The Traditional Gypsy Cob Association

Our Judges’ List is intended to assist Show Secretaries in making an informed decision in their choice of Judge(s). The “KEY” and “OTHER PANEL ABBREVIATIONS” as shown below are included within the Judges’ List; allowing for easy selection of a Judge(s) who are able to preside over other sections at your show, as well as the TGCA classes.

Judges have been divided into areas and within each area is the level at which they have been approved to judge, starting with International level, then County / Championship level, Riding Club level, Juniors and finally Probationers.

Judges may be invited to judge at a lower level than stated, but may NOT be invited to judge above their stated level (e.g. International Judges may be asked to judge at any show; however a level 2) Judge may not judge above Riding Club level).

TGCA levels/categories are written in bold typeface. The KEY to TGCA judging Categories are as follows:

INT: International Level Judge

INT R&C: International Ride & Conformation. A Judge who can ride the exhibits and/or assess conformation.

INT S&C: International Judge who can judge a ridden show from the ground (but not actually ride exhibits) and assess conformation but cannot judge an International ridden section, although may ride at Level 1)

Level 1: County / Championship / Quest Level

1 R&C: County level Ride & Conformation Judge who can ride exhibits and/or assess conformation.

1 S&C: County level. Can judge ridden show from the ground (but not actually ride exhibits) and assess conformation

Level 2: Riding Club. Riding Club level. Can judge a ridden show from the ground (but not actually ride exhibits) and assess conformation.

Level 3: Junior Judge: A young person between the ages of 14 & 24 years. Enrolled onto our judges training programme. They steward, attend training days and judge with mentor judges to gain valuable experience in the progression to becoming a Panel Judge in the future.

(P): Probationary Required to attend 3 probationary shows with a TGCA Level 1 or above Judge, to ensure they have a full appreciation of the breed type / characteristics.

WH: Style & Performance/Working Hunters.

(C): Judges who can assess conformation only (i.e. In-hand classes or conformation sections only)

EV: Judge on the TGCA Evaluation selection panel.

OTHER PANEL ABBREVIATIONS: APHC Appaloosa Horse Club. AHS Arab Horse Society. BAPS British Appaloosa Society. BCPS British Connemara Pony Society. BD British Dressage. BDA British Driving Association. BM British Miniatures. BPS British Palomino Society. BSPS British Show Pony Society. BSPA British Skewbald & Piebald Association. CHAPS Coloured Horse and Pony Society. CHS Clydesdale Horse Society CBS Cleveland Bay Society. DBS Donkey Society. DPS Dartmoor Pony Society. EPS Exmoor Pony Society. FellFell Pony. HafHaflinger Society. IDHS Irish Draught Horse Society. IMPSInt Miniature Horse Society. MHGB Miniature Horse of Gt Britain.MHS Miniature Horse Society. MIDARC Midlands & Dist Riding Clubs. NCPA Northern Counties Pony Association. New For New Forest Pony Association. NPS National Pony Society. P(UK) Ponies Association (UK). ROR Racehorse to Riding Horse. RPB&HP Riding Pony Breeding & Hunter Pony. SSADL Senior Showing & Dressage Ltd. Shet Shetland. SH (GB) Sports Horse of Gt Britain. SPA Spotted Pony Association. SPS Shetland Pony Society. SPSBS Shetland Pony Stud Book Association. TARRA Thoroughbred and Retired Racehorse Association. TSR The Showing Register. VHS Veteran Horse Scoiety. WPCS Welsh Pony & Cob Society. ASS Amateur Showing Society.

First Name / Surname / Level / Area / Telephone No / Other Judge Panels
Lee / Clarke / 1 S&C / East / 07795 000436 / BSPA, BSPS, The Cleveland Bay Horse Society, TARRA , ASS, SSAD, TSR , Royal London
Rosemary / Keeling / 1 S&C WH / East / 07714 329802 / CHAPS (Hoys), BSPS,PUK (RI) ,VHS, SS&D, TSR, TARRA, NCPA and ASS
Oliver / Parr / P / East / 07563 389938
07882 080948
Adam / Pike / 2 / East / 07775 828702 / SSADL
Roxanne / Woolner / P / East / 07921 557225 / ASS
Janet / Smithers / 2 / East / 07887 914261 / VHS, SSADL, ASS, TSR, Royal London, Equifest
Kevan / Baskeyfield / INT S&C WH / Midlands / 07801 885843 / PUK, BSPA (RI) CHAPS (Hoys), BMHS, VHS, SSADL,MHCGB,ROR,TARRA, BSPS, TSR, BAPS
Emma / Checkitt / P / Midlands / 07854 961747 / SSADL
Diane / Kelly / 1 S&C / South Central / 07810 406068 / CHAPS
Neil / Harrison / P / Midlands / 07947 500287 / SSADL
Paula / Bindley - Radmall / INT R&C EV WH / Midlands / 07734 012003 / CHAPS, BSPA (RIHS), BPS, TARRA, TSR, SSADL, VHS, BAPS, SWPA, HHSS, Midarc & Royal London
Lady Ria / Holmes / 1 S&C / Midlands / 07834 239870 / BSPA(RIHS) CHAPS, NCPA,
Lisa / Randle / 2 / Midlands / 07972 609371 / TSR, BPS, BAPS, SSADL, VHS, CHAPS, SWPA,ASS, Midarc
Russell / Marks / 1 S&C / Midlands / 01386 834020
Lorraine / Rowntree / 2 / Midlands / 07946 321803 / CHAPS, BPS, VHS, MHCGB, FBS, BAPS,ROR/TARRA, HHSS
Rev.Mrs Susan / Hirons / 1 S&C / Midlands / 01455 220665
07949 915190 / VHS, FBS, BPS, HHSS, ROR, TARRA, MHCGB (ukusa)
Liz / Willetts / 2 / Midlands / 07771 884059 / VHS, HHSS
Emma / Rushton / 2 / Midlands / 01158 842710
Helen / Dunwell / 2 / Midlands / 07870 388993 / HHSS, MIDARC
Joy / Langley / 2 / Midlands / 07973 183898
Sandra / Samuels / 1 R&C / Midlands / 07812 218119 / CHAPS
Heidi / Sherer / 2 / Midlands / 07909 982936 / CHAPS, BSPA, SSADL, Equifest
Martin / Surman / INT R&C / Midlands / 07956 046725 / BSPA, (RIHS) CHAPS, TSR, VHS
Jayne / Thompson / 2 / Midlands / 07773 232470 / CHAPS, TSR
Thomas / Partridge / P / Midlands / 07969 270311 / CHAPS, SSADL
Leslie / Stewart / 1 S&C WH / Midlands / CHAPS
Caroline / Hamilton / 1 S&C / Midlands / 01457 857023 / CHAPS, BSPS* ,SSADL, PUK, TSR,NCPA
Nigel / Vale / 1 S&C / Midlands / 07805 397144 / MHCGB, BMHS, SPSBS, CHAPS, VHS, SSADL, SWPA, IMHPS, EACS, ASS, TSR, HHSS,MIDARC
Amanda / Brierley / 1 S&C / NE / 07725905792 / CHAPS
Amanda / Butler / 1 S&C / NE / 01709 375180 07740857388
Julie / Coleman / 2 / NE / 07799 722777
Shelia / Dinsdale / 1 S&C / NE / 07847 384921 01274 822402 / BSPA (RIHS) ,NCPA,TSR,MIDARC, SSAD, CHAPS, MHCGB
Pamela / Duker / 1 S&C / NE / 07939 054506 / BSPA( RIHS), CHAPS(HOYS), MHCGB, NCPA, VHS, TSR P(UK), SSADL
Alison / Gladwin / 1 S&C / NE / 07961 537469 / NCPA,CHAPS (HOY’s) BSPA, VHS. Donkey panel, MHGB ROR, TARRA, SSADL, PUK
