Research and Creative Activity Form for OSU Faculty

This form is intended for OSU faculty who are seeking undergraduate researchers. Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers may also fill out this form, but only in collaboration with a faculty advisor. To recruit undergraduate students, please complete this form and email it to .

The Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry (OURCI) does NOT post the announcement on its website, but will send this it by e-mail to a chosen target group. Please indicate which students we should notify about your opportunity: (note all that apply)

All students on the office’s listserv?

Students in certain academic majors or colleges? (specify which ones – a list of current OSU majors is available here)

If sending to specific majors, certain ranks of students?

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

Fourth Year

Faculty Mentor:


Telephone Number:


Research Supervisor: (if not the Faculty Mentor listed above)

Supervisor’s Telephone Number:

Supervisor’s Email:

General Area of Study:

Project Title:

Application Deadline:

Number of Students You Are Seeking:

Position/Project Description: (1-2 paragraphs about the project background, goals, etc. and any potential tasks/projects the student will conduct)

1. Skills Needed: (specify if mandatory or preferred)

2. Student may work for: (check all that apply)

Academic credit (e.g., 4998 or 4193 courses)?


Voluntary experience?

Work-Study experience?

3. Position/opportunity available for: (check all that apply)

Summer Semester?

Autumn Semester?

Spring Semester?

4. Approximate number of hours per week:

5. Approximate number of months:

6. Does this opportunity have the potential to become a significant project which could lead to a presentation at a forum or research thesis?



7. Other comments: (for example, would you prefer students with previous research experience, specific courses, a minimum GPA?)

8. How/who should students contact to be considered for this opportunity and what information should they provide (such as a resume, brief description of their interest in the project)?