Residence Hall Association (RHA) Position Description

For all RHA executive board members, it is a 3 hour per week time commitment.All executive board members are expected to attend all regularly scheduled meetings and programs. The president will serve 5 hours a week. Unexcused absences for more than 3 meetings and/or programs will result in loss of position. You must also participate in training each semester for RHA. Fall semester training will be held in late August.


The President shall establish and maintain operation of the organization, call and preside over meetings, and answer for all actions of the other officers/members. The President shall also meet with the organization Advisor once a week. There is only one President position available.


The Vice-President shall assist the President with all administrative duties and assume those duties in the absence of the President. The Vice-President shall also serve as the official liaison between the Department of Residence Life and the organization; in this role the Vice-President shall meet with the Director and/or Associate Director of Residence Life once per month. In addition, the Vice-President shall meet with the organization Advisor at least once per month. There will be three Vice Presidents, one from FennTower, one from Heritage Hall, and one from Euclid Commons.


The Secretary shall keep accurate and detailed records of all meetings and affairs, transmit all official organization correspondence, and coordinate preparation and distribution of information/materials. The Secretary shall post notice of all open meetings. The Secretary is responsible for posting the minutes from each meeting at least 24 hours after a regularly scheduled meeting. There is only one Secretary position available.


The Treasurer shall administer the financial affairs of the organization. The Treasurershall receive and distribute organizational funds, make financial reports at all meetings, and maintain an accurate record of organizational funding. The Treasurer shall also coordinate all fund raising events. The Treasurer shall meet with the president twice per month. There is only one Treasurer position available.

National Communications Coordinator (NCC)

The National Communications Coordinator shall be responsible for maintaining affiliation and serving as the organization liaison with the National Association of College and University Residence Halls Inc (NACURH). The NCC shall meet with the organization president twice per month. The NCC is also responsible for recognition awards that are presented on a monthly basis to students and people in the community. Printing and designing the certificates is the sole responsibility of the NCC representative. There is only one National Communications Coordinator position available.

Special Events Coordinator

The Special Events Coordinator works directly with the Advisor, President and the Department of Residence Life to coordinate and plan Family Weekend (Fall) and Little Sibs Weekend (Spring). The Coordinator will create budgets, conduct purchases, create advertising campaigns, facilitate registration, work with third party providers, and delegate tasks to other RHA members to create successful large scale programs to enhance the residential experience by engaging our community and their family. There is onlyone Special Events Coordinator position available.

Student Advocacy Coordinator

The Student Advocacy position will design, direct and lead all student advocacy initiatives, working with the RHA members, RA staff and residents of the CSU community to gather feedback to provide to the Department of Residence Life to improve the on-campus living experience.There is only one Student Advocacy Coordinator position available.

Cleveland State University Residence Hall Association Application

Application due to byThursday, April 18, 2013.

Elections to be held the week of April 19th – 23rd.

Name:Year of Graduation:

On-Campus Residence for the 2013-14 Year:Current GPA:


Please rank the following positions from one (1) toseven (7), one being the position you’d prefer most and seven being the least. (Position descriptions found above).

Special Events Coordinator National Communication Coordinator

Treasurer Secretary

Student Advocacy Coordinator Vice-President


Short Essay

Why would you be the best fit for your top two choices? What flare could you bring to the position? What are some of your weakness you would like to improve on?

What do you think the responsibilities of the Executive Committee are?

What are some goals you would like to accomplish if you obtain one of these positions?

Please provide a brief bio for yourself, 50 to 100 words, to be included on the ballet.

ClevelandStateUniversity’s Residence Hall Association

Timeline and Campaign Guidelines


Wednesday, April 10 – Start campaigning

Wednesday, April 17 – Attend “Meet the Candidate” @ 6 pm in EC game room

Thursday, April 18– Applications Due

Friday, April 19 – Elections begin

Tuesday, April 23 @ Midnight – Elections end

Wednesday, April 24 – Positions announced



  • No posting can be any larger than 8.5” x 11” (standard paper size)
  • All postings must be hung up with blue painters tape
  • You can pick up a roll from Rudy Braydich in the Office of Residence Life in Euclid Commons
  • Posting for Euclid Commons:
  • 1 posting per elevator
  • DO NOTpost in or on the elevator
  • Posting for FennTower:
  • 1 posting per elevator lobby
  • DO NOTpost in or on the elevator
  • Centralized Posting
  • Give Rudy Braydich in the Office of Residence Life two copies of your advertisements to be posted in the FennTower main lobby and Euclid Commons game room
  • DO NOT post in these locations yourself, there will be designated areas

If you have any questions regarding these guidelines or others, please email me at