Long Term Plan– Year 3 – 2016-2017
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2Key Questions / What makes the earth angry? / Who lived in Britain first? / What makes Ancient Greece so legendary? / What came first, the apple or the blossom? / How can Usain Bolt moves so quickly? / Whyis the world so wonderful?
Driver / Geography / History / History / Science / Science / Geography
WOW Moment / Show a range of clips from Tsunamis, volcanoes and hurricanes. / Hands on History W/S / Wicked workshop? / Make a fruit salad / Sports day and compare with videos and measurements of Usain Bolt. / Show photos of Spain and play Spanish music. Children can try some tapas foods.
Reflection / Presentation of extreme weather using music, drama and dance. / Working in groups the children should put
together a ICT presentation of the life of Early Britons
taking account of their weapons, food, ways of
communicating and eating. / Fun Class Assembly Ancient 'Greeks Got Talent!' / Choose one of these areas and perform a presentation to the rest of the class: why are bees important to us? Where did that apple come from? What is seed dispersal? / From photographs of your balances explain how the skeleton and muscles link to support you. / Children in groups create a special presentation
Suggested Texts / Journey to the Centre of the Earth.
Escape from Pompeii
Stone Girl, Bone Girl (About Mary Anning) / Ug / Men and Gods
Greek Myths / James and the Giant Peach / Running Wild by Michael Morpurgo
Science / Rocks / Forces and Magnets / Sound / Plants
(Functions of parts of plants) / Animals incl humans
(Skeletons and movement) / Light
Geography / Climate zones, biomes, and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes, and the water cycle. / - / understand geographical similarities and
differences through the study of human and physical
geography of a region or area in a European country; / - / - / Understand the geographical differences through the study of human and physical geography at a region or area of the United Kingdom and a region or area in a European country.
History / - / Stone Age to the Iron Age, including:
- Hunter gatherers; Early farming; Bronze Age, and Iron Age / A study of Greek life and achievements and their
influence on the western world / - / - / -
Art / Design and make a volcano and make it erupt. / Cave-man style paintings.
Clay pots / Clay pot? / Georgia O’keefe
Sketches and watercolour paintings of flowers. / Drawing people: Sketches of Usain Bolt running positions. / Picasso
D and T / Make a shelter / Ancient Greece piece of clothing? / WOW: Design and make a fruit salad / Make a skeleton (levers and joints)
Music / Recreate extreme weather using instruments / Flight of the Bumblebee
Dance / Flamenco dancing
PE / Table tennis / Table tennis / gymnastics / Athletics / Rounders
Computing / Computer programming Unit 1: scratch / E-Safety
Online Research
Use child-friendly search engines independently to find information through key words.
The Adventures of Kara, Winston and the SMART Crew / E-Safety Week: E awareness –Webanauts
Computer programming Unit 1: scratch continued. / Computer animation to show the growth of a flower using movie maker. / Digital Imagery – still photography of athletic poses/actions
Computer programming Unit 2: Logo / Computer programming Unit 2: Logo
Literacy / Settings, explanation text, Newspaper report about a volcano eruption. / Information text, adventure story, settings, character descriptions,
Hull Fair poetry.
Letters to Father Christmas/elves. / Myth, information text, play-scripts, / Explanation text, instructions – how to make a fruit salad.
Newspaper report of a Giant Peach rolling across the countryside.
Story: Children create a story about a giantinsect (based on JaGP) / Persuasive writing: keeping healthy. Animal poetry. / Famous Author?
Holiday brochures, Biography about a Spanish figure.