Research: Topic Selection& Rubric:Mr. Throckmorton - AP Psychology
You must select one topic from the list below on the first come, first serve bases, and complete an APA-style research paper once each semester. Only one student per topic and register the selection with the teacher. To insure that you get a topic of interest, highlight yourtop 5research topics, in order.That way, if your top choice has already been selected by someone else in the class, you can move down the list.
1.Addictions:which substance(s) most addicting?Which easiest/hardest to treat?Michael Weiler
2.Role of the environment in the development ofpersonality.
3. What do modern psychologists feel are the major weaknesses ofFreud's psychoanalytic theories.
4.Addiction: influencesof genetics vs. peers/environment
5.Anxiety:Causes, Symptoms and TherapyJulia Fabian
6.Attachment Theory:relationship to parenting style & psychological health as an adult
7. Research the literature on the psychological and physical benefits oflaughter.
8. The effects of thecircadian rhythmson human beings.
9. The effects ofcognitive dissonanceon behavior/values
10. The NightlyDream Cycle and Sleep Deprivation:impact on mental healthKonradt Tatusko
11. The Validity ofPsychological Tests:how established?Which tests more valid?Less valid?
12.Collectivist vs. Individualistic Cultures:impact on positive self-esteem/sense of self.
13. InterpersonalAttraction:causes, gender differences; is there an "ideal"?
14.Gender differences and the Brain- separating actual differences from stereotypes
15.Endorphinsand Happiness:production, role, implications for mental health
16.Learned Optimism/helplessness:how each come about; implications for mental health
17.Genius: Criteria, Characteristics and Types.
18.The Internet:positive/negative effects on our psychological healthWaqqas
19. How has Abraham Maslow's concept ofself-actualizationaffected Psychology?
20. Trace the Development ofHumanismfrom 1950 till now. Review of the Literature
21.Childhood Trauma:impact on personality/role in personality disorders.
22.Race and Intelligence: The Scientific View
23. Possible Causes ofChildhood Autism
24. How isIntelligence Measured?Reasons for controversy/debate
25. The Dual Roles ofGenetics and Environment on Intelligence
26.Inherited Behavior- The Latest Research
27.Compare and Contrast theLearning Theoriesof B. F. Skinner and Jean Piaget
28.Alzheimer's Disease:causes, treatment & role lifestyle playsFaizah Kabir
29.Contact sports & degenerative brain disease Mark Buttling
30.Workplace stress:environmental factors?Role of culture, of job type?
31.Rational Emotive Theory:development & modern uses
32.Aging:changes to brain; implications, opportunities & challenges
33.Theories of Forgetting- explanation & implications for better memory
34. Doesmoney buy happiness?Psychological health & socioeconomic status
35. Theories of Intelligence (Spearman vs. Gardner):implications for schools
36. The Theory ofPersuasion- why works/doesn't work (psychology behind it)Sulman S
37.Bullying:causes, who gets bullied; what can parents/teachers do to stop it?
