Response Form in Preparation for the November 2013 Rep Council Meeting


Rep:Frank J. Zolvinski

1.Names – Ken Ogorek, Kathy Gallo

2.Year of Faith Impact and new evangelization

Year of Faith had a good start but wavered as the year went on.

This varies from diocese to diocese and most programs took place at the

parish level. The election of Pope Francis seemed to take some of the

steam out of the Year of Faith as energy and attention was focused on

him and his statements.

NCCL should do something substantive with the Apostolic Exhortation

on evangelization that is soon to come out. Give us some very practical resources to share with our constituents. More practical than academic,

e.g. How to build a parish evangelization team.


No dramatic increase yet. A more important question is our concern about

Mass attendance overall.

4.What’s next?

Give us resources to help parish do intentional evangelization. It should be

tied in to Catholic Social Teaching. Give us some best practices that can

help lay people use their skills to evangelize in their work place and home

environments. Help us teach catechists how to be witnesses and how

to pray well.


PCLs wearing multiple hats out of their area of expertise with diversified

responsibilities. Well qualified PCLs not being replaced by qualified,

educated or degreed people. More professional development is needed.

Womb to tomb catechesis needs to be stressed along with adult faith formation. Catholic schools lack qualified religion teachers and faculty

who are not formed the Catholic tradition. NCEA has a lack of catechetical

formation of its own upper level administrators and leaders. Need more

formation of our teachers and principals.

6.Books and articles


The New Evangelization and You

Lumen Fide

Anything by Pope Francis – e.g. America interview, sermons, and


7.Authors and writers

John Cavadini

Erika Bacchiochi – Women, Sex and Church, Case for Catholic Teaching.

Augustine Institute – Denver

The Sower

Disciples Call to Witness

8.More pressing issue

Both issues are equally the same, however catechetical leaders have

a unique responsibility so should demand more immediate attention.

9.Collaborative efforts

On line accessible formation of PCLs and catechists.

Ask USCCB to provide free access to documents on their web page.


Set priorities and stick to them, don’t bite off my that you can chew. Do

fewer things and do them well.

More collaboration between USCCB office of Worship and NCCL materials

for catechetical Sunday and Catholic schools.

Nominations for At-Large members

Ken Ogorek – Archdiocese of Indianapolis

Catechetical Leader Award – Ave Marie Press

Distinguished Service Award – Tom and Rita Watlers