Session: How do we report an emergency to Triple Zero (000)?
Early Years (3 to 5 year olds)
Time: 50 minutes* (approximately)
Addresses the following Victorian Early Years
Learning and Development Framework outcomes
1. Identity
- Children feel safe, secure and supported.
- Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency.
- Children develop a sense of belonging to groups and communities and an understanding of the reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for active civic participation.
- Children become socially responsible and show respect for the environment.
- Children develop a range of skills and processes such as problem solving, inquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, researching and investigating.
- Children transfer and adapt what they have learnt from one context to another.
- Children resource their own learning through connecting with people, place, technologies and natural and processed materials.
- Children interact verbally and non-verbally with others for a range of purposes.
- Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work.
Overview of session:
Children will be encouraged to further explore how they report an emergency to Triple Zero (000). This session will help children understand the questions asked by the operator and how to respond effectively when making a Triple Zero (000) emergency call.
Suggested resources:
- Picture books, non-fiction books
- Visual arts materials
- Dramatic and imaginative play resources
- CD’s, puppets, props
- Different types of phones
- Camera
- Butcher’s paper
- Markers
- Clip board
- Images from Resources section
- Linked resources
Revisit concepts from the Learning what to do in an emergencysession.
- The importance of being in a safe place away from the fire
- Adults will usually call for help however children need to know the emergency number and the correct way to report an emergency
- The special role of firefighters in keeping everyone safe
- Listening to and following instructions
Reporting an emergency
If children are required to report an emergency they will need to familiarise themselves with different types of phones and where they are located. Use the following questions to facilitate discussion:
- Are there different types of phones in your house?
- Where are the phones in your house?
- Who uses the phones?
- What is your phone number?
- Why are some numbers important to know?
Revisit ideas from theLearning what to do in an emergencysession.
- What is special about an emergency call?
- Why do we need to know the emergency number?
- Who answers an emergency call?
- What questions do you think the person who answers the call will ask?
Focus discussion on the numbers – 000. Talk with children about numbers and help them understand that ‘three zeros’ are required to make an emergency call. Make links to the previous discussion by demonstrating (role play) how to call Triple Zero (000) using different types of phones or visual images.
Literacy and language
Ask and discuss:
- What happens during an emergency Triple Zero (000) phone call?
Linked resource:- How to call Triple Zero (000)
Focus on reinforcing the language that children will need in order to respond appropriately in a bushfire emergency.
Provide opportunities for children to practise responding clearly to the questions:
- What is your name?
- What is your address?
- Where are you?
- What is your address? (Where do you live?)
- Where are you? (What is your location?)
Reinforce the seriousness of reporting an emergency and why it is important for everyone to know how to call Triple Zero (000).
Bringing it together
Use the following learning experiences to encourage further discussion and understanding of key concepts.
Use numeracy and literacy games to develop children’s understanding of Triple Zero (000) and answering questions about a fire emergency.
Provide a range of images that show people seeking help and calling Triple Zero (000).
Read pictures books and other texts that demonstrate how to report an emergency.
Provide a range of drawing materials and encourage children to reflect their ideas about reporting an emergency through visual art experiences.
Set up dramatic and imaginative play spaces that enable children to role play responding to an emergency and calling Triple Zero (000).
Encourage families to reinforce key concepts at home and help children understand how to respond to an emergency in their own home, and other familiar settings.
Walk around and/or take photos of different locations in the area. Encourage children to describe the different locations. Discuss words that help children describe different places and locations. Record children’s words and ideas.
Invite families and local community members to visit the setting and discuss their experiences of responding to fires.
Access the Triple zero kids' challenge website and guide children through relevant scenarios.
Use the scenarios from the website or other resources to reinforce key concepts;
- The importance of getting away from the fire and reporting it from a safe place
- Alerting an adult and if possible having a parent or another adult call for help
- The importance of knowing and calling the emergency number - 'Triple Zero' or '000'
- The information that needs to be provided, including your name, where you are and your phone number
- Listening very carefully and following all instructions
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