.20% / 20.80% / 25.00%
Laptop-Windows / Count / 7 / 33 / 10 / 20 / 70
% / 9.70% / 20.90% / 7.70% / 20.80% / 15.35%
No preference/No Response / Count / 3 / 21 / 40 / 14 / 78
% / 4.17% / 13.29% / 30.77% / 14.58% / 17.11%
Tablet-Apple iOS (iPAD) / Count / 35 / 22 / 45 / 24 / 126
% / 48.60% / 13.90% / 34.60% / 25.00% / 27.63%
Tablet-Windows (Surface Pro) / Count / 11 / 16 / 23 / 18 / 68
% / 15.30% / 10.10% / 17.70% / 18.80% / 14.91%
Total / Count / 72 / 158 / 130 / 96 / 456
% / 100.00% / 100.00% / 100.00% / 100.00% / 100.00%

Question Format Option 2: Responses by College of Public Health and Allied Health Professions

COPH and CAHP -Question Format 2: If your College were to provide students with an electronic device,which would you pre...
Answer / Count / %
I prefer to choose and bring my own device. / 98 / 45%
Laptop-Apple / 28 / 13%
Laptop-Windows / 19 / 9%
No preference/No Response / 18 / 8%
Tablet-Apple iOS (iPAD) / 35 / 16%
Tablet-Windows (Surface Pro) / 22 / 10%
Total / 220 / 100%

Question Format Option 2: Device Question by College, top responses bolded

CAHP / COPH / Total
I prefer to choose and bring my own device. / Count / 70 / 28 / 98
% / 41.92% / 52.83% / 44.55%
Laptop-Apple / Count / 25 / 3 / 28
% / 14.97% / 5.66% / 12.73%
Laptop-Windows / Count / 16 / 3 / 19
% / 9.58% / 5.66% / 8.64%
No preference/No Response / Count / 11 / 7 / 18
% / 6.59% / 13.21% / 8.18%
Tablet-Apple iOS (iPAD) / Count / 28 / 7 / 35
% / 16.77% / 13.21% / 15.91%
Tablet-Windows (Surface Pro) / Count / 17 / 5 / 22
% / 10.18% / 9.43% / 10.00%
Total / Count / 167 / 53 / 220
% / 100.00% / 100.00% / 100.00%

Overall Comments (Items mentioned by 2 or more students)

Comment / Count
None / 27
Don't Purchase a Device for Students / 11
No Fee Increase / 9
Like Lecture Recordings / 4
Examsoft Does Not Work Well / 3
It Very Helpful / 3
Keep Paper/Books / 3
Let Students Choose Own Device / 3
Printing Does Not Work Well / 3
Ed Tech Frequently Down / 2
Ed Tech Lacks Proper Maintenance / 2
Get Ipads / 2
Like Ed Tech / 2
Make All Resources Work OnIpad / 2
Record All Classes / 2
Train Faculty / 2
Use More Technology / 2
Vidyo Does Not Work Well / 2
What Are Emodules / 2

ELearning Modules Questions

How many UNMC e-learning modules have you used throughout your current program of study?

Frequency / Percent
1 to 2 / 95 / 18%
3 to 5 / 90 / 17%
6 to 10 / 62 / 12%
11 to 15 / 22 / 4%
more than 15 / 58 / 11%
I do not recall. / 120 / 22%
None / 90 / 17%
Total / 537 / 100%

How did you become aware of the UNMC e-modules that you have used?

Items / Frequency / Percent
Provided within a course (such as a link on Blackboard) / 372 / 61%
Classmates referral / 45 / 7%
The UNMC E-Gallery / 16 / 3%
Used before class in a flipped classroom / 60 / 10%
I found online myself / 34 / 6%
Other (please explain below) / 65 / 11%
Total Responders / 605 / 100%

Overall, the UNMC e-modules increased my understanding of the content presented.

Frequency / Percent
Strongly Agree / 76 / 15%
Agree / 218 / 42%
Neutral/No Opinion / 203 / 39%
Disagree / 11 / 2%
Strongly Disagree / 7 / 1%
Total / 515 / 100%

What are the benefits of using UNMC e-modules? Select all that apply:

Benefits / N / Percent
can use it more than once, / 274 / 45.3%
fun to use, / 59 / 9.8%
I can practice recalling content, / 150 / 24.8%
it holds my interest, / 79 / 13.1%
makes content easier to understand, / 178 / 29.4%
operates well on my device, / 101 / 16.7%
simple to navigate / 210 / 34.7%
test preparation, / 213 / 35.2%
Respondents / 605

EModules Benefit Comments

Comments / N
Don't Know What Emodules Are / 9
Have Not Used / 9
None / 7
Portability / 2
Have Not Heard Of / 2
Not Sure / 2

What are the disadvantages of using UNMC e-modules?

Disadvantages / Frequency / Percent
I'm not tested on the material, / 70 / 12%
the information is not helpful, / 17 / 3%
it does not teach me anything new, / 44 / 7%
it is too long, / 98 / 16%
it is too short, / 11 / 2%
it is poorly designed, / 36 / 6%
it does not hold my interest, / 68 / 11%
I cannot increase the playback speed, / 122 / 20%
difficult to use, / 17 / 3%
did not operate properly, / 46 / 8%
Respondents / 605

EModules Disadvantage Comments

Comments / N
Don't Know What Elearning Modules Are / 12
Not Applicable / 12
Have Not Used / 9
None / 4
App Does Not Work On Tablet / 3
No Rewind / 2
Not Sure / 2
Allow Audio Speed Increase / 2
Info Conflicted With Instructor / 2

Overall, my college should utilize more UNMC created e-learning modules in the curriculum?

Response / Frequency / Percent
Strongly Agree / 56 / 9%
Agree / 161 / 25%
No Opinion / 245 / 38%
Disagree / 39 / 6%
Strongly Disagree / 7 / 1%
No Answer / 133 / 21%
Total / 641 / 100%


[2] The College of Medicine did not ask this question in their survey of students.

[3] Item asked only by College of Public Health and College of Allied Health.

[4] Item asked only by College of Public Health and College of Allied Health.