RESAs Detail Accomplishments of Past Year

Huntington, WV – West Virginia’s eight Regional Education Service Agencies are united in their purpose and have cooperated with other educational leaders to efficiently provide more services than ever to the state’s students, teachers and school boards.

Officials from all eight RESAs, the state Board of Education, the West Virginia Department of Education, the West Virginia Legislature, and the West Virginia Education Association recently gathered for a statewide stakeholder meeting. They reviewed the enormous progress made during the past year and looked ahead to new opportunities and challenges for the future.

Among the accomplishments noted by Charles E. Nichols, director of RESA 3:

·  Improved cooperation with the West Virginia Department of Education and Board of Education, including representation at the department’s cabinet meetings. Superintendent Dr. Steve Paine suggested the idea, which has led to better communication among the various groups.

·  New mission and vision statements that reflect the diverse services delivered with a singular focus on improving educational opportunities.

·  Enhanced oversight of financial operations, with the CFO at every RESA now meeting or exceeding the state standards set for chief school business officials.

·  Three RESAs have undergone successful on-site reviews from the state Office of Education Performance Audits, as a result of a statewide performance accreditation system that has been put in place.

“The advancement we have made in the past year is truly amazing,” said Dr. Dee Cockrille, executive director at RESA 2 and a representative on the national Association of Education Service Agencies. “When I talk about our accomplishments with our national peers, they consistently come away impressed not only with what we’re doing but with how well we get our message out to stakeholders.”

Enhanced communication has been a priority for all eight RESAs, with the agencies making sure those efforts have a consistent look and feel thanks to a day-long branding seminar earlier this year. Two newsletters have been distributed, with a third planned for early 2011.

“I cannot tell you how often I’ve heard, ‘I did not know you provided that service or program,’ ” Cockrille said. “Our outreach efforts have made a huge difference.”

Dr. Lowell Johnson, a member of the state Board of Education and head of the stakeholder committee, commended the RESA officials for their efforts.

“Since their creation, RESAs have provided invaluable services to our state,” Johnson said. “The increased cooperation and communication in the past year have allowed more people to become aware of their programs, improving education and saving local boards valuable taxpayer dollars.”


Serving: Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, and Wayne Counties