Esther Dorvilus Lesson Plan 2
Author: Esther Dorvilus
Lesson Title: The Laws of Exponents
Suggested Grade Level: 8
Estimated Lesson Tim: 50 minutes
Student Prior Knowledge: Students will be able to identify apply the
number and operation method to simplify real number expressions.
Standards: MA.8.A.6.3: Simplify real number expressions using the laws
of exponents.
Goals: Students will use the laws of exponents to simplify real number
expressions and evaluate real world problems. Understanding how to use
the laws of exponents to simplify expressions will allow students to
recall the numbers and operations method and apply them to solve real
world problems. Students can later use this skill when determining how
they want to construct something, giving a blueprint of a house, or
simply applying this skill to activities that involve measurements.
This skill is beneficial in the career of architecture, construction,
interior design, engineering, etc.
Learning Objectives or "I can statements": Given a case study about
remodeling a house, students will correctly evaluate the case study
by applying the laws of exponents to demonstrate how they would
simplify real number expressions. As a result, they will have
developed exponential measurements for the new house.

Resources: smart board, case study

1. Teacher/students answer review questions from previous day's lesson. (5 mins)
2. Teachers will quickly demonstrate how to use the laws of exponents to simplify real number expression. (5 mins) For ex. 3^2=3x3
3. Teachers will then break students into groups of 4 and give each group the same case study.
4. The questions on the case study will be as follows:
The Bubba Family has lost their home because of Hurricane Mark hitting
their town last month. They are in the process of remodeling their
house but they do not remember the measurements of their old home.
However, they are using yard sticks to estimate the size of their
bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. For example, 1 yardstick = 3 ft. Given
the measurements below, students will draw a representation of the
house, label each part of the house and simplify the expressions using
the laws of exponents. Students will provide the area of that section
of the house. (33 mins)
Ex. Basement: 2 yardsticks wide, 1 yardstick long= 3^2 x 3 Area=3^3
1) Bedroom: 3 yardsticks long, 5 yardsticks wide. Area?
2) Bathroom: 2 yardsticks long, 3 yardsticks wide. Area?
3) Kitchen: 4 yardsticks long, 5 yardsticks wide. Area?

4) Entire house: (3^3+3^2+3^4) yardsticks long, (3^5+3^3+3^5) yardsticks
wide. Area?
5. Students will then presents their answers to the classroom by
drawing their house on the smart board and showing step by step how
they came up with their answers.They will select one part of the house
and demonstrate that one. (7 mins)
Assessment: A rubric will be used to assess student's accuracy on the
case study.