The four middle columns indicate
a) presence of the Bowes leaves in the first state (B1)
b) presence of the Bowes leaves in the second state (B2)
c) presence of the Drake leaves (D)
d) presence of the map ‘Typus Orbis Terrarum’ after Ortelius (O)
Cambridge UniversityB1B2DOB2 and Drake leaves re-
Library I(Q15)margined, suppl. later?,
[Young 224]photographic facs. of
Wright-Molyneux map
(state 2) at back; gift
of Arthur William Young,
1933; brown morocco gilt,
by Bedford
Ibid. II(Q16)-B2D-Modern t.p. facs. (w. in-
[Syn.4.58.8]correct date 1599), other
prelims damaged, lacks
*8, B3-4, and last six
leaves (table), stubs of
B1 visible; gift of W. E.
Heitland, 1911; 18th-
19th-cent. boards,
Ibid. III(Q17)-B2D-T.p. lacking, other
[Syn.4.58.4]prelims damaged; early
inscr. ‘Gorge Johnston’;
‘James Dennis’ ?(M.A.
Trinity Hall, Cambridge
1683); 19th-cent. half
Ibid. IV(Q7)**-B2DO‘Sum Anthony Dennis’,
[Hanson G.132]?(matr. Exeter, Oxford
1602, Inner Temple 1607);
‘Sarah Strange’, early
inscr.; Cruising Asso-
ciation Library, on dep.;
gift of H. G. Hanson,
1926; cont. calf, w.
‘Cruising Association
Library’ stamped in gilt,
repaired 1977
Cambridge, -B2D-Lacks t.p.; stubs of B1
Christ’s College(Q18)**visible; inscr. on *2r,
[Rouse 13.8]*5r, ‘John Massie his
Booke 1671’, ?John Massy
(matr. Magdalen, Oxford
1669); later inscr.,
‘John Hollyman ex dono
R(?) Massie’; gift of
W. H. D. Rouse, 1940;
cont. calf, rebacked
Cambridge, -B2D-Lacks final 6 leaves
Pembroke College(Q19)*(table); stubs of B1
[2.16.20]visible; cont. calf,
gilt central ornament,
‘Voiages’ in ink on
Cambridge,-B2D-Gift of William Aldis
Trinity CollegeWright (1831-1914), acq.
[VI.3.50]from Maggs Bros. cat. 117
(1894) no. 453; 19th-
cent. red morocco gilt
Durham University(Q21)B1---Lacks several leaves;
[SR.4.E.12]‘Thomas Scott’ ?(1580?-
1626); Henry Bagshaw
(1632-1709); Martin
Joseph Routh (1755-1854)
Liverpool, University----impf., lacking Bowes
of Liverpool(Q22)**leaves
London,B1B2D-B1 repaired, prob. suppl.
British Library I(Q1)later; ‘Edward Keighley
[C.32.m.10]his booke 1655’ ?(matr.
New Hall Inn, Oxford
1651); ‘1657’ after name
scratched out; 19th-cent.
Ibid. II(Q2)-B2DOThomas Grenville (1755-
[G.6604]1846); 19th-cent. red
morocco gilt, w. note
that map was present in
previous bdg.
London Library**-B2--Cont. calf, blindstamped
[Safe 4, 4to]central arabesque orna-
ment, rebacked
London University,-B2DO‘Thomas DeLavale’, 17th-
Senate House Library(Q4)cent. inscr. (?Delavals
[[S.L.] I [Hakluyt-1589] fol.]of Northumberland);
‘Bound for George Rutland
signed 19th-cent. bdg.;
Sterling Library
London,B1---Map lacking, but w. map
Middle Templefrom 1598 edition at
[RBR Ashley]Middle Temple; bequest of
Robert Ashley (1565-
1641); modern brown
London, -B2D-Alexander Dalrymple
Ministry of Defence,(1737-1808); ‘Such is the
Whitehall Library(Q5)expense of time & money
[Sa 12]for my Dicty! After
marking much of this vol.
behold there is a later
edn of this (1598), with
2 more vols’, late 18th,
19th-cent. inscr. (not in
Samuel Johnson’s hand, as
stated by Quinn); Admir-
alty Library Office,
stamp; map pres. when
recorded by Quinn
London, Royal--D-T.p. MS facs.; lacking
Geographical Society(Q6)a few leaves, some suppl.
