Research Methods: Useful Links and Resources
Compiled by:
Dr Simon Busby (The Research Centre, CityCollegeNorwich)
Dr Becky Turner (Teaching and Learning Directorate, University of Plymouth)
Dr Angus Carpenter (The Research Centre, CityCollegeNorwich)
In developing this list we have sought to provide a range of freely available resources to support researchers in undertaking their work. Although this list is comprehensive, it is by no means exhaustive and should be viewed as a starting point for your reading. In addition to the general resources, which address all aspects of research methods, we have identified specific resources which complement the PowerPoint sessions.
General Resources
- An international forum which hosts discussion boards, resources (including papers, videos etc.) and research relating to research methods.
- This is the National Centre for Research Methods website, which is supported by the ESRC. It provides a wealth of resources that can inform the development and application of research methods.
- This is part of an online resource guide to support the design and application of qualitative research methods within education.
- This is part of an online resource guide to support the design and application of quantitative research methods within education.
Data Types and Collection
- This slide show provides an overview of quantitative data types and approaches for its collection.
A 60 second video explaining when to use quantitative data and when to use qualitative data.
A slide show which presents recommendations to optimising responses from electronic surveys.
- A slide show which discusses the ESRC question bank, a free resource of questionnaire materials for use in social research (the question bank itself can be found at
-, is a tool which can be used for development, distribution and collection of web based questionnaires. It is free to use for up to 500 respondents.
- A slide show / audio which discusses practical considerations regarding the use of focus groups to collect qualitative data.
- This resources provides access to short audio files which explain the categories used in Flanders Interaction Analysis, a method used in the collection of data through structured observation.
Data Management
- This document offers guidance relating to the management, considering issues relating to storage and accessibilityof records.
Data Analysis
- This is an online guide to support the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. It considers the principles and practices of analysing data collecting from photographic, textual and numeric data.
This is a video of a lecture which provides a clear summary of grounded theory and how it can be applied in the collection and analysis of qualitative data.
This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of the use and process of grounded theory.
Data Presentation
- This website provides a series of series of short guides offering advice relating to the appropriate presentation of quantitative data.
- This websites provides a guide to presenting statistical information.
Corden, A. (2007).Using verbatim quotations in reporting qualitative social research: A review of selected publications. Social Policy Research Unit, University of York. - This publication offers guidance on the practice of using quotations in the presentation of qualitative data.
Prossor, J. (2006). Researching with visual images: some guidance notes and a glossary for beginners. National Centre for Research Methods, Southampton. publication offers useful tips and advice regarding the use of images in social research.
Wiles, R., Prosser, J., Bagnoli, A., Clark, A., Davies, K., Holland, S. & Renold, E. (2008). Visual Ethics: Ethical Issues in Visual Research. National Centre for Research Methods, Southampton. This publication considers the ethical issues researchers need to consider in using images in social research.
Burke, H. (2010).Getting your message across: Events for different audiences. In: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2010, 5th - 8th July 2010, St. Catherine's College, Oxford. This PowerPoint presentation offers advice regarding the dissemination of research outcomes to diverse audiences.
Smart, C. (2010). Qualitative Research Impact Beyond Academia. This short audio recording considers the impact social research can have beyond the research community and the steps researchers need to take to achieve this.
The Research Observatory hosted by UWE: – This website provides advice and guidance regarding the process of writing for publication.