archived as

more of Marshall Barnes at

note: because important web-sites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on April 30, 2003 . This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned website. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if the updated original cannot be found at the original author's site.


Research, Investigations, and Presentations...

This is the section where we will post articles, or links to them, that originate from us as opposed to outside sources. These will include dissertations on such items of importance as the basic links, Egg design, the D3,D4,E5,E6 model, consciousness-created reality, etc.

We will have our first article up before the end of December.

An Introduction


Marculta and Marshall Barnes

The Incunabula 1990/91 catalog is such an important work that it deserves to be free from the current circus that surrounds it. Website-after-website has sprung up -- either just reposting it or filled with wild speculation when many of the answers are right there in the document itself. If the question is "is it real?". Then there is only one way to find out. Investigate the authenticity of the items inside and the authors.

Fortunately for most of you, that chore has already been done. Most of the items are real as well as the authors. Some are made-up and some are based on factual information. So the "Incunabula" -- as we know it -- is part true information and part misinformation. If the motive for asking the first question was whether-or-not to believe the Incunabula, then you're done now and free to ponder why it was written, how it fits in with other enigmas, and its cultural significance all you want. You can also forget about ever coming back here because we will have no further information of interest for you. However...

… if your reason for asking the first question was because you were fascinated by the true purpose of the Incunabula -- to inform the public that the "Many Worlds" are real and that they have been traveled to -- then stick around. You're the reason why we're here. Otherwise we would have remained "underground" completely. Since it has been proven beyond a shadow-of-a-doubt that Joe Matheny and "Emory Cranston" (or whoever is using that sock puppet) have no intention of revealing any real information, then it was obvious that we would have to step in and assume that role. Seeing this charade go more-and-more public was more than we could stand.

That decision was made even easier since we have discovered that actual travel to other worlds may be closer than we previously thought. And more importantly, accessible to people like us who are, after all, like the people in Ong's Hat, etc. Needing a multi-million dollar budget to do this work would rule out not only wide spread use of the technology, but also the credibility of the Incunabula account. Sure, the "Eggs" are supposed to be expensive to make. But then again, what does "expensive" mean? It would do one good to take a clue from the Ong's Hat brouchure which was written before the Incunabula catalog. "Wali Fard" and his group started out with a modified isolation tank. Sure, the 4th generation Egg that Kit vanished in isn't described from a material point-of-view. But neither is it indicated that it was costly. Take another clue and keep it for later: There are things in the Ong's Hat account that are deliberately shoved to the side, so-to-speak, in the Incunabula.

But the importance of this article and this site is to relate that travel for the rest of us may be within our grasp. Our group here have seen the evidence of it -- in particular, "leaks" from other worlds into this one. We have evidence that suggests as much as well as the discovery of a new form of communication with which it appears that we have made contact with a parallel universe world. But more on that later.

The tone of this site will be much more analytical, educational, and scientific than others dealing with the same subject. An example of this is this article

(also in the "Links" section) by physics professor John G. Cramer on the Everett/Wheeler hypothesis. Do take special note of how he mentions that "leaks" between worlds would be possible if Everett/Wheeler were real, which he doesn't really agree with. His statement of such a fact, nonetheless, is more than telling in light of what we have experienced here and will be providing more information on when we continue.

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