TEAC 800

Research Representation Assignment

Prepare a means of displaying your understanding of 3 of the 9 types of research we have studied (see below). Your representation might take one of any number of formats. You might use a textual approach, a table, or a graph. You might also consider a diagram, a continuum, a story, a drama, a dance, a song, etc. Select the media you can best use to represent and summarize your understandings of these various approaches to educational inquiry.

You will be divided into three groups and each group will be assigned one of three groupings of research types. Now that you are becoming conversant with these various approaches to disciplined inquiry, you should be gaining understanding that these approaches represent different ways of knowing or what it means to know about something. Different research methods are appropriate for studying different types of situations and are appropriate for different types of research questions and not appropriate for others. Pay attention to these differences throughout this assignment.

There are some methods of representation more appropriate to some methods of disciplined inquiry than others. We assume you will stretch yourselves and find representations that are more reflective of each mode of disciplined inquiry. Do not choose a representation because it is easiest to create or attach to Blackboard. We do not want the limitations of Blackboard to influence the representations you choose to create. We will work with you to find a way to turn in whatever type of representations you create. Some options are to videotape, audiotape, or take pictures of your representations in order to capture them. For example, you may videotape a dance or drama to represent arts-based methods. Or, you may find a mode of representation that questions assumptions and gets at deconstructing a reality for critical theory. Or, you may find a representation that is measurable and concise to represent quasi-experimental methods.

Each group is responsible for creating3 representations: one of EACH of the three types of research within a grouping, emphasizing the nature of each type of research. Additionally, each group needs to include a written discussion/interpretation of the relationships among the three methods of research.


quasi-experimental methods

philosophic inquiry

historical methods


comparative experimental methods

arts-based educational research

case study methods


survey methods

ethnographic research

critical theory

By Sunday, April 13th,post your representations in the Blackboard Discussion board as an attachment to a new thread. If your representations are not attachable as documents given the format in which they have been created, either photograph, videotape, or otherwise record them in a format that can be attached to Blackboard. Ask if you have questions about this. We will help you.
The grading rubric for this assignment is also in this folder, as is the peer review form, which is being used for you to reflect on how the members of your group worked together. Each group member should individually complete the peer review form.