IST331 ModernDatabase Design and Implementation
Fall 2014
Section 1: 11:20am - 12:10pm MWF, BU 112
Prerequisite: IST311/511
Instructor: Timothy Arndt / Office location: BU 331Office Phone: (216) 687-4779 / Office hours: MW 2:00pm-4:00pm, 7:15pm-8:15pm
E-Mail: / Home Page:
Catalog Description: Design and implementation of databases. Data modeling and modeling tools. Models for databases: relational, hierarchical, network, object oriented. Integrity, concurrency, normalization, and SQL. Data warehouses and mining. GUI interfaces to databases. System implementation using database and graphical tools, testing, conversion, and post-implementation reviews.
Database Systems: Design, Implementation and Management, 11th edition, Coronel and Morris, Cengage, ISBN 1285196147.
Expected Outcomes: This course provides an understanding of the issues in managing database systems as an essential organizational resource. Students learn the enterprise data architecture components, data storage configurations, and information retrieval methods. The course is designed to provide individuals with a complete introduction to database concepts and the relational database model. Topics include SQL, normalization, design methodology, DBMS functions, database administration, and other database management approaches, such as client/server databases, object-oriented databases, data warehouses, and advanced database programming. At the completion of this course, students should be able to understand a user’s database requirements and translate those requirements into a valid database design.
Last day to drop: F, September5 (without W grade), F, October31 (with W grade).
Final Exam: WednesdayDecember 10, 10:15am-12:15pm
Assignments(4 or 5) 40% Midterm Exams (2) 40% Final Exam 20%
I reserve the right to change the weighting and number of assignments.
The following grading scale will be used to calculate final grades (subject to curving if class grades on exams are substantially below expected):
Total percentage earned / Total percentage earned93 - 100% / A / 80 - 82% / B-
90 - 92% / A- / 77 – 79% / C+
87 - 89% / B+ / 70 – 76% / C
83 - 86% / B / 60 – 69% / D
59% and below / F
Course policy
(1) Class participation and preparation
- Class participation and regular attendance are expected. If a student misses a class, the student is responsible for bringing herself/himself up-to-date on class material and assignments.
- All students are expected to read the assigned chapters prior to coming to class.
- Cell-phones may not be used during class. If I see you using a cell-phone, I may ask you to leave the classroom for the rest of the class period.
- Laptops/tablets may only be open/turned on during class period for note taking. If such use becomes distracting, I will remove this privilege for the rest of the semester.
- Continuous absence or late arrival may result in a warning. If the absence/lateness continues after the warning, your semester grade will be lowered by 5%.
(2) Exams
- Exams will be based on the combination of: material covered in lectures, the assigned reading from the textbooks, material covered in the notes, and lab practice.
- All exams are closed books and closed notes.
(3) Homework assignments
- All homework assignments are due at the beginning of class on the specified date. An assignment turned in one day late will get a 10% penalty, two days late will get a 20% penalty, etc. Assignments turned in after the beginning of class on the due date will be counted as one day late and will receive a 10% penalty.
- All assignments must be individually and independently completed. Should two or more students turn in substantially the same solution or program, in the judgment of the instructor, the solution will be considered a group effort. All involved in a group effort homework will receive a zero grade for that assignment.
- No late assignment will be accepted after the assignment is graded and returned.
(4) Make-up exams
- Make-up exams will only be given in case of serious need and only when the instructor is notified prior to the exam time. If this is not done, the grade is automatically 0 for that exam.
- Written verification for the student’s inability to take an exam will be required.
(5) Class cancellation
- If I need to cancel class for any reason, I will try to put an announcement on the course web page as early as possible.
(6) Submission of programming assignments
- Your program and all other supporting documents must be emailed to the following account:
- If you need to compress your file(s) you should only use zip compression.
- You may need to change the extension to one or more of your files to make it past email filters (on your end or mine). If you are not sure, send a separate email to the account asking for verification of your submission.
- Failure to follow these rules will result in the loss of points on your assignment.
(7) Grading mistakes
- All grading mistakes must be corrected within one week of the return of the assignment or exam. No exceptions.
- It is your responsibility to verify that your exams/assignments have been graded correctly.
Grading Criteria
No extra credit will be given.
