Chronology of Nazi Germany

Dates used fro laws, decrees and regulations are dates of public announcements


1/30/33 Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of the German Reich.

He is the Supreme Leader of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party) and the SA (Storm Troopers).

3/5/33 Adolf Hitler receives a strong vote of confidence from

the German people in the Reichstagswahl (parliamentary


3/24/33 The Reichstag (German Parliament) empowers Hitler to

enact laws on its behalf.

4/1/33 Hitler proclaims a one day boycott of all Jewish shops.

4/7/33 All non-Aryan civil servants, with the exception of

soldiers, are forcibly retired.

4/21/33 Kosher butchering is forbidden by law.

4/25/33 Fewer non-Aryan children are admitted to German

schools and universities.

6/16/33 There are 500,000 Jews living in the Third Reicht.

7/14/33 German nationality can be revoked for those considered

“undesireable” by the government.


8/2/34 Paul von Hindenburg, second president of the German

Republic, dies.

8/3/34 Adolf Hitler declares himself both President and

Chancellor of the Third Reicht.


3/16/35 Compulsory military service is reinstituted in Germany in

open defiance of the Versailles Treaty.

9/6/35 Jewish newspaper can no longer be sold in the street.

9/15/35 Nurnberg Laws deprive Jews of German Citizenship and

reduce them to the status of “subjects”; forbid marriage

or any sexual relationships between Jews and Aryans;

forbid Jews to employ Aryans as servants under the age

of 35.


3/7/36 Jews no longer have the right to participate in

parliamentary elections.

8/1/36 The Olympic Games are opened in Berlin. Signs reading

“Jews Not Welcome” are temporarily removed from

most public places by order of the Fuher-to present a

favorable and misleading picture to foreign tourists.


7/2/37 More Jewish students are removed from German Schools

and universities.

11/16/37 Jews can obtain passports for travel abroad only in

special cases.


3/11/38 German Troops march into Austria.

7/6/38 Jews may no longer follow certain occupations including,

but not limited to: broker, matchmaker, tourist guide.

7/23/38 As of January 1, 1939, all Jews must carry identification


7/25/38 As of September 30, 1938, Jewish doctors can be

regarded only as “medical attendants”.

7/27/38 All “Jewish” street names are replaced.

8/17/38 As of January 1, 1939, all Jews must have only “Jewish”

first names. If a Jew has a German first name, “Israel” or

“Sarah” must be added to it.

10/5/38 Jewish passports are marked with a “J”.

10/28/38 About 15,000 “stateless” Jews are “resettled” in Poland.

11/7/38 Herschel Grynszpan, a Jew, attempts to assassinate the

German Attaché, vom Rath, in Paris.

11/9/38 Vom Rath dies. Goebbles, recognizing the propaganda

value, issues instructions that “spontaneous

demonstrations” against Jews are to be “organized and

executed” throughout Germany-in retaliation!

The pogrom begins.


11/10/38 Kristallnacht

11/10/38 Pogrom continues.

11/11/38 Jews may no longer own or bear arms.

11/12/38 Following the Nazi-organized pogrom, “reparations” of

one billion Reichsmarks are imposed on the German

Jews, and they must further repair all damages at their

own cost.

Jews may no longer head businesses.

Jews may no longer attend plays, movies, concerts, and exhibitions.

11/15/38 All Jewish children remaining in German schools are

removed to Jewish schools.

11/23/38 All Jewish businesses are closed down

11/28/38 Jews may no longer be in certain districts at certain


12/3/38 Jews must hand in their driver’s licenses and car


Jews must sell their businesses and hand over their

securities and jewelry.

12/8/38 Jews may no longer attend universities.


3/5/39 German troops march into Czechoslovakia.

4/30/39 Rent protection for Jews is reduced.

5/17/39 About 215,000 Jews still live in the Third Reich.

9/1/39 Germany declares war on Poland.

9/3/39 WWII begins.

Curfew for Jews is instituted: 9PM in summer,

8PM in winter.

9/21/39 Pogroms against Jews in Poland.

9/23/39 All Jews must hand in their radios to the police.

10/12/39 Austrian Jews are beginning to be deported to Poland.

10/19/39 “Reparations” for German Jews are increased to 1.25

billion Reichsmarks and are now payable by

November 15, 1939.

11/23/39 Polish Jews must now wear yellow stars of David on all

their clothing.


2/6/40 Unlike the rest of the German people, Jews do not

receive clothing coupons.

2/12/40 German Jews begin to be taken into “protective custody”.

(They are deported to concentration camps).

7/29/40 Jews may no longer have telephones.


6/12/41 Jews must designate themselves as “unbelievers”.

6/31/41 Beginning of the “final solution”.

9/1/41 Every Jew in Germany must also wear a star of David.

10/14/41 The large scale deportation of Jews to concentration

camps begins.

(12/8/41 The United States enters WWII after the bombing of

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii)

12/26/41 Jews may no longer use public telephones.


1/1/42 Approximately 130,000 Jews now live in the Third


1/10/42 Jews must hand in any woolen and fur clothing still in

their possession.

2/17/42 Jews may no longer subscribe to magazines and


3/26/42 A Jewish apartment must be identified as such with a star

of David beside the nameplate.

4/24/32 Jews are forbidden the use of public transportation.

5/15/42 Jews are forbidden to keep dogs, cats, birds, etc.

6/9/42 Jews must hand over all “spare” clothing.

6/11/42 Jews no longer receive smoking coupons.

6/19/42 Jews must hand over all electrical and optical equipment,

as well as typewriters and bicycles.

6/20/42 All Jewish schools are closed.

7/17/42 Blind or deaf Jews may no longer wear armbands

identifying their condition in traffic.

9/18/42 Jews can no longer buy meat, eggs, or milk.

10/4/42 All Jews still in concentration camps in Germany are to

be transferred to Auschwitz (extermination camp).


4/21/43 Jews found guilty of crimes are to be conveyed to

extermination camps in Auschwiz or Lublin after serving

their sentence.


9/1/44 Approximately 15,000 Jews now live in the Third Reich.


5/8/45 End of WWII. The collapse of the Third Reich.