Forfeits, Defaults & Rescheduling Policy



  1. Team captains may request a rescheduling of their intramural game(s). Teams are allowed a maximum of three (3) requests per season per sport (includes playoffs). Please note that due to facility space and time limitations for games, we cannot guarantee that your game will be rescheduled.
  2. Please submit any rescheduling requests at least 48 hours in advance and prior to your currently scheduled game time. Forms for Saturday or Sunday games must be submitted by Thursday at 6:00pm. Any requests received less than 48 hours in advance may not be accepted. If not accepted or under 48 hours please submit an Advanced Default Request (see below).
  3. Steps for a Rescheduling Request (Captains & Co-Captains):

1)Fill out & submit the following form:

2)A member of the intramural staff will contact you along with the opposing team captain’s information, and potential rescheduling options (if available).

3)You will both need to agree on a date/time by responding to the intramural staff’s email. Once agreed upon the game date/time will be updated on IMLeagues.

*The Intramural Sports Staff will do their best to honor any requests, but it is not guaranteed; please allow a minimum of 24 hours for us to respond to your request. In the event that a game cannot be rescheduled before the end of a sport’s season, you will be assessed a default loss (see below). If the request is submitted less than 48 hours in advance, the game will be listed as a forfeit (see below) if your team is unable to play, and a default request is not submitted.


  1. As a courtesy to opponents and to avoid being charged with a forfeit, teams may request an advanced default for games they will be unable to attend. An advanced default acknowledges the accepting of a loss, but avoids a forfeit being given to the team. All defaults must be made known to the Intramural Office by NOON on the day of the game. For games scheduled on Saturday or Sunday, notification must be made by 4:00 pm on Friday.
  2. Any three (3) defaults eliminates that team from further participation in that sport for the remainder of the season.Therefore, it is wise to exercise your right to a default as a last resort.Please note that any two (2) forfeits eliminates that team from further participation in that sport for the remainder of the season.
  3. When requesting an Advanced Default please fill out the following form. You will be contacted along with the opposing team captain confirming the default request.
  4. Fill out & submit the following form:
  5. Defaulted games will NOT be rescheduled.
  6. Defaulted games will follow the sport specific game rules for scoring (point differential), and a sportsmanship rating of a 4.0 will be recorded for the defaulting team.


  1. If a team fails to appear at the scheduled playing time, the supervisor will give the choice of accepting a win by forfeit or waiting five (5) minutes for the opponents to arrive. As soon as the minimum number of participants arrives, the game will start. If the minimum number of participants is not present for either team, a double forfeit will be declared. To obtain a game victory by forfeiture, the required number of participants must be present and signed in on the scoresheet ready to play. A team given advance notice by the Intramural Office does not need to show for the game to obtain the forfeiture win.
  2. A teams first forfeit will be recorded as a loss, scores (point differential) will follow the sport specific game rules, and a sportsmanship rating of a 3.0 will be recorded for the forfeiting team. The team captain will be contacted following the team’s forfeit to ensure continued participation. Teams that forfeit twice (2) in a season will be eliminated from all further competition for that sport’s season including playoffs.
  3. Forfeited games are NOT rescheduled.
  4. Any team discovered using illegal players during the game or following its conclusion will be subject to a forfeiture of that game. In cases where the game is in progress or concluded, the team found in violation will forfeit all points scored and be assessed a forfeit. Scores (point differential) will follow the sport specific game rules, and a sportsmanship rating of a 3.0 will be recorded for the forfeiting team. If both teams are discovered using illegal players then a double forfeit be assessed. Illegal players may be classified by the following:
  5. Using false identification to participate in a game (impersonating another participant).
  6. Not being on the game roster.
  7. Playing on more than one (1) team within the same sport, league, and/or division. Male participants are permitted to play on any one team AND one team within a Coed League in the same sport. RA’s are no longer permitted to play on 1st year teams. Since Duke Intramural Sports are ‘Open’ to all participants (unless otherwise noted; i.e. Women’s, Coed, etc.), female participants are permitted to play on up to three (3) teams when a Women’s League is offered: Women’s League, Coed League, and any other League classified as ‘Open’.
  8. If a team’s sportsmanship during a game becomes unnecessary and uncontrollable to a level that the Site Supervisor determines ending the game is the best course of action, a team will be assessed a forfeit. These situations include fighting, persistent abuse of officiating staff and/or opponents, or any other reasons the Site Supervisor feels it necessary to end the game. If a game is ended due to both team’s display of unsportsmanlike behavior then a double forfeit will be assessed. The team(s) found in violation will forfeit all points scored and be assessed the forfeit. Scores (point differential) will follow the sport specific game rules, and a sportsmanship rating of 0.0 will be recorded for the forfeiting team(s)