For programming assignments, in order to receive a grade of 100, the program must be extensively commented, well formatted, and must meet all program requirements as stated in the assignment. A document containing (as a minimum) the name of the programmer, complete instructions for running the program (including any assumptions about the test environment), any limitations of the program, and a test procedure. This document must be formatted as text (not Word) unless explicit permission is given. Any test data needed for testing must be provided as well.
Deductions will be made for violations of any of the above criteria.
A program that does not run at all will not receive a grade above 70.
A program that always fails to produce correct results will not receive a grade above 80.
Programs that work on some (but not all) test cases (both those provided by the student and those provided by the instructor) will have a maximum grade of between 81 and 95, depending on the number of cases in which the program produces incorrect results.
For exams, problems will be multiple choice/true false/short answer as well as problem solving and descriptive problems. For problem solving type questions, mistakes in arithmetic will result in only small deductions while failure to use the correct technique will result in a larger deduction. Any assumptions that you make in answering these types of questions should be written as part of the answer to the question. A small deduction will be made if your answer is very hard to read, so be neat. Illegible answers will receive no credit. For descriptive type questions, if you describe some other entity rather than one asked for, you will receive no credit.
Week 1 / Database SystemsWeek 2 / Data Models
Week 3 / The Relational Database Model
Week 4 / Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling
Week 5 / Advanced Data Modeling
Week 6 / Normalization of Database Tables
Week 7 / Introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL)
Week 8 / Advanced SQL
Week 9 / Database Design
Week 10 / Transaction Management and Concurrency Control
Week 11 / Database Performance Tuning and Query Optimization
Week 12 / Distributed Database Management Systems
Week 13 / Business Intelligence and Data Warehouses
Week 14 / Database Connectivity and Web Technologies
Week 15 / Database Administration and Security
Diversity statement: This classroom will be a safe and respectful environment that will respect all differences, i.e., race, ethnicity, gender, gender identification, sexual orientation, religion, and will not tolerate discrimination in any form.
Disability statement: Educational access is the provision of classroom accommodations, auxiliary aids and services to ensure equal educational opportunities for all students regardless of their disability. Any student who feels he/she may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Disability Services at (216) 687-2015. The office is located in MC 147. Accommodations need to be requested in advance and will not be granted retroactively.
Academic Honesty: All student work should reflect a devotion to academic honesty. As found in The Code of Student Conduct: “The Cleveland State University Academic Community values honesty and integrity and holds its members to high standards of ethical conduct. Academic dishonesty is, therefore, unacceptable, and students must be prepared to accept the appropriate sanctions for any dishonest academic behavior as outlined in this policy on academic misconduct.” (p. 18) Such conduct includes cheating, plagiarism, and tampering. The full code can be found at: or by contacting the Department of Student Life.
Academic Misconduct: Any form of academic misconduct will earn an immediate grade of U/F for the course. In addition, your name will be forwarded to the Academic Misconduct Review Committee, for a hearing concerning your suspension from the University. To be clear, I consider any and every instance of academic misconduct to be a major infraction. I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the various forms of academic misconduct in the CSU Code of student Conduct. All the work that you hand in must represent your own independent and unique work. It should be distinct from that of every other student in class. If you have questions about this, please ask—it is best to resolve these issues in advance.
All students will adhere to the Viking Creed: We, the Members of the Cleveland State University community, as active citizens in a living and learning environment, bring to our campus a shared vision where “community” means:
Sharing a clear vision of our common purpose / Treating all people fairly, justly and respectfullyEmbracing and celebrating our diversity / Collaborating toward a common goal
Exhibiting caring and trust involving students at all levels / Connecting Cleveland State University with our Greater Community
Embracing CSU as the metropolitan education center of Cleveland / Learning in and out of the classroom
Celebrating ourselves through traditions / Taking responsibility to lead, to listen and to serve
Sharing power and influence / Committing to life-long learning and personal growth
As member of the Cleveland State University community, we have an individual and a shared responsibility to practice the Viking Community Creed in order to create a campus of inclusion, respect, integrity and purpose
Cancellation of Class due to Weather: Class will not be cancelled due to weather unless the University is closed. Check CSU’s main webpage ( for announcements. If CSU is open, class will proceed as scheduled, including any quizzes, exams or deadlines that arescheduled.
Student work for Course Portfolio: The professor reserves the right to retain, for pedagogical reasons either the original or a copy of your work submitted either individually or as a group project for this class. Students’ names will be deleted from any retained items.