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Application to Sfi – Swedish for Immigrants

Personal information received in connection with this application will be handled according to the law of personal information (PuL). More information can be found on Sundbyberg's website

Information applicant– please enclose personal birth certificate (personbevis)

Last name / First name / National registration number
Address / C/O / Phone during day
Postal address / Phone during evening
E-mail address / Mobile phone
Contact (if not applicant)

Arrival to Sweden

Which year did you come to Sweden? / Nationality
Native language / Do you speak other languages?Which ones?


Have you studied Swedish previously?
No / If yes, when, where and for how long? Please enclose a certificate.
How many years have you studied in your native country (totally)?
If you wish to go to evening classes, between 6 pm – 9 pm(once a week), check here. If you are at the beginners level you may have to wait for up to one year.

Important information

An incomplete application will be returned.
As soon as there is a free position in a group at your level you will receive a written summons to start your course. It can take up to three months after your application has been registered before you are summoned. It can take longer for the evening courses before you can start. When you have received your summons it is important that you come on the day and at the time that are stated in your summons. If you don’t come you will be removed from the list and someone else will get your place instead.
You will be offered a certain number of hours at each course level. It is therefore important that you attend school every day so that you keep up with the instructions.


Date / Clarification of signature

OBS! Please leave the application to the reception or send it to

Sundbybergs stad
Centrum för vuxenutbildning
172 92 Sundbyberg

Notes for Centrum för vuxenutbildning

Summoned to test / Test date / Level
Summoned to course start / Course start / Teacher

The school’s notes

You who are not a registered resident of Sundbyberg must turn in an application to the municipality where you are registered, in other words your home municipality.

The home municipality’s decision

The home municipality accepts the cost of the student’s participation in the course
The home municipality does not accept the cost of the student’s participation in the course
Date / Clarification of signature