Resource Impact and Authorisation Form
The Resource Impact and AuthorisationForm will enable a decision to be made as to whether the resource implications of a proposed curriculum amendment can be supported, and whether the amendment can progress.
Please ensure that your proposal has been approved using Departmental processes prior to completing this Impact Assessment
A material alteration is one which would change it in such a way that marketing information about it would require amendment, e.g. change of programme title, change of learning, teaching or assessment methods significant enough to change Unistats data significantly.
Delete sections that do not apply. If you need additional help to complete this form, please contact the Curriculum Records Manager.
Section 1: Proposal
Person submitting this proposal:Amendment to: / Programme / Module
Proposed Implementation Date:
Does the amendment proposed constitute a material alteration to the curriculum?
Section 2: Change to an Existing Approved Programme
Programme Name:Highest award title:
ISIS code:
Interim awards:
Is there a change to the title of this programme? / No / Yes which is proposed to change to …
Does the programme have a PSRB link? / No / Yes and the PSRB is ….
Which students do you propose this change affects? / New year 1 enrollers only / Currently enrolled students only / All students on this programme
(ensure you make it clear which students and how)
Date revised programme to be available to students:
Are there any changes to delivery? (part time/full time/sandwich/blended learning etc) / No / Yes which are …
Does this programme require any specific regulations? / No / Yes which are …
Name of Programme Manager:
Has the Programme Manager been informed of this change? / No / Yes
Summary of Programme Change
Indicate what the change is and whether the change is to front page/educational aims/learning outcomes/programme structure/entry requirements/assessment map/student learning/reference points):
Are you changing the programme’s aims? / No / YesAre you changing the programme’s learning outcomes? / No / Yes
Are you changing the programme’s structure? / No / Yes
Rationale for the change: / (include details of student/ external examiner and other feedback that may have prompted this change)
Indicate how this change will enhance the student experience
Details of change if not covered above:
(Indicate clearly which sections are changing)
Additional resources required: / (For example, staffing, student numbers, timetabling, library, IT, capital equipment, recurrent costs, fee income, other)
Academic year / Year(s) of students affected / Resource required / Anticipated cost
18/19 / 1 / IT package knitit – 10 licenses / £1000
19/20 / 2 / IT package knitit – 20 licenses / £1500
20/21 / 3 / IT package knitit – 20 licenses
0.5 Lecturer / £1500
Are you changing modules as part of this programme amendment? / No / Yes outlined below:
You need to include the ‘Course Information Sheet’ with this form. Highlight the changed text that this includes to support approval.
Section 3: Change to an Existing Approved Module
Existing approved module title:Existing module code:
If new title – full new module title:
(If changing a title, you may need a new module code – contact your Account Manager)
Module type: / Standard ☐ / Professional Practice ☐ / Project ☐
Contributes to which named award(s):
ISIS Award Code / Award Name / Compulsory/Optional
Is this module recognised by a PSRB? / No / Yes and the PSRB is ….
Does this module require any specific regulations? / No / Yes which are …
Module Leader name:
How many students are enrolled on this module in: / This year: / Last year:
Are you changing the learning outcomes? / No / Yes by …
Are you changing the Unistats information? / No / Yes by …
Are you changing the assessment of this module? / No / Yes by …
Details of module change if not covered above:
(Indicate what the change is and whether the change is to front page//syllabus outline/teaching and learning methods/reading strategy/indicative sources/web sites)
Rationale for the change: / (include details of student/ external examiner and other feedback that may have prompted this change)
Indicate how this change will enhance the student experience
Additional resources required: / (For example, staffing, student numbers, timetabling, library, IT, capital equipment, recurrent costs, fee income, other)
Summarise the Employability Mapping Database ratings without the amendment
Summarise the Employability Mapping Database ratings with the amendment. Comment on the implications of the amendment.
Section 4: Development of a new module
This section only has to be completed for new modules that are not being developed as part of a new programme.
Proposed module type: / Standard ☐ / Professional Practice ☐ / Project ☐Proposed module credit size: / 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / Proposed module level / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
Contributes to which named award(s):
ISIS Award Code / Award Name / Compulsory/Optional
Is this module proposed to be recognised by a PSRB? / No / Yes and the PSRB is ….
Could the module be scrutinised by an existing External Examiner? / No / Yes by …
Rationale for the new module: / (include details of student/ alumni/ industry/ external examiner and other feedback that may have prompted this development)
Indicate how the addition of this new module will enhance the student experience and employability, and align with the strategic direction of the department and institution.
Additional resources required: / (For example, staffing, student numbers, timetabling, library, IT, capital equipment, recurrent costs, fee income, other)
Estimated Teaching and Learning Hours
If this is to be a compulsory module on any programme please complete / Double click in the table and type over the number of hours – the table will total automatically. Please ensure that it totals correctly.
Estimated Assessment Types
If this is to be a compulsory module on any programme please complete / The table below indicates as a percentage the total assessment of the module which constitutes a -
Written Exam: Unseen written exam, open book written exam, In-class test
Coursework: Written assignment or essay, report, dissertation, portfolio, project
Practical Exam: Oral Assessment and/or presentation, practical skills assessment, practical exam
Double click in the table and type over the percentages – the table will total automatically.Please ensure that it amounts to 100%
Indicate how students will be consulted:
Indicate how external feedback (including PSRB if appropriate) will be sought to inform this development:
Remember that this new module will have to be added to the Employability Mapping Database, and as such an appointment should be made with the ICE administrator. This will be requested at validation.
Resource Impact and Authorisation Forms must be reviewed and recommended for progression by the relevant Head of Department.
Head of Department Name:
Head of Department Signature:
Date of recommendation for progression:
This section to be completed by the Curriculum Records Manager
Date of outcome:
On behalf of the Chair of Higher Education Executive, I am able to confirm the following decision(delete as required):
- Recommend the amendment goes forward for development
- Recommend the amendment is revised before going forward for development
- Does not recommend the amendment goes forward for development
The following conditions of recommendation must be addressed by the Curriculum Design Team and explicitly recorded within the documentation for consideration during the approval process:
Either None or list
The following recommendations should be considered by the Curriculum Design Team and integrated into the documentation for consideration during the approval process:
Either None or list
Higher Education Executive confirm that the proposal involves material alterations to:
No curriculum / The following curriculum:
This document should be circulated to:Person submitting this proposal / Chair of HE Executive/ Head of Department / Curriculum Records Manager / Curriculum Architect / Head of support service affected by resource requirements (as required)
If the proposal involves material alterations it should be circulated to:
Data Quality and Enhancement Manager (to update Unistats) / Admissions / Marketing
These people are asked to bring this Outcome to the attention of any relevant colleagues who were not on this circulation list.
Approved by:ASEC24072017 Author: L Dumbell Version: 2 Valid from: 1st Aug 2017 Page 1 of 5