Go For It

Main and Continuation Grants

Application Form

Our Mission

To encourage creative ways of working which develop the life and mission of the local church and are transformative for communities and congregations.

We are delighted that you have reached the point of applying for funding support from Go For It, for your initiative. Our funds can only make a difference in the world as local churches and projects come up with new ways to meet the needs and build life in their communities. Any application must be able to demonstrate clearly its association with at least one Church of Scotland congregation. Successful applications to Go For It will clearly demonstrate a commitment to good partnership working.

Project Name:
Name of person completing this application:

Guidelines For Applicants

It is very important to use the Guidelines that we have produced to help you fill in the form. These Guidelines give an explanatory note to the kind of information that we require in each section. These are downloadable from our website: Have them to hand as you complete the form and read each note as you consider each question. It will enhance your chances of success.

This form asks a lot of questions and some applicants will find it quite challenging. It is designed to encourage you to think through issues which will help you to build a project that lasts and is really effective. It also enables us to understand as clearly as we can both the difference you want to make in the world and when you are ready to do that successfully.

Use all your contacts and people involved in your project to keep talking through your ideas to make them as strong as you possibly can. We aim to be a supportive funder and the Go For It staff team are happy to answer any queries. We can’t help you to complete the form but we can clarify anything that you don’t understand. We want to help you build a strong project, changing church and community for good.

There are other sources of support within the Church of Scotland. If you intend to work towards the Go For It criterion, “Tackling poverty and/or social injustice”, you might like to make contact with the Priority Areas team within the Church of Scotland. They are responsible for the support, development and co-ordination of the Church’s work within its poorest communities and would be pleased to hear from you:

If you intend to work towards the Go For It criterion, “developing new ecclesial/Christian communities”, you might like to make contact with these agencies within the Church of Scotland: the Joint Emerging Church Group (JECG) and Fresh Expressions. They support the development of this work and would be pleased to hear from you:

Fresh Expressions – David

JECG – Angus Mathieson, Lesley

Summary of Application

We will use this summary to quickly get an idea of what you are trying to achieve.

(Please see note in Guidelines for Applicants)

How much will your project cost in total?

How much are you asking for from us in total?

What main items of expenditure will Go For It money cover?

Who do you want to make a difference for through your project?

(in 50 words or less)

What need have you identified?

(in 100 words or less)

What difference do you want to make for them (these are the outcomes you want to achieve?

(in 100 words or less)

What activities will you run to bring about this difference?

(in 100 words or less)

Where will this project principally operate?

(in 30 words or less)

Part One – The Applicant

To help us raise awareness of the fund, please tell us how you heard about Go For It?

1.1Name of organisation:

1.2Name of this project:

1.3Organisation address:

1.4Contact people:

(You must supply the names of two contacts, who have been involved in completing this form. At least one of the contacts should be someone who is managing the project, and neither should be a paid member of staff who will be funded through the application).

Name / Role in organisation / Contact address / Telephone number / Email address

1.5What kind of organisation are you?

Church of Scotland congregation [ ]

Other organisation (please specify)

Charity Number (if appropriate)

Company Number (if appropriate)

1.6Are you registered with any other body? (eg professional, regulatory, denominational)

1.7Who is responsible for the governance of your organisation?

1.8How will this particular project be managed within this structure?

Part Two – The Project

2.1 Is this an entirely new project or a new development in an ongoing piece of work?

2.2What have you done so far to get you to this stage?

2.3Who are the people who will benefit from this project?

2.4Outcomes - what difference do you want to make?

2.5Please consider carefully the criteria of the fund:

  • meeting identified needs in their community
  • nurturing Christian faith within and beyond the church
  • tackling poverty and/or social injustice
  • developing new ecclesial/Christian communities
  • creating work which is genuinely innovative and shares good practice with others

Explain how closely your project meets these criteria:

2.6Activities - what will you do to bring about that difference?

2.7How will you know if you have made that difference?


Outcome 1
What will you do?
How will you assess the difference it has made?
Outcome 2
What will you do?
How will you assess the difference it has made?
Outcome 3
What will you do?
How will you assess the difference it has made?
Outcome 4
What will you do?
How will you assess the difference it has made?

2.9What potential risks or difficulties have you identified for this project and how do you plan to address these?

2.10What impact do you expect the project to have upon the life and worship of the congregation?

Part Two (a) – Severe poverty and additional funding

Only complete this section of the form if you are asking for additional funding above the normal upper limits of: 50% of total costs or £15,000 per annum (Main Grants); 50% of total costs or £10,000 per annum (Continuation Grants). This additional funding is available to those projects who can demonstrate that they will be working for the direct benefit of those people living in the most severe deprivation in our country.

