Are you being served – example upload form

Please note that results should be submitted online. This form is for information only. To request a unique link to upload your results, please click here or with any queries.


This online form is for authorities that have followed the ‘Are you being served’ guidance,to submit local resident satisfaction survey results for inclusion in LG Inform.

The guidance is available here: read the guidance carefully and ensure that it has been followed correctly before beginning to upload your authority’s results.

This form asks for two types of information:

  1. Confirmation that the various aspects of the guidance have been followed.
  2. The numbers of respondents giving each answer option for each question.

Once we receive your data, some basic quality checks will be undertaken (for example checking that the data has been provided in the correct format, and flagging any outlier values). Results will then be uploaded to LG Inform after the end of each financial quarter – the upload schedule is outlined here:

Introduction 2

Please note if your survey was carried out by more than one authority in partnership (for example a county and districts), then one form will need to be completed for each individual authority. You will need to request a unique link for each.

If you have completed two surveys using different methods e.g. both a telephone and a postal survey, then one form will need to be completed for each survey. You will need to request a unique link for each.

If your survey is a quarterly or tracker survey, the average result for the financial year should be reported. This should only be done after all rounds of surveying are complete - the average result should be calculated by combining the raw data rather than calculating an average of averages.


Once data is made live in LG Inform, all local authority registered users will be able to view it.

The most recent data is only available to local authority users of LG Inform. Public access to the data will be granted one year after the end of the financial year for which data relates. Therefore, public access to 2012/13 and 2013/14 results is now available, whilst public access to 2014/15 results will be granted on 31 March 2016 and 31 March 2017 for 2015/16 results.

You are, of course, free to publish your own results publicly on your own site whenever you choose. However, LG Inform will only make the data publically available in accordance with the above schedule. Freedom of Information requests received by the LGA for pre-release of the data you have submitted as part of this exercise will be refused, applying the exemption set out in section 22 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, namely: "information is intended for future publication".

Background details

Pleaseenter your details below:

  1. Authority:
  2. Contact name:
  3. Email:


Note: all of the tick boxes and open boxes are compulsory for those who are routed to them unless specified otherwise.

  1. Please indicate which of the following methods of data collection was used:

This relates to the 'data collection methods' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.


Postal and/or online

Face to face

If ‘postal and/or online’:

  1. Was the method:

Postal only

Online and postal

If ‘online and postal’:

Thequestions belowrelate to the 'postal and online data' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that respondents to online surveys were allowed to choose not to answer the questions if they wish (in the same way as they could leave a postal survey question blank).
  1. Please tick this box to confirm that the online questions were presented in the same way as the postal survey –for example in terms of graphics and routing.
  1. Please tick this box to confirm that the online link was only available to respondents who received a postal questionnaire.


To all:

Thequestions on this page relate to the 'sampling' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that the survey was a general population survey, using all of the population as the sample frame
  1. Please select the sampling approach that was used:

-random sample

-quota sample (this is only relevant where the method of data collection is telephone or face to face)

-census approach

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that the data has not been collected via a resident's panel


Thequestions on this page relate to the 'weighting' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

To those who answered ‘random’ or ‘census’ in Q10:

When uploading results later in the form you will be asked to upload the weighted number of respondents giving each answer option.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that the data you will be uploading has been weighted to the profile of the local population

To all:

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that the effective sample achieved is 500 or greater


  1. Please select the date that the survey fieldwork started:
  1. Please select the date that the survey fieldwork ended:
  1. This relates to the 'seasonality' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

If there were any significant events at the time the survey was undertaken that may have impacted upon the results, please describe this in a sentence or two here.

You may also include a couple of sentences here if you would like to provide any other information that might be of interest to other authorities, such as number of reminders sent, but please keep this brief.

Please note that as fieldwork dates have been entered above, there is no need to describe when the survey was undertaken unless there is any additional information you would like to add about this.

Don’t know

This question relates to the 'don't know and refuse to answer' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that the 'don't know' and 'refuse to answer' options were treated correctly during the surveying phase, as outlined in the guidance

Local area

This question relates to the 'definition of local area' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick the box to confirm that the correct definition of local area was included at the start of the survey

Two tier areas

  1. Is your council a district or county in a two tier area?

If ‘yes’

  1. Did you conduct the survey in partnership with the other council that operates in your area?

If ‘yes’

  1. Please tick the box to confirm that you followed the guidance for two tier areas

Core question order

The questions on this page relate to the 'question ordering' section within the 'core questions' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that all three core questions were placed at the start of the survey
  1. Please tick this box to confirm that all three core questions were asked
  1. Please tick this box to confirm that the three core questions were asked in the required order, as outlined in the guidance

Core questions

Please provide the number of people giving each answer option. If no respondents selected a particular answer option please enter 0 rather than leaving it blank.

Note that the numbers provided here should be weighted. Please refer to the ‘weighting’ section of the guidance for more information.

Please enter whole numbers only and do not use non numeric characters (i.e. enter 1000 rather than 1,000)

The percentages will be calculated within LG Inform and the results will be displayed as percentages.

  1. Please enter thetotal(weighted) numberof people that responded to your survey

Question A: Satisfaction with the local area

Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live?

Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option

Very satisfied
Fairly satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Fairly dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Don’t know

Thisquestion relates to the 'introducing the local authority' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that the appropriate 'introducing the local authority' preamble has been placed before 'Question B: Satisfaction with the local authority'

Question B: Satisfaction with the local authority

Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way [name of council] runs things?

Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option

Very satisfied
Fairly satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Fairly dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Don’t know

Question C: Value for money

In considering the next question, please think about the range of services [name of council] provides to the community as a whole, as well as the services your household uses. It does not matter if you do not know all of the services [name of council] provides to the community. We would like your general opinion.

To what extent do you agree or disagree that [name of council] provides value for money?

Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option

Strongly agree
Tend to agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Tend to disagree
Strongly disagree
Don’t know

Thisquestion relates to the 'question C: value for money' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that the specified preamble was included in the value for money question.
  1. Did you include any of the ‘second tier’ questions in your survey?



If ‘yes’ then ask the following section:

Second tier questions

  1. Did you include Question D: Community Identity in your survey?

The full question text is "How strongly do you feel you belong to your local area?"



If yes to Q29:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question D

Very strongly
Fairly strongly
Not very strongly
Not at all strongly
Don’t know

If yes to Q29:

This question relates to the 'question ordering' section within the 'second tier questions' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that Question D was placed before any other questions about a sense of community or belonging.
  1. Did you include Question E: Community Safetyin your survey?

The full question text is "How safe or unsafe do you feel when outside in your local area after dark?" and "How safe or unsafe do you feel when outside in your local area during the day?"



If yes to Q32:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question E

After dark
Very safe
Fairly safe
Neither safe nor unsafe
Fairly unsafe
Very unsafe
Don’t know
During the day
Very safe
Fairly safe
Neither safe nor unsafe
Fairly unsafe
Very unsafe
Don’t know

If yes to Q32:

This question relates to the 'question ordering' section within the 'second tier questions' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that Question E was placed before any other questions about community safety.
  1. Did you include QuestionF: Informed about the councilin your survey?

The full question text is "Overall, how well informed do you think [name of council] keeps residents about the services and benefits it provides?"

If yes to Q35:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question F

Very well informed
Fairly well informed
Not very well informed
Not well informed at all
Don’t know

If yes to Q35:

This question relates to the 'question ordering' section within the 'second tier questions' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that Question F was placed a) as early as possible in the survey and b) before any other questions about communications
  1. Did you include any of the ‘third tier’ questions in your survey?



If ‘yes’ then ask the following section:

Third tier questions

  1. Did you include Question G: Advocacy in your survey?

The full question text is "On balance, which of the following statements comes closest to how you feel about [name of council]?"



If yes to Q39:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question G

I speak positively of the council without being asked
I speak positively of the council if I am asked about it
I have no views one way or another
I speak negatively about the council if I am asked about it
I speak negatively about the council without being asked
Don’t know

If yes to Q39:

This question relates to the 'question ordering' section within the 'third tier questions' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that Question G was placed fourth, immediately after the three core questions.
  1. Did you include Question H: Council Responsiveness in your survey?

The full question text is "To what extent do you think [name of council] acts on the concerns of local residents?”

If yes to Q42:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question H

A great deal
A fair amount
Not very much
Not at all
Don’t know

If yes to Q39and yes to Q42:

This question relates to the 'question ordering' section within the 'third tier questions' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that Question H was placed fifth, immediately after the advocacy question.

If no to Q39and yes to Q42:

This question relates to the 'question ordering' section within the 'third tier questions' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that QuestionHwas placedfourth, immediately after thethree corequestions.
  1. Did you include Question I:Trust in the Local Authorityin your survey?

The full question text is "How much do you trust [name of council]?”

If yes to Q46:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question I

A great deal
A fair amount
Not very much
Not at all
Don’t know

If yes to Q46:

This question relates to the 'question ordering' section within the 'third tier questions' section of the guidance. Please refer to this section before answering.

  1. Please tick this box to confirm that QuestionIwas placedbefore any other questions about trust
  1. Did you include Question J:Community Cohesion (ethnicity)in your survey?

The full question text is "To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local area is a place where people from different ethnic backgrounds get on well together?

By getting on well together, we mean treating each other with respect."

If yes to Q49:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question J

Definitely agree
Tend to agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Tend to disagree
Definitely disagree
Don’t know
Too few people in local area
All the same ethnic background
  1. Did you include Question K: Community Cohesion in your survey?

The full question text is "To what extent would you agree or disagree that people in this local area pull together to improve the local area?"

If yes to Q51:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question K

Definitely agree
Tend to agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Tend to disagree
Definitely disagree
Nothing needs improving
Don’t know
  1. Did you include Question L: Anti-social Behaviour in your survey?

The full question text is "Thinking about this local area, how much of a problem do you think each of the following are..."

If yes to Q53:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question L - 'Noisy neighbours or loud parties'

A very big problem
A fairly big problem
Not a very big problem
Not a problem at all
Don’t know/No opinion

If yes to Q53:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question L - 'Rubbish or litter lying around'

A very big problem
A fairly big problem
Not a very big problem
Not a problem at all
Don’t know/No opinion

If yes to Q53:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question L - 'Vandalism, graffiti and other deliberate damage to property or vehicles'

A very big problem
A fairly big problem
Not a very big problem
Not a problem at all
Don’t know/No opinion

If yes to Q53:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question L - 'People using or dealing drugs'

A very big problem
A fairly big problem
Not a very big problem
Not a problem at all
Don’t know/No opinion

If yes to Q53:

  1. Please enter the number of respondents who selected each answer option for Question L - 'People being drunk or rowdy in public places'

A very big problem
A fairly big problem
Not a very big problem
Not a problem at all
Don’t know/No opinion

If yes to Q53: