Residence Hall Association

September 17, 2007

CUE Room 219

I.  Call to Order (7:03 p.m.)

a.  Rules of Order

b.  Roll Call/Programming Round Table

c.  Additions/Changes to the Agenda

d.  Approval of the Minutes

  1. 17.04.2007

i.  Waller- Move to approve the minutes, They had all the information needed

ii.  GG- Second, everything looked in order

iii.  Community- consent

  1. 10.09.2007

i.  SP- Move to approve the minutes, I’m pretty sure they were good

ii.  DD- Second, minutes were okay

iii.  Community- Consent

e.  Media Introductions

f.  Guests

  1. Residence Life

i.  Eleanor Finger- Director of Residence Life

ii.  Thank you to Kyle and Ashley for joining Advisory board to represent RHA

iii.  Media over sexual assault on Greek Row

iv.  Work with governments to help with safety tips escort guests into Residence Halls

v.  There have been some burglaries

vi.  Be sure to lock doors at night to prevent a break-in

vii.  There has been a spike in solicitors in the hall selling magazines, perfumes, etc.

viii.  Call the RA on duty, solicitation usually happens during the evenings

ix.  People are not supposed to be in buildings as they are private areas

  1. ASWSU

i.  Executives

i.  Kasey Webster- it’s been a pleasure working with RHA so far.

ii.  Ryan thank you for keeping us connected and thank you Ashley for helping with the Cougar Leadership Retreat

iii.  Student Advisory Board- President Floyd, targets every student on campus

iv.  Evergreen stated RHA was not represented at the first Student Advisory Board meeting but that is not true.

v.  CUB- allocating space, RHA will still be in the same space, will not be moving from where it is [in the CUB]. Maybe somewhere in the future RHA will be back in where it used to be.

vi.  Student Regents- William Gordon is an important person that you should get in contact with

vii.  Shawn Hoey- passed out some info on programs that ASWSU is planning

viii.  If you want to team up with us feel free, we would love to have your support

ix.  We’re trying to bridge the gap between ASWSU and RHA

x.  Stop by Ad Annex if you need to get in touch with us

xi.  SP-Are the multicultural students going to have a space in the CUB? – yes

xii.  Rest assured the restaurants will be a hundred times better than they used to be

ii.  Senate

i.  Janelle from district 5

ii.  Anthony from district 6

iii.  If you are doing a program, make sure to get an Event Registration Form from Campus Involvement

iv.  Open position Stephenson district 7

v.  You can get applications online

vi.  Interested in being a DJ? KZUU is currently accepting applications. Go to to apply

vii.  Square table again October 11, everyone will be getting more information next week

iii.  SEB

i.  Kelly Pflugrath, Homecoming Programmer

ii.  Events coming up, September 20, Forever in Motion 6pm at Northside

iii.  Knocked up is showing this weekend

iv.  September 25 showing Inside Iraq at 8pm in Todd Auditorium

v.  A lot of Residence Halls were not at the Homecoming meeting last week

vi.  If you didn’t get a packet, go to the Facebook group: WSU Homecoming 2007 and ask for a packet

  1. Dining

a. None

II.  Public Testimony

a. Orton Haunted Hall

  1. Janelle Williams, Orton Haunted Hall- there is a haunted maze on 12th floor of Orton, we need a lot of help.
  2. Derek Archer, Construction committee, we need help with construction, if you’re interested, contact me. We need people!
  3. Shout to Waller who helped out last year.

III.  On the Ball Award

i. Congratulations to Waller for their calendars for Relay for Life

IV.  Old Business

a.  Opening of Budget

  1. SP- it looks good
  2. Orton- some of the members in our hall think that there’s too much money in the newspaper

1. *Point of information- we signed a contract with the newspapers so we have to pay that amount

  1. SC- Our residents would like to up the money for scholarships

1. DPR- Typically there are 4 people, not enough people going for the scholarship, if you want to add more feel free to do so when the time to give out the scholarships comes closer

  1. VP- if you do want to change something you can motion to amend the budget before we approve it.
  2. SP- motion to approve the budget, seems reasonable
  3. DD- seconds, went over it and nothing seemed out of the ordinary
  4. North- is the budget for the entire year or the semester? - Semester
  5. GG- Can you explain what items 33-37 are? – they are all basically discretionary funds, they’re emergency funds in case each of those groups needs money right away
  6. Community- So, for the newspapers do we have a standard amount or do we only pay for what we use? - We only pay for what we use
  7. Budget approved by 2/3 vote
  8. DPR- We have to open PPS and conferences
  9. Rogers- I move to open line items 31-39 and 44, we need that money
  10. SP- seconds, I agree
  11. GG- So we don’t need to open conferences- no
  12. Motion approved

V.  New Business

a.  Homecoming XXX Porno Debate

  1. Kelly Pflugrath- Porno Debate, Thursday of Homecoming, free event
  2. Asking $3500 from RHA to support the event
  3. Community- police and security, if it was non-alcoholic you don’t need police – yes, because it’s a controversial topic we are going to need police activity
  4. Roger- Where is this money coming from?- you can move it from programming
  5. Community- move to second reading, a lot of people will be going and it’s a great way to get RHA’s name out there
  6. DD- second, yield
  7. Rogers- can we ask the presenters to leave?- yes
  8. GG- motion to approve $3500 from PPS, this program will be fantastic
  9. Roger- seconds, I feel the same
  10. Motion passes by 2/3 vote

b.  Stoplight Dance

  1. 2nd annual Stoplight dance this Saturday 9-12pm
  2. Jessica- Regents Vice-President
  3. Non-alcoholic, free food
  4. Asking for $300 from RHA for Cougar Security
  5. SP- who is the DJ?- my boyfriend is doing it for free
  6. Community- Where is the formal lounge?- it’s right off to the left if you enter from the front of Regents
  7. SP- I move to second reading, they should get the money now since it’s happening this weekend
  8. Community seconds, it sounds like a good program
  9. GG- What types of advertisements are going on?- we’ve given advertisements to the REDs to put up as they see fit
  10. Motion Passes
  11. Finance Committee- Execs decided to recommend the full amount, $300, last year it was really successful so we felt that it was a good program to support
  12. Community- motion to approve $300 from PPS, it’s going to be a great event
  13. DD- they’re our sister hall what can you do?
  14. Recess- 8 minutes before we go into special elections

VI.  Special Elections

a.  Director of Administrative Affairs

  1. Tyler Perkins

- I’m from GG and I’m a freshman, I want to be more involved, I have a position in GG Government as secretary so what I would be doing in RHA is similar to what I’m currently involved with

i.  How is your schedule? - I don’t have classes on Tuesdays and Thursday

ii.  Stevens- Have you had previous experience? – yes, in high school and now in GG

iii.  DD- SOAR, what did it do? – it was a program for the incoming freshmen in high school, we mentored them on how to deal with the transition.

iv.  Stevens- How did you hear about this position?- Sami told me about it and asked me to run

v.  GG- can we comment about him? – *after we’re done with questions

vi.  Community- You went abroad? – yes I went to Europe over the summer

vii.  GG- Tyler is our secretary, he’s always had the minutes

viii.  DPR- The paper I handed out earlier is for voting

ix.  NCC- He’s the secretary in my hall, I asked him to run because he’s amazing.

x.  Write the person’s name, your hall, and the number of votes.

xi.  Congrats Tyler!

b.  Director of Finance

  1. Erin Blake

-Senior at WSU majoring in Global Poly-Sci. I have a lot of experience dealing with budgets and RHA. I also know a lot about parliamentary procedure and it’s not really all that hard.

i. Community- I’m a senior and I don’t have time to deal with everything, will you? - I do know that it will be a lot of work but I’m really committed.

ii. GG- why didn’t you run for this position last semester? – I had a career opportunity and I was not here for the election

  1. Bryan Inglin

-I’m running because I want to get involved, I was class president so I have some experience.

i.  DD- how large was your high school

ii.  Rogers- What is your email address? -

iii.  Community- what was one of your greatest achievement? – Constitutional Amendments

  1. Discussion

i.  Community- Erin’s had a lot of experience, even in RHA, she’s been here for 4 years

ii.  Rogers- Erin’s been out in the real world and had real life experiences and that’s something we need to consider

iii.  DD- Washington Business week is a quality program

iv.  North- Bryan can learn, I like that he’s a freshman

v.  Community- Erin has had a lot of experience here

vi.  Stimpson- I’ve worked with Bryan in Stimson Hall Government and I think he has a lot of potential

vii.  DD- Bryan did not have email on his resume, I think we should elect someone who looks for detail

viii.  Community- Erin’s been on RHA before

ix.  GG- I noticed that some people had email and some didn’t, did the Application require email on it? – no

x.  Ryan- I think both are good candidates, I want you to think about who you feel is the best candidate

xi.  Congratulations Erin!

c.  Director of Programming

  1. Man-yin Wong

i.  Applications for both Programming positions will still remain open

VII.  Open Forum

a.  DD- I apologize in advance, I was elected yesterday

b.  VP- It’s okay, we’re going to have a retreat soon, keep hanging in there!

c.  DD- Do the seconder’s have to vote in the affirmative or is that an RHA policy- It is an RHA policy

d.  Orton- Remember Haunted Hall, we need all the help we can get

e.  Regents- Stoplight dance this weekend, come!

VIII.  Position/Committee Report

a.  President

  1. Congrats to those elected
  2. My computer crashed so your binders are not ready yet. I hope to have them next week
  3. I need to get each of your hall’s President’s information- email them to
  4. Office hours 3-6:30pm on Mondays

b.  Vice President

  1. Everyone got their first or second choice of committees, I’m sorry if you didn’t get your first choice
  2. First meetings will happen next week
  3. In the process of planning committee times
  4. Pets- RAC will be talking about this topic, RAC will make surveys, talk to your governments about this issue, if there is interest we will pursue the issue further
  5. Recycling- if you have problems in your hall, RAC will be talking about ways to solve them
  6. Join our Facebook: WSU Residence Hall Association

c.  DAA

  1. Please respond to the email I sent out with the minutes letting me know you received them
  2. Yay! I don’t have to do this job anymore, congrats Tyler!

d.  Director of Finance

  1. Finance meeting 3:30pm Friday
  2. Executive Board only

e.  NCC

  1. PACURH- Pacific Affliate of College and University Residence Halls, Application is out, send it out to all your residents
  2. No electronic applications will be accepted, you must turn it in to me directly during either my office hours on Wednesdays from 1-4pm at McAllister 335 or at the PACURH social on September 28 at 5pm in the McAllister meeting room
  3. If you have any questions, feel free to come visit me during my office hours
  4. I am going to try to make it to all of your hall meetings

f.  Programming

i. None

g.  DPR

i.  Yeild to VP- everyone should have a copy of our purpose statement and values

ii.  This is the design for RHA this year

iii.  Design for shirts, kind of like ASWSU to show unification

iv.  Picnic on the mall, the group Senate will be playing before the football game

v.  Dec 2 Bowling for a Cure, someone from Panhallenic will be coming to the RHA meeting soon

h.  NRHH

i.  We have a ball

ii.  I’m impressed with your making your own letter bombs

IX.  Advisor’s Moment

a. Good job with your parliamentary procedure tonight

X.  Adjournment (9:05pm)