[26691]from other copies;
Mm6 of Drake leaves
lacking, suppl. in MS
Oxford, All Souls(Q10)-B2D-Stubs of ‘B1’ leaves
[h.8]visible; bequest of
Dudley Digges (1613-43);
mid-17th, early 18th-
cent. blindstamped calf
Oxford,B1---Elias Ashmole (1617-92);
Bodleian Library I(Q8)**cont. calf, rebacked
[Ashm. 1690]
Ibid. II(Q9)**-B2D-Francis Douce (1757-
[Douce H 419]1834) cont. calf, blind-
stamped central ornament
on upper cover, rebacked
Oxford,-B2--Stubs of ‘B1’ leaves
Christ Church(Q11)**visible; ‘1594 Ralfe
[f.1.34]Burton. This booke was
bought 1594. In August
die xxiiij. at Oxford’
(his annotations through-
out); ‘liber Roberti
Burton ex dono matris,
14to Januarii 1622’
Robert Burton (1577-
1640); inscr. at back
‘William Burton’ (B.A.
Brasenose, Oxford 1594,
d. 1645), Robert and
William sons of Ralfe;
cont. calf, gilt central
ornament, recently
Oxford, B1---‘Ex dono Thome Martini
New College(Q12)*LL D et A.G.W.’ stamped
[.35.8]on bdg. (Thomas Martyn,
d. 1597); cont. calf,
gilt central ornament
Oxford,-B2D-Stubs of ‘B1’ leaves
Wadham College(Q13)**visible; Edward Sebright,
[A16.8]of Prestwood; his son,
John Sebright (matr.
Wadham 1626); gift of
Gilbert Drake (matr.
Wadham 1616-7, d. 1629),
inscr. on t.p. erased;
‘Richard Watkins’ ?(matr.
Wadham 1720, d. 1776) or
his son (matr. Wadham
1763, d. 1805); ‘Jane
Fons’, early inscr.;
cont. calf, gilt central
ornament, recently
Oxford,-B2D-Sir William Clarke
Worcester College(Q14)*(1623?-66), his inscr.;
George Clarke (1661-
1736), son of Sir
William, his bkpl.
Sheffield-B2D-‘Tho: Arthington’ ?(B.A.
Central Library(23)St. Catherine’s, Cam-
[910.8 STC]bridge 1607-8) or (B.A.
Trinity Hall, Cambridge
1639-40); ‘Da: Dysard’,
?18th-cent. inscr.; cont.
and early annotations
Cashel, GPA-Bolton-B2D-Lacks several leaves;
Library(Q24)‘Pat’k Fitz Symons’,
[M.3.15] 17th-cent. inscr.; ‘B D’
stamped on bdg.
Berkshire, privateB1-DOModern green goatskin
gilt by Middleton
Holkham Hall,-B2D-‘John Clark’, early
Norfolkinscr.; bd. by Jean Robi-
quet between 1728 and
1744 for Thomas William
Coke (1752-1842), 1st
Earl of Leicester
London, Bernard-B2DO‘Edwarde Wytt R xis vid
Quaritch, cat. 1185 (1993)1590’; ‘Wm Bligh dwelleth
no. 43(Q75b/78)*Carnedon in cornwell
neere unto Launston Tyn-
tagell vile to Bostable
bey iii miles from the
Quw(?)’; Boies Penrose
(1902-76), his sale,
Sotheby’s, 1971; H.