If your project is not dealing with severe poverty but you have discovered, through significant and sustained efforts to source funding, that your particular project is by nature difficult to fund from other sources then you may wish to discuss your options with a member of the Go For It staff. In exceptional circumstances consideration may be given to a grant award beyond the normal limits.

All other applicants should continue at Part Three – Key dynamics.

2.11Please use this additional space to explain the circumstances of your beneficiaries more fully; in particular describing how you know that they are among those most in need in Scotland:

2.12How will you ensure that the work described above will successfully engage with the people you have told us about?

2.13Is there anything else you can tell us which will help us to understand how your project will support people who are living in severe poverty?

Part Three – Key dynamics


3.1How will different people be able to get involved in the project?

3.2What benefits will this involvement bring?

3.3If the project will involve volunteers how will they be:





3.4Who will be working with you on this project and in what ways?

3.5If the applicant organisation is not a Church of Scotland congregation please describe the nature of the relationship of the CofS congregation(s) with the project.

3.6Who else will you keep communicating with and why?


3.7When will people involved in the project be able to step back and think about what they are doing?

3.8What provision will you make for training for board members, staff or volunteers?

Part Four – Good practice

4.1How will you promote the safeguarding and welfare of children in this project?

4.2How will you promote the safeguarding and welfare of vulnerable adults in this project?

4.3How will you promote the health and safety of everyone involved in your project?

4.4What insurance cover will your project require?

4.5How will you handle and record the project’s finances?

Part Five - Resources

5.1What resources do you already have for this project?

5.2How much money will you need and for what? (Please refer to Guideline note)

Please complete the attached expenditure table.

5.3Where do you intend to raise this money? (Please refer to Guideline note)

Please complete the attached income table.

5.4What period was covered by your organisation’s last annual accounts?

5.5In those accounts what was your

Total income

Total expenditure


5.6Is there anything you would like to tell us that will help us to understand these figures?

5.7What other “in kind” resources will you need to find and where from? (You cannot show “in kind” resources as match funding, but it helps us to know more about your project’s sustainability).

5.8Have you ever had any funding for this project from the Parish Development Fund (PDF), Priority Areas Staffing Fund (PASF) or Emerging Ministries Fund (EMF)? Please give details.

5.9Are you applying for, or have you already received, any other CofS funding (for this project)? Please give details.

5.10What will you do if we are not able to fully meet your request?

5.11How will you try to ensure your project is sustainable beyond the period of Go For It funding?

Part Five (a) – Employees

5.12Please give details for all paid posts which will be supported by this grant:

Title / Salary / Employer’s pension contribution / Hours/week

What other paid staff, not funded by us, will be directly working in this project:

Title / Employed by? / Role in this project / Hours/week in this project

5.13Answer question (a) OR (b)

(a) How will you recruit the right person for this/these post(s)?


(b) If there is already a person in post, please give their name, starting date, and how they were assessed and appointed to this post:

5.14Please tell us how each post-holder funded by this grant will be supported and supervised?

Name of Line Manager:

Relevant experience of Line Manager:

Part Six - Declaration

Please give the name and details of someone outside your organisation who knows your work and understands your project sufficiently to provide a reference in support of your application.

Name: / Email:
Address: / Telephone Number:
Mobile: / Role/Position:

Please use this space to tell us anything else that you think is important to help us consider your application:

We declare on behalf of …………………………………………….. that the information given in this form and the attached documents is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge.

(You must supply two signatories).

Name: Position in organisation:

Signature: Date:

Name:Position in organisation:


Please return this form by email or post to:

Susan Calderhead, Go For It Fund Senior Administrator


Go For It Fund,Ministries Council, Church of Scotland, 121 George Street, Edinburgh, EH2 4YN

Part Seven – Checklist

Have you enclosed?

Main Grant Income and Expenditure Spreadsheet[ ]

Church of Scotland Extract Minute in support of both the project and this

application to Go For It[ ]

If Church of Scotland Congregation - most recent independently audited

Annual Congregational Accounts [ ]

If voluntary sector organization/other faith group – most recent

independently audited Annual Accounts[ ]

Constitution (unless CofS congregation)[ ]

Safeguarding policies and procedures(unless CofS congregation):

Children[ ]

Vulnerable adults[ ]

For Projects intending to employ staff:

Job description(s)[ ]

Person specification(s)[ ]

Written statement of employment particulars (draft)[ ]

Other employment policies (eg equal opportunities)*[ ]

Expression of support from Presbytery (or Presbytery committee)*[ ]

Letters of support or partnership commitments*[ ]

Health & Safety Policy*[ ]

Volunteering policies or procedures*[ ]

Other policies* ……………………………………………..[ ]

* These documents are optional, unless the specific nature of your project proposal requires them, but they are likely to be useful for all applicants.