Editor’s Report, Plant Science Bulletin
Volume 45. 1999.
1. Four issues, 120 pages, were published on schedule. This was down slightly from the 140 pages published in 1998, but it is comparable to previous years.
2. 102 items (books, CD-ROMs, Videos) were received for review; 43 reviews were published.
Again, this was down slightly from the 133 items received and 62 published reviews the previous year.
3. Four articles were published as well as News from the Society and Announcements as received.
4. The PSB continued to be posted on the BSA web-page following publication.
5. Joe Leverich completed a very successful five-year tenure as editor and turned over responsibilities to Marsh Sundberg, effective 1 January, 2000.
Volume 46. 2000
1. Several format changes were implemented with this volume, including: a new cover page design, a feature lead article has been solicited for each issue, inclusion of photo illustrations, and production of both a PDF and HTML format file for the web page. (As of 1 July, there have been approximately 250 “hits”to the Bulletin in each format.)
2. Two issues, 64 pages, have been published on schedule.
3. 46 items have been received for review; 20 reviews have been published.
4. Lead articles have been on “Growing an Undergraduate Botany and Plant Pathology Program” and “Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation: A Center for Science and History.”
Individuals interested in submitting a lead article should contact the editor with a prospectus.
Some questions have been raised as to whether we should charge to run announcements (positions available, meeting/conference notices, etc.) in the PSB. It is the unanimous recommendation of the editorial committee NOT to institute such charges. However, it would be acceptable to carry advertising if this does not reduce content. That is, the rate charged must more than cover the cost of adding additional pages to an issue (pages in an issue must be in multiples of 4).
-Marsh Sundberg, Editor