- Minor offences can be dealt with by the Accommodation Services Manager following the regulations contained in 5.6 of the University Calendar.
- Breaches of discipline include:
- Disregards any regulation for the conduct of students or disobeys any member of the University authorised to check disorderly conduct (5.4.2)
- Uses offensive or improper language or behaves in an offensive or improper way (5.4.2)
- Engages in riotous or disorderly conduct in a manner contrary to the best interests of the University or seriously affects good order in or outwith the University (5.5.9)
- Disregards any regulation governing the conduct or obligations of students within the jurisdiction of a Disciplinary Officer.
- The student(s) concerned shall be advised in writing of the details of the alleged offence, including the formal complaint or charge, and shall be asked whether or not it is intended to admit or deny responsibility.
- Within 4 weeks a hearing should be held by the Accommodation Services manager and one other member of staff
- If the offence is admitted or proved, the student shall be given the opportunity of making a statement in extenuation or mitigation.
- The Accommodation Services Manager can then impose a suitable penalty:
- A fine not exceeding £50
- Suspension from the residence (and other residences) for a period not exceeding 3 months; rent will be charged for the whole period
- Requirement to make good in whole or in part any damage caused
One or more of these penalties can be imposed.
Failure to pay a fine etc. by the date specified constitutes a MAJOR OFFENCE.
- This should be followed up in writing and the student(s) advised of their right of appeal to Discipline Committee.
- Copies of this letter may also be sent to the students Supervisor or Head of Department
- Staff can themselves call the Police to press personal charges against a student(s)
- Where the student(s) deny responsibility the offence must be proven by having two witnesses to corroborate the evidence.
- If the police are involved (e.g. possession of drugs) their course of action should take precedence but meanwhile the student may be suspended from the residence(s).
Author:Barbara Manson
Position:Accommodation Services Manager
Date:13 May 1992
Amended:Barbara Manson
Date:18 August 1995
Date:11 January 2006
Date:November 2010
Date:November 2014
Holding a party without permission / £30
Not evacuating during a fire alarm / £40
Covering a smoke detector / £60
Missiles / £30-£60
Breaking a fire call point / £50 OR £80
Letting off a fire extinguisher / £40 plus costs
Noise / £40
Cannabis / Suspension
Causing damage / £40
Drug related items / £40
Poor housekeeping / £40
Illegal downloads / £50
Causing a fire (careless cooking) / £40-£60
Barbara Manson