Vicky / Goldsborough / 1 S&C / NE / 07767370587/01709554302 / PUK, RPB, HPB, NCPA, CHAPS, VHS, SSADL, TARRA, MHGB, TSR, APPALOOSA SOCIETY
Kelly / Blackburn / 2 / NE / 7590220097
Abbie / Hurst / 2 / NE
Tracey / Neesam / 2 / NE / 07988 609654 / 15+
Gemma / Piper / 2 / NE / 07854 735996
Christine / Senior / 1 S&C / NE / 07545 044285 / BSPS, BSPA, CHAPS, PUK, VHS, SSADL
Helen / Singleton-Bell / 1 S&C / NE / 07525 011063 / NCPA, VHS, SSAD, DBS, TSR, MHCGB, IMHS,CHAPS, PUK, BMHS, ROR, TARRA
Tracy / Southern / 1 S&C / NE / 07960 915420 / CHAPS (HOYS), BSPA (RIHS), CB, ID (GB), VHS, NCPA, TARRA
Alison / Yates / 1 S&C / NE / 7415856965 / CHAPS, TSR, SSADL
Robin / Avery / 1 S&C / NW / 7855782909 / CHAPS, BSPA, BSPS, NPS, PUK, Fell Pony Society, Connemara Pony Society, VHS
Kim / Carrick / 2 / NW / 07732 436556
Beverley / Beresford / 1 S&C / NW / 07766 884150 / BSPA, Chaps. DBS. BAPS, NCPA
Johnny / Simpson / 2 / NW / 07729 862782 / CHAPS, 15+, VHS
Lyndsey / Birtwell / 1 S&C / NW / 07966 230353 / CHAPS (HOYS), BSPA (RIHS) BSPS, SP, SHP & Heritage
Jacqui / Bland / 1 S&C / NW / 01539 821410
Jo- Anne / Mack / 2 / NW / 07985 947336 / NCPA, TSR, SSADL
Rachael / Dudziak / 2 / NW / 07877856681 / VHS, NCPA (M&M), MHCGB
David / Fearnley / 1 / NW / 07794667645
Nigel / Hollings / 1 S&C / NW / 01254 812805 / BSPS,NPS,BSHA ,SHB (GB),CHAPS,BSPA, Arab Horse Society, PUK,NCPA,VHS,SSAD,
Helen / Horsfall / 1 S&C / NW / 07597 632116 / British Connemara Pony Society, BSPS, PUK, SSADL, VHS, NCPA, TSR
Karen / Logan / 1 S&C / NW / 01254 694517 / BSPA, NCPA, British Appaloosa Society, DBS
Linda Jean / Marsden / 1 S&C / NW / 01254 54840 / BSPS, PUK, VHS, SSA,TSR, CHAPS, SSADL and NCPA
Chris / Patrick / 1 S&C / NW / 07855 782909 / CHAPS, BSPA, BSPS, PUK, Connemara Pony Society. VHS
Margaret / Ogden Bayley / 1 S&C / NW / 07977 787996 / NCPA, RoR, TSR, 15+ Showing Society, BSPA(RIHS) PUK, VHS, SSADL
Leanne / Pickford / 1R&C / NW / 01704 225691 / CHAPS (HOYS), BSPA
Michelle / Pickford / 1 R&C / NW / 01704 225691 / CHAPS (HOYS), BSPA (RI), TSR VHS< SSADL
Chris / Dickson-Bradley / 1 S&C WH / NW / 07971 008124 / NCPA, TSR, SSADL
Chris / Porter / 1 S&C / NW / 07955 489817 / CHAPS , NCPA, BSPA, BDS, TSR, AEMHS, BAPS, MIDARK, VHS,Royal London, IMHPS, CHS
Vincent / Seddon / 1 S&C / NW / 07873 805674 / TSR, BAPS, VHS, SSADL, SWPA,
Vivien / Shepley / 1 S&C / NW / 07718 373295 / BSPS, CHAPS (HOYS), PUK, VHS, SSAD, NCPA, Royal London
Sue Helen / Shuttleworth / 1 R&C / NW / 07980 570982 / CHAPS, TSR
Sam / Blackshall / 2 / NW / 07399 514539 / 15 plus
Chloe / Smallbone / 2 / NW / 07977 100018 / BSPA,TSR, NCPA, CHAPS
Wilma / Sprung / 2 / NW / 07497 542183
Audra / Taylor Jackson / 2 / NW / 07957 444 680 / TARRA