Bradley Martin (1908-88),
his sale, Sotheby’s,
N.Y., 1990; cont. calf,
blind-stamped central
arabesque ornament
London, Maggs Bros.,B1-D-Drake leaves suppl.
cat. 1181 (1994) no. 430later; map in facs.;
‘W. Tooke, St. Peters-
burg, 1781’, William
Tooke (1744-1820)
London, Phillips, SonB1---Lacks t.p. and last 3
& Neale, 16 March 1995,leaves of index; ‘John
lot 104Pennetts Book, Foreland
May 1802’; old tree calf,
rebacked, preserving old
labels ‘Voyages &c’, ‘Old
Black Letter’ (mis-cata-
logued by Phillips as
1598-1600 edition)
Helsinki UniversityB1---T.p. and prelims lack-
Library I(Q25)ing; ‘I.H. to D.S. 1753’,
[N 744 A]inscr.; ‘Bishop(?) M.
Smith 12th June 1829’;
‘A. E. Nordenskiold,
Kopt: Barcelona 1881’,
inscr. 17th or 18th-cent.
Ibid. II(Q26)**B1---‘C. Wellbeloved, York’,
[N 744 B]Charles Wellbeloved
(1769-1858); ‘A. E.
Nordenskiold’, inscr.;
cont. calf, spine
Paris, Bibliothèque-B2--Lacks t.p.; Oratoire
de l’Arsenal*Saint Magloire, Paris
[4to H 315](since at least 1631?);
confiscated in French
Revolution; cont. calf,
blindstamped central
Paris, Société deB1-DOPrince Roland Bonaparte
Géographie(1857-1924); blue
[Soc. Géo. Res. 4to C.3(1)]morocco by William
The Netherlands
Rotterdam, Maritiem-B2DOW. A. Engelbrecht; bd. by
Museum Prins HendrikWilliam Pratt
[WAE 1 D/E 7(193)]
St Petersburg,-B2D-‘James Bacon’, ?Sir James
National LibraryBacon, of Friston,
of Russia(Q26b)Suffolk (matr. Corpus
[14.19a.19]Christi, Oxford 1584,
Gray’s Inn 1586) or his
son (M.A. Queen’s, Oxford
St Petersburg,-B2D-Original collection of
Russian Academy ofthe Academy of Sciences
Sciences Library(26a)(see Bibliotheca Imper-
[4192.f.2735.R]ialis Petropolitanae,
1742, p. 258); 19th-cent.
half calf, marbled boards
Berkeley, BancroftB1-D-Edward Jones ?(1641-
Library, University1703), Bp of St Asaph,
of California Iinscr. dated 1664-7;
[fG240 H22 1589 copy 1]19th-cent. calf
Ibid. II**-B2DO‘Hugh Hornby’, ?17th-
[fG240 H22 1589 copy 2]cent. inscr.; ?17th-cent.
calf, rebacked
Claremont, SpecialB1-DOWilliam Smith Mason
Collections, Honnold/1866-1961); late 19th,
Mudd Library,early 20th-cent. red
Claremont Colleges(Q41)morocco, gilt edges
[M910.8 H127]
San Marino,B1-DODrake leaves and map
Henry E. Huntingtoninserted from anr. copy;
Library I(Q38)‘John Sturges 1672’
[RB 3439]?(d. 1725), Archdeacon of
Huntingdon; Church cat.
no. 139; 19th-cent.
polished calf
Ibid. II(Q39)B1B2DOB1, remargined, inserted
[RB 9608]from anr. copy; Church
cat. no. 139A; blue
morocco by Pratt for H.
Stevens & Son
Ibid. III(Q40)**-B2D-‘Thomas Egertons Lincolns
[RB 3437]9 s’ (1540?-1617), Lord
Chancellor, and his son,
John Egerton (1579-1649),
1st Earl of Bridgewater;
cont. calf, rebacked
New Haven, BeineckeB1-DOGift of Mrs Elbert B.
Library, Yale Monroe, on dep. at Yale
University I(Q44)for the Pequot Library,
[Pequot +H12] Southport, Conn.; modern
blue morocco
Ibid. II-B2D-Lacks leaf X4 and all
[Eca +589hb]after p. 817; 19th-cent.
half morocco
Ibid. III(Q43a)*B1-DOHenry C. Taylor Coll.;
[Taylor 188]cont. calf
New Haven, Yale CentreB1-DOPaul Mellon (b. 1907)
for British Art(Q89)*
[Virginiana (4to)]
District of Columbia
Washington,B1-DOSir Leicester Harmsworth
Folger Shakespeare(1870-1937)
Library I(Q93)
[STC 12625 copy 1]
Ibid. II(Q92)B1---‘p’tiu’ xvis’, early
[STC 12625 copy 2]inscr.; William Menzies
(1810-96); Henry F.
Sewall Library (1896)
Ibid. III(Q94)B1B2D-Map facs.; B1 suppl.
[STC 12625.2]later; ‘A. Holmes 1803’
?Abiel Holmes (1763-
1837); Sir Leicester
Harmsworth (1870-1937)
Washington, Library-B2D-Map in MS; John Boyd
of Congress I(Q91)Thacher (1847-1909)
[Thacher 726]
Ibid. II(Q90)-B2--Lacking t.p. and leaf *6,
[G240.H142]t.p. supplied in ink
Ibid. III**-B2DOCont. brown roll-stamped
[Kraus no. 27]calf (spine repaired,
clasps lacking)
Chicago, NewberryB1-DODrake leaves remargined,
Library(Q46)**suppl. later; Edward
[Ayer f*110 H2 1589]Everett Ayer (1841-1927),
acq. from Stevens 1902
(£27 10s); cont. calf,
gilt central arabesque
ornament, rebound 19th
Urbana-Champaign,B1-D-Acq. 1965 from Scribners’
N. F. Nash Library,
University of Illinois
Bloomington, Lilly-B2DOJ. K. Lilly (1893-1966);
Library, Indianacont. calf, blindstamped
[G240.H14 1589]
Iowa City,--D-Lacks t.p. and some other
University of Iowa(Q48)leaves; gift of Daniel
[xG240.H142]Hector Talbot, 1891
Brunswick, ----Lacks several leaves of
Bowdoin College(Q49)text
[STC 12625]
Boston Public-B2--B2 leaves repaired,
Library(Q52)suppl. later; early map
[G351.24]‘Typus cosmographicus
universalis’, plus 19th-
cent. facs. of Wright
world map; Samuel Latham
Mitchell Barlow (1826-89)
Cambridge, HoughtonB1-D-Map modern facs.
Library, Harvard
University I(Q55)
Ibid. II(Q54)B1B2D-B2 leaves shorter than
[*46-1433F]rest of text, prob.
suppl. later
Ibid. III(Q53)-B2D-Acq. 1848; repaired after
[fSTC 12625] fire of 1873
Williamstown,-B2DO‘William Bookey, Jr.,
Chapin Library,1673’; Samuel Wegg,
Williams College(Q56)**governor of Hudson
[fAm 1589.H3]Bay (1782-99); Alfred
Clark Chapin (1848-1936)
Worcester, American-B2D-Map and t.p. facs.;
Antiquarian Society(Q57)**‘Imported July 1849’;
[G855.H156.P589F]cont. calf, rebacked
Ann Arbor, William L.B1--OB2 and Drake leaves acq.
Clements Library,later; William L.
University of Michigan(Q58)Clements (1861-1934);
[F 1589]calf-backed marbled
Detroit PublicB1-DOCont. calf, blindstamped
Library(Q59)**central ornament, spine
Minneapolis, James-B2DO‘W. Burgh’, ?William
Ford Bell Library,Burgh (1741-1808);
University of Minnesota(Q60)*Herman Le Roy Edgar
[1589/fHa](1865-1938); cont.
New Hampshire
Hanover,-B2D-Photostats of map and
Dartmouth College(Q61)**4F1; acq. 1932
[Val G12/H127pa]
New Jersey
Princeton, Princeton-B2DO‘Dono auctoris’, ?pres.
University I(Q64)copy to Philippe Des-
[Taylor Coll.]portes (1546-1606);
‘Desportes’, inscr.; ‘Ex
Augustissima Bibliotheca
Thuana’, i.e. Jacques-
Auguste de Thou? (1553-
1617); Robert H. Taylor
(1860-1936); 18th, 19th-
cent. brown goatskin,
Ibid. II(Q63)B1B2DOB2 leaves cropped, suppl.
