2/8/16 – Minutes

Resource Family Advisory Board

Attending: Brian Headdings, Yurii Miller, David Garcia, Russell Pressley, Sabrina Owsley, Danielle Holt, Gwen Emel, Dora Wilson, Aileen McInnis, Lissa Rylander, Debbie Laflamme

Not in Attendance: Joanne Borges, Sara Childress, Alana Ballam-Schwam

Approval of Minutes: January’s meeting minutes were approved.

Updates and New Business:

  1. 2015 Initiatives
  2. Mentoring Q & A: This is still a work-in-progress. Brian, Aileen and Yurii will have (5) questions/answers completed by March face-to-face meetings.
  3. Starter Kits: It was agreed this project will continue year-round. Requests were made for feedback from foster parents and/or OCS licensing as to how the kits were being used. It was suggested that testimonials would be helpful for future publications. Yurii will send an email to gather feedback from the Northern region. It was mentioned that the Mat-Su office had previously assisted in gathering some testimonials. Sabrina noted another batch of kits were in the works with plans to be delivered by the end of February. Yurii and other staff will be delivering kits to the Nome and Kotzebue areas in the coming weeks.
  4. Region Specific Resources: This remains in-progress.
  5. RFAB Bylaws: The current plan is to use the National Foster Parent Association template and adjust accordingly. Aileen gave a history of RFAB’s creation and current sources of funding. It was stated that bylaw approval will be hinging on future grant monies. More will be discussed at the March face-to-face meetings.
  1. Regional Events: Members shared various events happening around the regions.
  1. ICWA Teleconference Update: Aileen shared the particulars for February’s teleconference and that the information had been publicized in several ways.
  1. 2016 Board Initiatives:
  2. Foster Parent Bill of Rights
  3. Starter Kits
  4. Region Specific Resources
  5. Mentoring Questions
  6. FosterWear
  1. National Foster Parent Association Meeting: June 22-25 in Las Vegas

Sabrina, Russ and Dave confirmed their interest in attending. Lissa shared her positive experience of attending the 2014 meeting in Florida. Brian asked Aileen whether RFAB would be a member. Although ACRF is, Aileen wasn’t certain if RFAB would be. She agreed to research and report back to the group.

  1. Face-to-Face Meeting in Juneau March 9 & 10, 2016: Alaska Airlines flights have been reserved as well as accommodations at The Prospector Hotel. Travel forYurii and Sara is still being confirmed. Aileen will follow up. Aileen shared that basic meals would be covered for the group during the two-day stay. Yurii has a Prospector conference room reserved and stated he had spoken with Christy Lawton and she plans to visit with the Board in Juneau. Brian explained the group will meet prior to legislative visits to discuss a cohesive plan in sharing RFAB information. He requested attendees dress in ‘business casual’. Aileen proposed publicizing a “Call/Email in Time” during the Juneau visit. It was noted that even though no one called in the last time this was offered, it would be beneficial to extend the opportunity especially since last time was the first time. Teleconferencing options will be discussed and explored.
  1. New Business: Dave engaged a conversation regarding OCS policy related to the acknowledgement of time for children to grieve when experiencing transition, specifically a termination of parental rights to adoption. Yurii proposed this potentially be a future agenda item so Sara can address.

Next Meeting: March 9 & 10 in Juneau