Research Reference Steps

Updated 2.12.13

Form & Letter for Research Recommendation

Both Online Only: Sign Both Electronically

1. Candidate asks if you will write a recommendation letter for her.

2. You reply Yes (The Pledge) or No.

3. Candidate sends you her application for you to consult when writing your letter.

Deadlines vary but you should be in receipt latest by September 15.

4. Compose your letter in Word under department letterhead.

Type your title and name at end, also department and address if not on top.

5. Across the top of both pages of your letter type:

Applicant's Name, Field of Study, Host Country.

6. Find in your In Box an email from "U.S. Student Fulbright"

with codes to log onto their online Reference system.

Save this email until November 1.

7. Log on to the Embark Reference system by following each of their instructions to the tee.

8. Complete the online “cover-sheet” form, including electronic dated signature.

9. Upload you letter into Embark’s online system.

10. Click on PREVIEW (top right) to adjust formatting if needed.

11. Pass Embark Inspection.

12. From PREVIEW, download your PDF reference onto your H Drive or Desktop and SAVE for use before Nov 1.

13. Submit your online reference electronically once definitely finalized.

14. Rolling deadlines through September.

15. Full detailed instructions including all quirks and twists:

16. Online troubleshooting: Embark Application Support FAQs

Or contact the Embark technical staff at