St. Ann PTO Minutes
October 11, 2016
Carrie & Casey McLiney: (Co Presidents) Carrie opened with a prayer. Shared bookmark for the older kids that is a gift from Carrie and Casey to PTO, and then ultimately from the PTO to students. Working on one for the little kids. First, for anyone who overlaps with Fall Festival, and for those who supported it in any way, thank you for all that you have done for the school. It was a great night!! It is no small task to say the least and your efforts and/or your support of this school is much appreciated by St. Ann PTO. We had had a fun and successful Spirit Night at Spin Pizza. We marketed Walk to School Day and had Soles for Souls AOK project running. We had Spirit Day Cafe, these to name a few of our recent activities. Trunk or Treat is coming up, Thursday, October 27.
Katie McCune:(Presidents-Elect) Present but no report.
Kim Warner:(Past President) Present but no report.
Christine Rolli (Treasurer): Envelope in the office to share any feedback. Will check it twice a week. Carrie will send out copy of reimbursement sheet. It is also available in the office.
Mike Reilly (Principal): Thank you all that had many roles that contribute to the Fall Fest. Spirit Night was a success at Spin pizza. Child of God Draw near is going very well. Participating grades are 2,3,5,6, and 8. Each year has a different theme. PTA sponsored and it is a terrific program that has grown each year. The two administrators attended the Beatification of Mother Teresa so will focus on that next year. St Ann piloted the Divine Mercy for 6 grades so hope to continue that. End of quarter and teacher in service this Friday so no school. Conferences next week.Faith family event is on the Oct. 19. School of Faith monthly meeting is Oct. 31. First day of quarter on Oct. 17. In place of Shine tickets are we have a by class recognition called Tiger Pride. First recognition will be Monday 17 rewards are for good behavior in hallway, restroom, Mass, etc. Shine assembly still in place…this is at a class level not individually. Everyone participates. Every student will get a ‘life is precious’ wristband at all school mass tomorrow. All school Rosary will be on Oct. 24. The rosary should emphasize the pro-life prayers.
Very pleased to report that 100% of teachers donated a teacher experience for the auction. They had a jeans day to celebrate the support. Very successful MATHletics -6th took 1st and 5th took 2nd. Also very successfulQuizbowl. 7th and 8th took 2nd.
Meg Winne and Tisha Zimmerman (Decorating):Using decor from Fall Fest, which will stay in place until Dec 1.
Francie Bradley and Carrie Reiser (Staff Activities):Not present but sent report. Dropped off donuts in the teacher’s lounge on Friday morning as a thank you for dealing with Fall Festival and all that comes with it! We will have more to share with the upcoming December Teacher’s luncheon.
Amy Collier and Jill Bleything (Spirit Night): Not present.
Shelby Ross and Christy Staker (Student Enrichment): Teachers have been so receptive. Presented to them last Sept. and they are really taking ideas and going with them. Examples are money museum and AR School Tours, which kids really enjoyed.Community Garden is being overseen by 2nd graders. Representative from Community Garner checks in. Second grade pulled radishes. Every second grader took home a radish, which was cool! Are 2 grades ok? Mike said might change classes in the spring to give other kid a chance. Everyone loving it! Spiritual Adoption program for 8th graders. Showing how babies develop and show that as Catholics we stand for life. Getting ready for pro-life forum day on the Oct. 19. Fifth and sixth families paid for the Nelson field trip, rather than PTO. Everyone loved Nelson too!
Amy Whitney (Monthly Fundraising): Not present but sent report. Pizza Spirit Day went very well last Friday, and next Pizza Spirit Day is November 4th. Many thanks to all that volunteered!
Jen Reintjes (8th),Karie Nelson (7th)(Student Volunteers): We do have student volunteers!
Heather Sullivan (AoK): Busy with collections. We do two projects per semester. Have done shoes and costumes thus far. We collected backpacks for Catholic Charities but it was not very successful. Need to revaluate. Might consider changing it to spring. Up next will be collecting Halloween candy for the troupes. Our sister school is Resurrection. Third grade is planning a field trip in which they will have an art project there.
Stephanie Grier and Meghan Parrot (Spirit Wear): Not present but sent update. The first round of spirit wear was delivered last week and the next order is due by Oct. 25 to be guaranteed for the December spirit day. There will be reminders in the next few Friday bulletins.
Brooke Santa and Lisa Stuart (Program and Hospitality): Trunk or Treat is Oct. 27. Have had good responses for MOSAYC ….so will have good amount of younger kids there, which is good exposure. Need to make sure big kids are respectful …note that there will be younger kids there. Mike will put something in the bulletin about younger kidsandto only take on candy from each car. If anyone wants to help we can use other hands to stand at the entrance to tell where to park and pizza distribution. Helpful that it was very structured, what to get back to that. It should be a parade. Need some crossing guards for exiting cars. A teacher asked if she could bring her family. YES! We will waive the $10 fee. We will send the teachers an email to invite them.
Jessica Hagg (New Parent):Present but no report.
Sarah Emerson (Major Fundraising):Not present and no report.
Tracy Blasdel and Charlotte Butler (Public Relations):Charlotte has begun working on the glassed-in bulletin board that we will update throughout the year. It is in the hall toward the 3rd grade. We still need assistance getting photos of students. We don't have a good supply chain yet. We would like to put together a photo collage for Q1 for a Friday email if we can get great photos.Events of interest include class project, garden, AOK, field trips or anything! If we want to get published outside of St Ann we need more lead-time than we had for the Walk for Life. Mike and Tracy on the mission to be in The Leaven. Christy says Spiritual Adoption would be good place to start. Partnership to resurrection would be good for The Leaven. Mike tried but Nativity adopted Resurrection as well and then took the whole school so they got the Leaven coverage. Mike would love to have the Resurrection connection to be publicized so will keep on it. Fifth and 6thare working on the AOK for Giving the Basics in January, which would be good for The Leaven.
Erica Creger (Parent Activities): Not present but sent a report. Secret Pals are up in running and all is good! I have nothing to report.
Katie Lindmark and Emily Eckles (Parent Volunteers): Not present and no report.
Liz Schroeder, Maggie Doolittle, Ellen Algrim, and AniRenz (SCRIP): Not present.
Megan Schumm (Box Tops): Reminder went out in the bulletin. Carrie wants to explore a trash bag drive. Probably too late for this year but will be good for next year. Perhaps organize classroom competitions. Paper bags do not have large enough margin to work.
Annie Brown (Health and Wellness): National Walk to School Day went very well! Nice weather. Health tid bits on website not on the app. Last month was for concussion. Alysha is doing something for next month. Would be good to add a link. “Click here to see the health forms”. Will send next month report to Linda. Mike thanked for the concussion info. It is a hot topic so much appreciated. Glenda wants to be a resource. She has her own link. We need to make sure both links are in the same place on the website. Link in bulletin will be good.
Allie Foster (Staff Representative): Thank you for the donuts for the Fall Fest. Secret Pals really brighten our day…thank you! Children of God Draw Near is the best ! Kids are so excited to the make Rosary. 8th graders are preparing for confirmation. New students got their spirit wear on their doorstop thanks to New Family committee efforts and that was very cool! Thank you!
Nancy Wilkerson (Secretary)- Closed with a prayer.