Graham / Steeden / 1 S&C / NW / 07925 554644 / CHAPS (A), NCPA, DBS, VHS, SSADL, TSR
Christina / Wood / 1 S&C / NW / 0161 4400284 / CHAPS, DBS, BPS
Carole / Swarbrick / 2 & WH / NW / 01942 707419
07742433290 / VHS SSADL (Olympia) NCPA IMHPS SSA
Martyn / Adams / 1 S&C / Scotland / 01651 891758
Stuart / Ashton / 1 S&C / Scotland / 07738 820936 / CHAPS, SCOTTISH SPORTS HORSE
Lynne / Denholm / 2 / Scotland / 07824 880335
John / Karwl-Jackes / 2 / Scotland / 01346 541749
07821 751311 / VHS, NPS, BSPA
Lesley / McNaughton-Wells / 1 S&C / Scotland / 07757 435264
01738 827229 / CHAPS, TSR, VHS, SSADL , BRC
Matthew / Burkes / 2 / Scotland / 07943 504310 / CHS
Richard / Telford / 1 S&C / Scotland / 07885 058451
James / Bardwell / 1 S&C / SE / 07956 018729 / CHAPS
Andrea / Betteridge / INT S&C EV WH / SE / 07931 206579 / CHAPS
Lady Anne / Vestey / INT S&S / SE / Welsh (Int)
Lucy / Carvall / 1 S&C / SE / 07867 860096 / CHAPS
Colin / Peopall / 2 / SE / 01245 321517
07812 010416 / BSPA
Theresa / Fryer / 2 / SE / 07944 133857
Nancy / Graylen / 1 S&C / SE / 07974 247899 / BSHA, BSPS, PUK, RoR, TARRA, Cherif, Equifest
Dave / Saunders / 1 S&C / SE / 07949 945793
Valentine / Sheehan / INT S&C EV WH / SE / 07912 283565 / CHAPS
Lacey / Smith / 2 / SE / 07958 443198 / ASS
Kellie / Aldridge / 1 S&C / South Central / 7795081757
Bev / Beresford-Batten / 1 S&C / South Central / 07747 898314 / CHAPS, BApS , BPS, BMHS, British Spotted Pony, IMPS
Jackie / Brown / INT S&C / South Central / 02392 413735
Claire / Hempston / 2 / South Central / 07581 459871
Terry / Jenvey / 1 S&C / South Central / 01962 866299 / ROR, TARRA, BPS, MHS, BAS, BMHS,TSR,BSPS,WBS
Diane / Kelly / 1 S&C / South Central / 07810 406068 / CHAPS
Heather / Linfield / INT S&C / South Central / 02392 412550 / DBS, BMHS
Kerrilee / Wilson Smith / 2 / South Central / 07970 119543 / IDHS, TARRA, SSAD, VHS, CBHS, RoR, TSR
Hazel / Long / 1 S&C / South Central / 07789 888375 / CHAPS, BAPS, BMHA
Karoline / Thorpe / 1 S&C / South Central / 07837556454/01844 281070 / CBS,SSADL,TSR,IMHPS,BMHCGB,BAPS, FBS,ISS,HHSS, ROR, SS, CHAPS
David / Hodge / 1 S&C / SW / 01837 55402 / BSPA, SPSBS, DPS
Daren / Commins / 2 / SW / 01392 668241
Julian / Walters / 1 S&C / SW / 01837 55402 / BSPA, SPSBS
Kim / Mills / P / SW / 07970 436360
Lisa / Leigh / 2 / SW / 07971042033/01884881543
Gwyneth / Edgar / 1 S&C / West / 07941 933752 / PUK, CHAPS, ACA IMHS VHS, SSDL, TSR, HOYS LEVEL
Kim / Neal / 1 S&C / West / 01248 750394 07894 739871
Lin / Herridge / 1 S&C WH / West / 01545 570914 07977 498090 / CHAPS (Hoys) TARRA, IMHPS, BHSRC, TSR, VHS (Snr Judge) SSADL (Olympia) FBS (UK) HHSS, SWPA, RL. (BSJA) 2*
Terinna / Pesci-Griffiths / 1 S&C / West / 07767 374079 / BSPS,PUK,CHAPS,BSPA,VHS,SSAD,MHCGB (HOYS, RIHS, Olympia)