Respect Treasurer Job Descriptionand Person Specification
About the charity
Respect, a pioneering domestic violence organisation, is looking for a Treasurer to advise the Board of Trustees and the Chief Executive on finances.Respect supports frontline organisations across the UK, so that together we can end domestic abuse.
Respect’s mission focusses on changing, or disrupting, the behaviour of the perpetrators of domestic abuse; and on young people who are using violence in close relationships. Respect also works with male victims of domestic abuse.
Respect’s work is wide ranging: we offer accreditation of specialist Domestic Violence Prevention Programmes; we provide training for individuals and organisations working in the sector; we provide two helplines to enable service users to get the help and advice they need; we lobby influencers to improve policy and practice; we support up-to-date research undertaken by specialists in the field; and we fundraise to ensure important work continues to happen. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to support this work, and ultimately, help us reach our goal of stopping domestic violence.
Unusually in the domestic violence sector, Respect has a mixed gender staff team and Board of Trustees. This is your chance to work with a diverse team that is passionate about men and women working together to end domestic violence.
As a Trustee you will have the opportunity to shape the future of a unique charity and work with other trustees and the staff team.
We welcome suitably qualified applications from first-time Trustees. Full support,inductionand reasonable expenses will be provided.
Key duties
The Treasurer’s key duties are to:
- Maintain an overview of Respect's financial affairs;
- Ensure Respect’s financial viability;
- Ensure that proper financial records and procedures are maintained;
- Provide guidance to the Finance team and oversight of our financial transformation project;
- Chair theSustainability subgroup of the Trustee Board and provide advice on the finances to the Board.
We are currently implementing a review to transform Respect’sfinancial management systems, and to improve Respect’s ability to manage its finances more pro-actively. This is being led by the Finance Manager (who is an experienced freelance management accountant working part-time for Respect), reporting to the Chief Executive. We would expect the Treasurer to play a part in over-seeing and guiding the implementation of these changes, and this will require the post-holder to develop a reasonable understanding of the organisation’s finances and to work closely with the Finance team (Finance mManager, Finance Officer and Operations Director).
The Treasurer is responsible for:
- Oversight &approval of Respect budgets, accounts and financial statements. Including responsibilities for:
- governance of accountsand financial statement preparation and disclosure to relevant stakeholders (for example statutory bodies and funders);
- ensuring robust accounting controls and procedures are in place;
- If external scrutiny of accounts is required, ensuring that the accounts are scrutinised in the manner required (independent examination or audit) and any recommendations are implemented.
- Review and advise on the financial implications of Respect’s strategic plans and contribute to the fundraising strategy of Respect.
- Governance of financial resources of Respect, providing assurance they meet present and future needs.Including governance for:
- Reserves and reserves policy;
- Investment activities & Policies;
- Compliance with legislation and ensuring no conflicts with the Charity’s aims and objects;
- Equipment and assets.
- Board representation and advice on financial matters:
- Oversight and presentation of financial board papers;
- Ensuring Board of Trustees are informed about its financial duties and responsibilities;
- Formal presentation of the accounts at the annual general meetingand drawing attention to key points.
- Sitting on appraisal, recruitment and disciplinary panels as required.
The statutory duties of a trustee are to:
- Ensure that Respect complies with its governing document, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations;
- Ensure that Respect pursues its objects as defined in its governing document;
- Ensure Respect uses its resources exclusively in pursuance of its objects: the charity must not spend money on activities which are not included in its own objects, no matter how worthwhile or charitable those activities are;
- Contribute actively to the Board in giving firm strategic direction to Respect, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets;
- Safeguard the good name and values of Respect;
- Ensure the effective and efficient administration of Respect;
- Ensure the financial stability of Respect;
- Protect and manage the property of the charity and to ensure the proper investment of the charity's funds;
- Appoint the CEO and monitor her/his performance.
Other duties
In addition to the above statutory duties, each trustee should use any specific skills, knowledge or experience they have to help the Board reach sound decisions.
This may involve:
- Scrutinising Board papers;
- Leading discussions;
- Focusing on key issues;
- Providing guidance on new initiatives;
- Supporting or mentoring staff;
- Other issues in which the trustee has special expertise.
Treasurer Person Specification
- Commitment to and willingness to work in accordance with Respect’s principles and values;
- Willingness and ability to devote the necessary time and effort to meet the duties and responsibilities of the post;
- Strategic vision;
- Good, independent judgement;
- Ability to think creatively;
- Willingness to speak their mind;
- Understanding and acceptance of the legal duties, responsibilities and liabilities of trusteeship;
- Ability to work effectively as a member of a team;
- Nolan's seven principles of public life as outlined in the Trustee Code of Conduct: selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
Treasurer person specification
In addition to the above:
- Financial qualifications and experience;
- Some experience of charity finance, fundraising and pension schemes;
- The skills to analyse proposals and examine their financial consequences;
- Preparedness to make unpopular recommendations to the Board of Trustees;
- Willingness to be available to staff for advice and guidance.
Time commitment
The Treasurer is expected to:
- prepare for and attend 4 Board meetings a year(usually a weekday 2-6pm);
- prepare for and chair 4-6 Sustainability subgroup meetings (by teleconference lasting 1.5 hours each) which are planned well in advance;
- be available to meet with and give advice to the CEO and Finance Team regularly, at least once a month (though this could be done by phone);
- have the time to liaise with the Chair and other trustees and stakeholders, as needed. Attendance at one or two Respect Events per year is also encouraged.