Reservations of accommodation and meeting facilities

Reservations and Confirmations

of accommodation and meeting facilities

Here follows a number of Bookings with relative Confirmations. Compared to the previous letters, their format varies slightly. They were exchanged between the Kennedy Hotel and various companies and are preceded by Booking Forms which the Secretary of the Kennedy Conference Centre filled in when receiving the clients' reservation by telephone call or fax.

Kennedy Hotel

/ Winchester Room
Gloucester Room /


Booking Letter

To: Barbara Stevens
Conference Secretary
Kennedy Hotel
Cardington Street
NW1 2LP / From : Hazel Mulvain
Personnel Dept.
CP52, 5th Floor
Network House
1 Eversholt Street
London NW1 1DN
Tel. : 071 214 9452
Date : 12th May 1993

Dear Ms Stevens,

This is to confirm the following one day bookings made by David Morton for Network SouthEast.

24th January, 1994 - 2 Rooms

25th January - 2 Rooms

26th January - 2 Rooms

27th January - 2 Rooms

28th January - 2 Rooms

All arrangements to be as previous courses, with details of trainers overnight accommodation needs to be supplied to you directly by David Morton / Stephanie Holland.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me on the above number.

Yours sincerely

Hazel Mulvain

Hazel Mulvain

Network SouthEast is a business sector of

the British Railways Board

Booking Confirmation

The Kennedy Hotel

Cardington Street, London NW1 2LP Tel: 071-387 4400 Telex: 28250 Fax: 071- 387 5122

Hazel Mulvain

Personnel Department

Network SouthEast

CP52, 5th Floor

Network House

1 Eversholt Street

London NW1 1DN

17 May 1993

Dear Ms Mulvain,

Thank you for your letter dated 12th May 1993.

I have pleasure in confirming you the following bookings:-

24th January 1994 Salisbury + Gloucester Room

25th January 1994 Salisbury + Gloucester Room

26th January 1994 Salisbury + Gloucester Room

27th January 1994 Salisbury + Gloucester Room

28th January 1994 Salisbury Room

The daily delegate rate will be £34.00 per person. I note that all arrangements will be the same as for your previous courses.

I look forward to hearing from you in the near future and in the meantime if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Assuring you of our best attention at all times.

Yours sincerely

Barbara Stevens

Barbara Stevens



1. Refer to the booking form and the letters and tick the box next to the right answer

1. The telephone booking was made by £ Hazel Mulvain / £ David Morton

2. The booking regarded £ guestrooms and meeting rooms / £ meeting rooms only

3. The booking form was made on £ 12 May 94 / £ 13 May 94

4. Salisbury Room was booked for £ four days / £ five days

5. Gloucester Room was booked for £ five days / £ four days

6. Meeting Rooms were booked each day £ from 9.00am to 6.00pm / £ from 9.00 am to 3.00pm

7. Delegates were twenty £ true / £ false

8. Coffee and biscuits were taken £ twice a day / £ once a day

9. Network SouthEast have £ held previous courses at the Kennedy Hotel / £ never held any courses

10. Organisers need audio-visual equipment £ yes / £ no

11. The daily delegate rate of £34.00 per person covers £ room and lunch / £ room only

12. Network SouthEast telephone number is £ 071 214 9452 / £ 071 387 4400

13. The Booking Form £ contains details about lunch menu / £ does not

14. ' T+B ' stands for £ coffee + biscuits / £ tea + biscuits

2. Read the letters again and put these functions in order into the appropriate box.

thanking for previous letter / quoting room rate / giving confirmation of booking / expressing the hope of being of service / asking for a reply / giving assurance of personal attention.

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