University Medical Center of El Paso

level I comprehensive TRAUMA Facility RE-DESIGNATION

On the 14th day of February, 2017, at the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Managers of the EL PASO COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT (hereafter “UMC”), held in the City of El Paso, County of El Paso, State of Texas, with a quorum present, the following business was conducted:

WHEREAS, the Texas Health Safety Code, Chapter 773. (“Emergency Health Care Act”) provides that Level I trauma facilities be designated by the Texas Department of State Health Services in accordance with the standard set forth by the American College of Surgeons Verification Process; and

WHEREAS, the UMC Level I Comprehensive Trauma Facility is a tertiary hospital that maintains distinct leadership in the trauma system development, optimal care delivery, evaluation, training and research; and

WHEREAS, the UMC Level I Comprehensive Trauma Facility is the regional resource trauma center and has the capability to provide definitive care for every aspect of injury, prevention through rehabilitation; and

WHEREAS, the UMC Level I Comprehensive Trauma Facility has consistently provided exemplary service as the lead trauma facility for El Paso, Far West Texas, and Southern New Mexico; and

WHEREAS, continued operation of the UMC Level I Comprehensive Trauma Facility is contingent upon Re-Verification by the American College of Surgeons and Re-Designation by the Texas Department of State Health Services; and

WHEREAS, trauma is the leading cause of death for El Pasoans ages one year through 44 years and causes more premature mortality than any other single cause of death;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Managers of the El Paso County Hospital District hereby supports the Re-Designation of the UMC Level I Comprehensive Trauma Facility as the lead trauma facility for El Paso, Far West Texas, and Southern New Mexico; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Managers of the El Paso County Hospital District hereby approves the authority of the UMC Level I Comprehensive Trauma Facility Medical Director to make necessary changes to provide quality trauma care and meet Level I Comprehensive Trauma Facility designation standards.

ADOPTION effective the 14th day of February, 2017.

Chair of the Board of Managers

I certify that the above and foregoing constitutes a true and correct copy of a part of the minutes of a regular meeting of the Board of Managers of El Paso County Hospital District held on the 14th day of February, 2017.

Secretary to the Board of Managers