
Principles: Four R’s /
  1. Respect yourself and others.
  2. Respect the learning process.
  3. Respect the physical learning environment.
  4. Responsibility for your actions.

Consequences: NOT Living by the “Four R’s.” /
  1. Verbal Warning or Written Warning
  2. Conference or Phone Call to Parent/Guardian
  3. Detention
  4. Office Referral
*Depending on severity of actions or behavior the Parent/Guardian will be notified as well the Administration of Swansboro High School.
*We will be following and supporting Onslow County and Swansboro High School Student Codes of Conduct.
Grading/Assignment Breakdown: /
  • Projects & Simulation Activities – 20%
  • EverFi Modules – 20%
  • Classwork& Homework – 20%
  • Quizzes – 20%
  • Tests – 20%
*These percentages are subject to change. Students and Parents/Guardians will be notified of changes if they occur.
Class Fee: /
  • The Class Fee is $5.00. Students can either bring in cash or have a check written to Swansboro High School.
  • Our goal is to have everyone’s class fee paid before or by Wednesday, September 9, 2015.

Materials: /
  • Pencils and Pens
  • Laptops (Every 9th & 10th Grader is required to have their laptop in class fully charged.)
  • Everyone needs to have a 1 inch spiral notebook and a 1 inch three ring binder.
  • Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) *
  • All are wonderful devices and great for the classroom. However, you have to register it with Swansboro High School.
  • It will be up to Mr. Moody, NOT THE STUDENT, whether PEDs will be permitted during instructional use. It is a PRIVILEGE, NOT A RIGHT, to use PEDs.

Safety Policy: /
  • Whenever we have a Fire Drill, Evacuation, Lockdown, etc. students will listen and follow all instructions given by the teacher. Failure to do so will have negative consequences. We will follow and support school protocol. Safety is the most important policy in the classroom.

Make-Up Policy: /
  • If a Student is absent it is their responsibility to make-up all necessary work promptly. Students are responsible for all Notes, Warm-Up Activities, Projects, Classwork/Homework, Quizzes, and Tests.
  • If you are absent, you are still required to submit all work. I will not chase you to complete any work. That is your responsibility. Each day an assignment is late 10% will be deducted for the assignment.

Guidelines Affecting Student Completion of The Course: /
  • Punctuality & Attendance
  • On task and staying focused on the tasks occurring in the class.
  • Adhering to all County, School and Classroom Rules, Processes, Procedures, and Principles.
  • Submitting all Assignments & Work on Time.
  • Positive and Business Professional conduct towards Educators, Peers, School Faculty, and Visitors/Guest Speakers.

Tutoring/After School Help: /
  • Students needing extra help can come in for PA on Thursday or stay after school for tutoring.
  • Students and Parents/Guardians need to make the necessary arrangements and set up an appointment with me via e-mail if students are receiving tutoring after school.

If you have any questions now or in the future you may email me at

Thank you for taking your time reading, I am looking forward to a superb semester!!!


Please sign and return the bottom part of this Syllabusindicating you have read the Syllabus as well as the Student, Parent/Guardian, and Educator Contract.

Student Name (Print):______

Student Signature & Date:______

Parent/GuardianName (Print): ______

Parent/Guardian(Signature& Date):______

Parent/Guardian E-Mail (Print): ______