Please complete the form below and email to . All expressions of interest are considered by the University’s Research Degrees Committee and you will be contacted about the status of your proposal following their meeting.
Personal Details
Date of birth:Gender: Male/Female / Other / Prefer not to say
Nationality:Country of permanent residence:
Correspondence address:
Email address:
Mobile number:Home telephone number:
Are you currently employed by Falmouth University in any capacity? Yes / No
1. Type of degree that you intend to complete
2. Intended mode of study
3. Research Themes and Research Programmes
Please indicate which research theme and research programme that you see your research aligning to e.g. Telematics, and the Creative Connected Communities research theme. More information is available on our Research webpages :
4. Funding
Please indicate how you plan to fund your Research Degree e.g. Doctoral Loan, Studentship, Self-funding.
5. English language proficiency
Is English your first language? Yes / No
If you have answered No, please provide details below of your most recent English proficiency examination, and enclose photocopies of certificates with your application. Please refer to the guidance notes which outline the University’s English language requirements for the Research Degrees Programme.
6a. Outline of proposed research
The expression of interest is a summary of your proposed research project, Please try to structure your proposal into the following sections:
Proposed title of your research project:Proposed research question:
Subject area, aims, objectives of your proposed research (approx.. 150 words):
Historical, Contemporary and Theoretical Contexts of your proposed research project (approx.. 200 words):
Methodology (possible methods and methodology relevant to your research project) (approx.. 200 words):
Prediction of the form of the final presentation of your thesis (approx.. 50 words):
Ethical dimensions of the research (are there any ethical considerations that need to be taken into account?) (approx.. 150 words):
6b. Indicative Bibliography (max. one side of A4, and can be attached seperately)
6c. Supplementary Evidence (please includeURLs below such as websites, videos etc. as appropriate)
7. Academic Qualifications
Please state your higher education and professional qualifications in the table below, listing the most recent ones first. If you do not know the result of a course you are currently taking, please indicate when you expect to know the result and what result you are expecting to attain. (please ‘tab’ from the last field to create more rows if required)
Institution / awarding body / Title of course / Main subject(s) / Result / Date(s)8. Other relevant experience
You may provide here details of any publications, exhibitions, teaching, research or other professional experience that you consider to be directly relevant to your application).