38. The Effects ofOver Crowdingon Human Beings
39.Subliminal Messagesand How They can be Used to Influence Thought and Behavior
40. Current Experiments inThought Control
41. The Psychological Effects ofTortureStephen Heard
42. The Psychological Effects ofWar
43. How areChildren Affected by War.
44. The Theory ofMemory Storagein the Human Brain:is there a physical basis?What happens to it?
45. How toMotivate Childrento Achieve
46. The Function ofPlayin psychological health/well-being
47.Reality Therapy:origins, modern uses
48. The Psychological Benefits ofPets & Pet TherapyAmanda Johnson
49. Psychological Problems ofParaplegics
50. The Emotional Effects ofSolitary Confinement
51. Behavior Patterns ofHyperactive Children- biological vs. environmental roots
52. TheStages of GriefAccording to Elizabeth Kubler-Ross:implications for coping with loss
53.Attractiveness & bias:are the attractive treated differently? (convictions, hiring, perceptions)Alex Mansoor
54.Habits: How are they Formed and How They Can Be Changed?Andrew Walker
55. The Effects ofColoron Mental States
56. TheIdiot Savant:origins; contrast with normal intellectual functioning
57. The Theory ofBoredom:mental/emotional determinants
58. ManagingInterpersonal Conflict:psychology of mediation
59.Divorce:causes, psychological impact
60.Shynessin Adults:causes, consequences
61. The Principles ofPrimal Therapy:origins, modern uses
62. How Children DevelopGender Identification
63. TypicalMother-Daughter Conflictsin Modern America:causes, solutionsShadia Jubiz
64. The Psychological Aspects ofObesityTamsir Niang
65. The Psychological Profile of aTerrorist
66. The Clinical Uses ofHypnosis- risks vs. benefits
67. Significant Findings From Recent Research onIdentical Twins
68. The Psychological Profile of aMercenary Soldier
69.Abusers:A Profile - early psychological history of a future abuser
70.Eating Disorders:why are they so resistant to treatment?Role of gender?Brain changes?
71. Hate Crimes:impact on vicims & on communities
72.Brain Damageand BehaviorScott Wilcox
73.Dreams & dream interpretation:why they occur?are interpretations valid?
74. The Limits ofArtificial Intelligence
75. Compare and Contrast the Training, Scope, and Functions ofPsychiatrists and Psychologists.
76. TheRorschach Test:How is it Administered and Evaluated?
77. The Psychological Problems of theHomeless.
78.How doessocial anxiety disordereffect the routine life of a person?
79.Cyber bullying:psychological impact and recommended responses
80.ADHD:Latest research and recommended treatment
81.The link betweenexerciseandemotional healthEllie Wagner
82.Anger management:what makes psychological treatment effective?
83.Psychology ofFlow:implications for workplace satisfaction
84.Psychological characteristics oflong-lasting marriages
85.Creativity and Intelligence:what makes kids creative, and is it measured by intelligence tests?
86.USCultural and Marketing Trends:do they threaten children's physical and mental health?
87.Violence in the Media:psychological effects on childrenSaina Esmaili
88.Tools ofSports Psychologists:how they can also promote mental health in the workplace
89. Birth Order: does it effect personality? First-born vs. middle child vs. youngest?
90. Psychological profile of theserial killer: what do they have in common - neurologically? Personalities? Family history?
91. Depersonalization/derealization Disorder: causes, symptoms and treatment.Elizabeth Page
92. Antisocial Personality Disorder: influences of nature vs. nurture; prominence in the criminal justice system
93. Brand New Mental Disorders: describing the disorders first appearing in the DSM 5 - implications for psychology?
94. Brain Mapping: dispelling myths & updating accuracy based on the newest maps. What really happens where?
95. Psychology Behind Attraction: how marketing professionals influence consumer choices.
Your paper should address the following:
1.Give a brief background of the subject or problem.
2.Include a personal discussion of your thoughts, bias, feelings towards the subject or problemprior tothe research you conducted.
3.What types ofresearch methodshave been used to study this topic/problem?
4.What is thesignificanceof this topic/problem?Why is it important for people to understand?What areas of mental or physical health may it have an impact on?
5.What is already known about this topic/problem?
6.What were the limitations that effected your efforts to research this topic/problem?Are there things that currently limit what we know about this topic/problem?
7.APPLICATION:how can your research be applied?Address the various possible audiences:by psychologists?By other mental health and/or medical professionals?By individuals and/or families?By institutions, governments or societies?
8.Relevance:is your research important to work going on currently in the field of psychology?How?Be specific.
9.Conclusions:what answers did your research provide for you?What are the unanswered questions, and/or the areas where further research is needed?
Paper 1 Due Date: January 19th, 2017. Paper 2 Due Date: June 2nd, 2017
Topics Created by Joe Haberman, Used with Permission.