English 1020

Researched Argument Essay, Part Four


The goal of the semester paper is to have you research and write an argument about an issue that matters to you. That issue should arise from a community to which you belong, and, ideally, your essay should allow you to contribute to the dialogue about that issue in your community.

In order to facilitate your increased competence in writing persuasively, the semester paper will be broken down into four interrelated parts, each part devoted to answering an essential question about your issue. When completed, your semester paper will be approximately 10-12 pages and include a separate Works Cited page.

No final papers will be accepted that have not moved through this drafting process. You must secure instructor approval to change the issue of your researched argument, and you will be required to submit a new version of this assignment as well as Parts One, Two, and Three.

Process for Part 4

Your task for this fourth part is to write a 3-4 page paper (typed, double-spaced, with MLA citation and a separate Works Cited page) in which you address what should be done regarding the issue you are addressing. It is in this part of your draft that you put forth your opinion and/or proposals regarding the issue in an attempt to persuade your readers to pursue a course of behavior or action. Here are some key questions to consider:

• Should some action be taken?

• What actions or policies are possible or desirable?

• How will the proposed actions or policies change the current state of affairs?

• How will the proposed changes make things different? In what ways? For whom?

• In what ways are your proposals different/similar/better than others that have

been proposed?

Put most simply, your task in this paper is to answer as fully as you can the following essential question about your issue: What should be done?

In this paper, you should explain how the problem can be solved––or more effectively addressed; you should argue for a particular course of action.

You will have to continue your research for this paper, and you should include specific references within your paper that you have found that you think are important to understanding, defining, and defending your proposal.


This is considered part of a longer paper, so this writing task is a draft (which counts for credit). My expectation is that this draft has been thoughtfully researched and composed (and proofread). Your paper will be deemed Exemplary, Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory based on how well and how fully you address the aspects of the paper noted above. Because you will revise this paper and incorporate it into the final semester paper, my comments will not be corrections but revision directions and suggestions.