[Kane Coll.]later; John Gott (1830-
1906), Bp of Truro, his
sale, Sotheby, Wilkinson
& Hodge, 20 March 1908,
lot 104; Edward Crane
(1896-1964), his sale,
Richmond Auctions, N.Y.,
26-28 March 1913, lot
359; dark plum morocco by
New York
Albany, University of-B2??
the State of New York(Q65)
New York, Hispanic-B2--Photostat of anr. world
Society of America I(Q66)map; acq. from Hiersemann
[G240 H15 1589(1)]cat. 339, no. 38
Ibid. II(Q67)-B2D-Constantine John Phipps
[G240 H15 1589(2)](1744-92); acq. from
Hiersemann cat. 339, no.
New York, New York-B2D-‘JHS 14 August 1850’;
Historical Society(Q68)Buckingham Smith (1810-
[Y-q 1589.H]71), inscr. dated 1855
New York, PierpontB1B2D-Map facs.; B2 leaves
Morgan Library(Q69)prob. suppl. later;
[PML 15594]armorial bkpl. w. motto
‘Advance with courage’
(Majoribanks, Scotland)
New York Public-B2D-‘Ex Roberti Nicolsoni
Library I(Q70)Londinensis Libris. 1590.
[*KC+1589 Hakluyt]9/2.0.’; ‘J. W. Draper’,
?John William Draper
(1811-82); plus woodcut
‘A General Map, Made
Onelye For The Particular
Declaration Of This Dis-
covery’, from Sir Humfrey
Gilbert, Discourse, 1576
(STC 11881) and printed
broadside logbook record
of Drake’s voyage, 1585-6
(not in STC)
Ibid. II(Q71)-B2DOTan morocco gilt by J.
Ibid. III(Q72)B1B2DOB1 suppl. later; brown
morocco gilt by Hayday
Ibid. IV(Q73)B1-DOArents tobacco cat.,
[Arents Coll.]Adds., 1959, no. 93;
old calf
Poughkeepsie,-B2D-George Brinley (1817-75),
Vassar College(Q74)his sale, Hartford, 1878,
[Grille 910.8 H125]lot. 33 ($132.50); gift
of Mary Clark Thompson,
North Carolina
Chapel Hill, Davis-B2DO‘William Thomas, ad
Library, UniversityLondon’, early inscr.;
of North Carolina(Q76)acq. from Henry Stevens,
[VC970.1 H15p]1857
Bethlehem, Linderman-B2D-‘Henry Bressy’, early
Library, Lehighinscr. (initials ‘HB’ on
University(Q77)**cont. calf bdg.); ‘Thomas
[910.8 H156p 1589]Chaderton, Carleton
comitate, Bedford an:
1703’, Thomas Chaderton
(matr. Sidney Sussex,
Cambridge 1704, d. 1735,
son of Joseph, rector of
Carleton, Beds.)
Haverford,-B2DOT.p. and alphabetical
Haverford Collegetable inlaid; lacks last
[Philips Coll. 71]leaf, map repaired; acq.
Philadelphia, Free-B2D-‘John Hort, Esq. Dub:
Library(Q79)**1757’, his bkpl., ?son of
[Elkins 51]Josiah, Archbp of Tuam
(1674?-1751), created
baronet 1767
Philadelphia,B1-D-Drake leaves shorter,
Library Company I(Q82)prob. suppl. later; acq.
[Log 1050.F]c. 1851
Ibid. II(Q81)-B2D-Josceline Percy ?(1784-
[244.F]1856); acq. before 1770
Ibid. III(Q80)**B1-DODrake leaves remargined,
[*Kirkland Am1589 Hak]prob. suppl. later; acq.
from Henry Stevens by
Frederick Kirkland, 1941;
his gift to Historical
Society of Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island
Newport, Naval War-B2DOGift of Alexander
College(Q83)Hamilton Rice (1875-
[G240.H142 1589 Restr. Coll.]1956)
John Carter
Brown Library I(Q8)
[D589/P954n/1.size/[F]/copy 1]
Ibid. II(Q85)B1-D-With 1594 Petrus Plancius
[D589/P954n/1.size/[F]/copy 2]map (Shirley, no. 187);
B2 leaves ‘as separate’,
according to Quinn
Charlottesville,B1-DO‘James Salt’, ‘Thomas
Alderman Library,Stone’, early inscr.;
University of‘Richard Emmery’ ?(matr.
