2016 Annual Meeting of Unit Owners of 200 Riverside Boulevard at

Trump Place Condominium

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The undersigned hereby appoints:

The Board of Managers of 200 Riverside Boulevard at Trump Place Condominium

______(check box AND fill in the name of the individual you wish to serve as your proxy)

(CHECK ONE BOX ONLY- If you do not check one box, the Board of Managers will serve as your proxy. If both boxes are checked, this proxy shall have no effect with regard to voting for the Board of Managers but shall be counted toward the quorum.):

with power of substitution, to represent, nominate and vote the percentage of the Residential Allocation which the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally present at the Annual Meeting of Residential Unit Owners and the percentage of Common Interests which the undersigned would be entitled to vote if personally present at the Annual Meeting of Unit Owners of 200 Riverside Boulevard at Trump Place Condominium to be held at 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday, May 18, 2016 (or on any adjourned date therefore for which the proxy will remain valid), in the Lobby of the Condominium at 200 Riverside Boulevard, New York, New York, as follows:

1. for the nomination and election of the following persons to serve on the Residential Committee. (Choose option A or B by placing an “X” next to A or B and indicate your preference accordingly. If you fail to select either A or B, you will be deemed to have chosen B. If you place an “X” next to both A and B, this proxy shall have no effect with regard to voting for the Board of Managers but shall be counted toward the quorum.

¨ A. for the nomination and election of the following persons to serve on the Residential Committee:
Robert B. Levy
Lisamarie Manso
/ OR / ¨ B. for the nomination and election of the following
persons (not more than two [2] to be filled in by unit
owner) to serve on the Residential Committee:
(If the foregoing spaces are left blank, then the proxy holder
may vote as the proxy holder may determine if the proxy
holder is present at the meeting.)


2. upon such other business as may properly come before the Residential Unit Owners’ and Unit Owners’ Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

The undersigned hereby revokes any other proxy heretofore given.

______Residential Unit No. ______

Print Name(s) of Unit Owner(s)



Date: ______, 2016

If you do not plan to attend and wish to be represented by a proxy, the proxy should be completed, executed and delivered to the Secretary of the Board at the beginning of the Meeting by your designated proxy or if your designated proxy is The Board, then return it to The Voting Group, 112-16 219th Street, Queens Village, NY 11429 by mail, by facsimile at (775) 269-3969 or via email at no later than 12:00pm on May 17, 2016. You can also drop your proxy off in the election box at the front desk in the Lobby of the building. If your designated proxy is not the Board, the person acting as your proxy must be present at the meeting and deliver the signed proxy to the Secretary at the Meeting.