Research and Evaluation Committee (REC) Meeting


November 2, 2017


Present / Present / Present
Voting Members / Dave Johnson / Monique Martinez-Quiros
Jodi Polaha (2014) / Elizabeth Banks / Neftali Serrano
Jennifer Wray (2015) / Eliot Lopez / Nancy Pandhi
Tina Studts (2016) / Emilee Delbridge / Nathan Engle
Robyn Shepardson (2016) / Emma Gilchrist / Nate Goins
CR Macchi (2016) / Gary Rosenberg / Nyann Biery
Patti Robinson (2016) / Giuliana McQuirt / Tawnya Meadows
Stephanie Trudeau (2016) / Halie Dyer / Patrick Palmieri
Julie Gass (2017) / Irina Kolobova / Randi Dublin
Jackie Hahn / Rebecca Aycock
Committee Members / Jasna Haller / Rodger Kessler
Alejandra Posada / Jean Cobb / Rola Aamar
Amber Landers / Jeff Goodie / Rusty Kallenberg
Amelia Muse / Jeff Shahidullah / Shaun Davis
Angela Giles / Jennifer Funderburk / Stacy Ogbeide
Angela Lamson / Jennifer Hodgson / Suzanne Daub
Ann Aspnes / Jessica Goodman / Thabiso Batsell
Astrid Beigel / Jeri Turgesen / Tina Runyan
Beth Nolan / Jose Bayona / Tom Bishop
Bill McFeature / Joe Grasso / Toni Watt
Brian Goetsch / Kaitlin Lilienthal / Vickie Lynn
Brian DeSantis / Karen Kinman / Waymon Hinson
Brooke Palmer / Kathryn Woods / Will Lusenhop
Casey Gallimore / Katie Kanzler / William Sieber
Chris Hunter / Lauren Tolle / Zephon Lister
Christine Borst / Limor Gildenblatt
Christina Vair / Lori Zeman
Cindy Michael / Mark Vogel
CJ Peek / Mary Peterson
Colleen Cordes / Mary Talen
Dan Blocker / Matthew Tolliver
Danielle King / Melissa Baker
Total Attendees

1.  Approve minutes from October 2017 (in person!) meeting

2.  Conference De-Brief

a.  It was fantastic to see everyone in person!

b.  26 people came to the R&E meeting, including 6 new members!

c.  R&E talks were generally well attended, and the Shark Tank Plenary was a hit!

3.  Nominations for Voting Members and Leadership

d.  Leadership positions opening up for next year: Co-chair, Secretary, 4 or more voting members

i.  We’ve only received one nomination for co-chair and two nominations for a voting member

ii. Nominations due by Friday, Nov. 3 to allow for election in mid-November.

iii.  Self-nominations or nominations by others are accepted. If nominated by others, we will confirm willingness to serve with the nominee.

iv.  Please refer to meeting minutes from the in-person meeting for descriptions of the positions

v. We will take nominations by email to

e.  Tina, Jen Wray, Patti, and Robyn will be rotating off

i.  Note that people with expiring terms can be nominated by themselves or others for an additional two year term if they are interested

f.  Jodi staying on as Board Liaison

4.  PHM Survey Proposal (CR)

5.  REC Subcommittees Check-Ins

g.  Poster subcommittee (Stephanie, Jackie)

h.  Conference subcommittee (Robyn)

i.  Research email updates Subcommittee (Elizabeth, Jen F., Julie, CR, Patti)

j.  R&E Research Summary Group (Jen F.)

k.  Website Workgroup (CR, Patti, Jenna)

6.  Research and Evaluation Fellowship (Tina, CR, Neftali, Jenna)


8.  REC-sponsored webinars

l.  Thanks to Greg Beehler from the Center for Integrated Healthcare for presenting on September 27th! Thanks to Robyn for coordinating!

i.  How was the turnout?

ii. Slides and recordings here:

9.  Survey CFHA membership (Robyn, Stephanie, Jackie, CR, Tina, Jodi, Dave, Nyann, Astrid)

m.  ACTION ITEM FROM LAST MEETING: Tina to initiate a meeting with subcommittee

10.  Evaluation of Regional Education Conferences (Jodi, Angela Giles, Stephanie, Jen F, Thabiso, Will)

11.  Quick Notes (last 15 minutes)

n.  No November Quick notes

o.  Jodi, Dave Johnson, and Stephanie would like to volunteer for Quick Notes for future meetings

p.  ACTION ITEM: Julie to bother one of these volunteers to see if they’d be willing to present in December

Next meeting: Thursday, December 7th, at 1:00pm Eastern

Call information:

US Toll #: 530-881-1212 US Toll Free #: 855-212-0212 (please use only if necessary)

Meeting ID: 517-873-035