Articles in accredited journals

AFRICA E & KIDD M. The reliability of the teen risk screen: A movement skill screening checklist designed for teachers. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation2013; 35(1): (in press)

CLEOPHAS FJ. A historical overview of the African People’s Organisation contribution to sport: January to July 1920. AJPHERD 2013;19(1): March 2013.

CLEOPHAS FJ. Contexting an ad hoc athletics unity in Natal, 1945-48. (SAJPERS) 2013; 34(2): 2013. In print.

CLEOPHAS FJ. Running a history programme outside the classroom: a case study of athletics at Zonnebloem College.Yesterday & Today2012; 8: 63-86.

CLEOPHAS FJ.A historical exploration of Physical Education at Wesley Teachers’ Training School, Cape Town (1915-1966).Southern African Review of Education, 2013, Vol 19(1): 38-58.

OLIVIER PE. The effect of inventor/evertor and plantar-/dorsiflexor fatigue on plantar loading characteristics. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation2013; 35(1): (in press)

SCHÜTTE KH, MILES KC, VENTER RE & VAN NIEKERK SM. Barefoot running causes acute changes in lower limb kinematics in habitually shod male runners. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation2013; 35(1) 153-164.

TERBLANCHE E & BOER P-H. The functional fitness capacity of adults with Down syndrome in South Africa. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research2012; (in press)

VAN DEN BERG L, PIENAAR AE & GROBBELAAR HW. The role of biological maturity in sport psychological skills of young rugby players: An explorative investigation. African Journal of Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD)2012;Supplement 1:2: 332-343.

VAN DER MERWE FJG. Sport among the South African troops during the German South West Africa campaign, 1914-1915. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance2013; 19(1): 206-219.

VAN DER MERWE FJG. Sport in Ruhleben: 'n toonbeeld van oorlewing in krygsgevangeskap. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Navorsing in Sport, Liggaamlike Opvoedkunde en Ontspanning 2013; 35(1): 165-181.

VAN DER MERWE FJG. Britse en Suid-Afrikaanse sokker aan die Wesfront tydens die Eerste Wêreldoorlog. Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Navorsing in Sport, Liggaamlike Opvoedkunde en Ontspanning 2013; 35(2):

VENTER RE. 2012. Perceptions of team athletes on the importance of recovery modalities. European Journal of Sport Science2012;(in press)

Book Chapters

STAHN A, TERBLANCHE E & GUNGA HC. Use of Bioelectrical Impedance: General Principles and Overwiew. In Handbook of Anthropometry – Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and Disease, Springer, London, 2012: 49-

STAHN A, TERBLANCHE E & GUNGA HC. Selected Applications of Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis: Body Fluids, Blood Volume, Body Cell Mass and Fat Mass. In Handbook of Anthropometry – Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and Disease, Springer, London, 2012: 415-

Masters Theses

BREYTENBACH R. A motor skills development programme for nine to twelve year-old children. MEd, 2013. Pp. Studieleier: Dr EK Africa. Medestudieleier: Dr KJ van Deventer.

FRYER BJ. The relationship between task complexity and cerebral oxygenation in stroke patients. MEd, 2013. Pp. Studieleier: Terblanche E.
