California State University Dominguez Hills
Academic Senate
Resolution on Amendments to Academic Senate Bylaws
Exec 08-11(MSP 2/18/09)
Resolved: the Senate approves the following amendments to the Bylaws of the General Faculty and the Academic Senate.
Amendments to Bylaw II. G.
The current language of Bylaws II. G. reads:
If a vacancy occurs in the position of the Senate Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson shall serve as Chairperson until a replacement can be elected. A special election shall take place as soon as it can be arranged. If the vacancy occurs before the end of the fall term, the new Chairperson shall finish the unexpired term. If the vacancy occurs later, the election shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term and the next regular term.
The revision would read:
If a vacancy occurs in the position of the Senate Chair between the annual election and the first Senate meeting of the Fall semester, a special election shall be held to fill the vacancy. If such a vacancy occurs later in the year, the Vice Chair shall serve as Chair until the next election. The requirement that the Chair be tenured (see Section IV F of the Constitution) shall not apply in this case, and such service as Chair shall only count against the “two consecutive terms” limitation of Section IV. F. if that service begins before the start of the Spring semester.
Amendments to Bylaw V. B.
The current language of Bylaw V. B. reads:
There shall be one faculty organizational committee, the Academic Senate Executive Committee. The general purpose of this committee is to facilitate the efficient functioning of the General Faculty and the Academic Senate.
The revision would read:
There shall be at least one faculty organizational committee, the Academic Senate Executive Committee. The general purpose of this committee is to facilitate the efficient functioning of the General Faculty and the Academic Senate. The Senate may create other organizational committees as it deems necessary or advisable.
Amendments to Bylaw V. D.
The current language of Bylaw V. D. reads:
The standing committees of the Academic Senate shall be the Educational Policies Committee, Faculty Policies Committee, and the Budget and Resource Committee. These committees will formulate policy recommendations of the Senate and carry out other tasks of a continuing nature. The Senate shall also determine eligibility rules and selection procedures for the Chairperson and members of each committee. The chairs of these committees shall be ex-officio members of the Senate.
The revision would read:
The standing committees shall include the Educational Policies Committee and the Faculty Policies Committee. The Senate may create other standing committees as it deems necessary or advisable. These committees will formulate policy recommendations of the senate and carry out other tasks of a continuing nature. The Senate shall also determine eligibility rules and selection procedures for the Chairperson and members of each committee. The chairs of these committees shall be ex-officio members of the Senate.