Virginia I(Q87)St. John’s, Cambridge
[McGregor A 1589.H35]1639, d. 1678); Tracy W.
McGregor (1869-1936)
Ibid. II(Q88)-B2D-Wright world map, State
[McGregor A 1589.H35a]1, bd. after A1
Richmond, Virginia-B2D-
Historical Society(88a)
Madison, University-B2DO‘Earl of Mexborough’,
of Wisconsin(Q95)bkpl., ?John Savile,
[Thordarson T 1873]Earl of Mexborough
(1783-1860), ?his sale,
Sotheby & Wilkinson,
Dec. 1860, Feb. 1861;
Chester H. Thordarson;
Riviere bdg.
Connecticut, New Haven,-B2DO
William Reese Company
cat. 123 (1993)
Connecticut, New Haven,-B2D-Gilbert & Armine Gosling,
William Reese Companybkpl.; old calf
cat. 128 (1994) & 148 (1996)
Massachusetts, private-B2DOBlue-black morocco gilt
(1993)by Charles Hering, Jr.
(fl. 1830)
New York, Christie’s,-B2DOPierre S. duPont III
Pierre S. duPont III(1911-88); olive morocco
sale, 8 Oct. 1991,gilt, by Pratt
lot 119, bought by W.
Graham Arader III(Q45)
New York, H. P. Kraus,-B2DOAa1, 6 suppl. from anr.
cat. 195 (1994) no. 112copy; initials ‘J. H.’
in early hand on t.p.;
modern blind-ruled calf
New York, Frank S.B1-DO‘Christopher Blonion
Streeter(Q75a)**[Bleniun?]’, cont.
inscr.; Parke Bernet
sale, 20 Oct. 1970, lot
13; cont. calf, spine
New South Wales
Sydney, State LibraryB1B2DODavid Scott Mitchell
of New South Wales I(Q29)(1836-1907)
Ibid. II(Q30)-B2D-‘Ann Maria Waring 1823’;
[Q910.8/6C2]Mitchell Library
Ibid. III(Q31)-B2-O‘Mary Leigh’, early
[Q58/3]inscr.; gift of Sir
William Dixson (1870-
Melbourne, StateB1-DOAcq. 1929; brown morocco
Library of Victoria(Q28)gilt by Rivière & Son
[*SF 910.8 H12]
Nova Scotia
Halifax, PublicB1---Lacks t.p.; Thomas
Archives of NovaBeamish Akins (1809-91);
Scotia(Q35A)Royal Nova Scotia
[AK.H15p]Historical Society; acq.
Ottawa, National-B2D-
Library of Canada
Toronto, History Dpt.,-B2D-Map in photographic
Metropolitan Torontofacs.; Samuel Latham
Reference Library(Q34)Mitchell Barlow (1826-
[BR 910.9 H12.13 1589]89); crimson morocco
gilt, by Francis Bedford
Montreal, McGill-B2D-Impf., lacking leaf *8,
University(Q35)t.p. from another copy;
[G12 H125.2]17th-cent. calf
Wellington,----W. H. Duignan, Rushall
Turnbull Library(Q32)Hall, bkpl.; acq. at
[qREng HAK Prin 1589]Hodgson’s sale, 20 June
Johannesburg PublicB1-D-‘Lenox Library New York
Library(Q27)duplicate’, stamp; Robert
[SLO Q 96T 156-Hak]George Windsor-Clive,
Earl of Plymouth (1857-
1923); Marshall Clifford
Lefferts (1848-1928)
Johannesburg,-B2-OLast 3 leaves of table
University of Witwatersrandphotographic facs.;
[AFRICA 4 G 240 HAK]James Humphries Collec-
tion of Africana