What is the ARC DECRA Award ? / The ARC Discovery Early Career Research Award (DECRA) scheme is a separate element of the Discovery Program. It seeks to provide more focussed support and create more opportunities for early-career researchers(awarded a PhD on or after18 May 2006 without career interruption; and on or between 18 May 2003 and 18 May 2006 with career interruption)
The objectives of the DECRA scheme are to:
- support and advance promising early career researchers;
- promote enhanced opportunities for diverse career pathways;
- focus research effort in the National Research Priority areas to improve research capacity and policy outcomes; and
- enable research and research training in high quality and supportive environments.
What support is provided under the scheme? / A DECRA must be applied for at $125,000 and may be awarded ARC funding of up to $125,000.
This award is made up of:
a)a fixed per annum salary of $85,000, including 28% on-costs, and
b)up to $40,000 project costs.
Salary and/or project costs will not be awarded independently.
A DECRA may be applied for and awarded ARC funding for three consecutive years on a full-time basis. Subject to the conditions in section 6.2.5 of the funding rules, a DECRA may, after commencement, be undertaken on a part-time basis not exceeding six consecutive years.
Funding will commence with effect from 1 January 2012.
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What is RMIT’s approach to this scheme? / RMIT ’s vision is to be:
- global in attitude, action and presence, offering our students a global passport to learning and work;
- urban in orientation and creativity, shaping sustainable cities and drawing inspiration from the challenges and opportunities they provide; and
- connected through active partnerships with professions, industries and organisations to support the quality, reach and impact of our education and research.
- Designing the Future
- Smart Technology Solutions
- Improving Health and Lifestyle
- Sustainability and Climate Change Challenges
- The Future of Cities
RMIT wishes to attract outstanding early-career researchers to the university, from overseas or within Australia, who are working inareas of acknowledged RMIT research strength
RMIT must provide a Strategic Statement in the proposal to be approved by the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research), outlining:
- the existing and/or emerging research strengths of the Administering Organisation;
- the positioning of the DECRA recipient within a high quality research environment; and
- the research only and/or research and teaching pathways available at the Administering Organisation during and after completion of the Project.
- is there an existing, or developing, supportive and high quality research environment?
- are the necessary facilities available to complete the project?
- are there adequate strategies to encourage dissemination, commercialisation, if appropriate, and promotion of research outcomes?
What is the process and timeframe for applications? / Fact Sheet is distributed to College Research Managers for dissemination to relevant College staff. / 28 February 2011
Schools prepare individual strategic statements and submit them to College office for review / 11 April 2011
Draft applications to College Research Offices for review (including draft Strategic Statement) / College of DSC
27 April 2011
College of Business
27 April2011
College of SEH
27 April 2011
Near final applications to Research Support and Performance for quality review (applications have already been through the College review process) / 2 May 2011
ARC Closing date / 18 May 2011
Resources / Funding Rules
Contacts / Colleges:
Business / Tania Tambiah 9925 5572 or
Dr Tseen Khoo 9925 1308 or
Design and Social Context / Lorraine Bridger 9925 2800 or
Jonathan O’Donnell 0425 755829 or
Science, Engineering and Health / Caroline Northwood 9925 2730 or
Edwina Goh 9925 9720 or
Research and Innovation:
Rosalba Drummond / +61 3 9925 2335 or
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