RERC Planner: Advent& Christmas Primary 1
Month / Season: DecemberClass:Primary 1Level: Early
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
Revealed truth of God
RERC 0-04a
Revealed truth of God
I am becoming aware of God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. / I have listened to the story of the Nativity (Lk2:1-20) and I know that Jesus is Son of God and Son of Mary. / Class: - Children listen to the story of the Nativity from the Bible
(Luke 2: 1-20). Teacher discusses with the class the excitement felt in families when a new baby is born. What do have to get ready for a new baby? Who comes to visit? What presents do they bring for the new baby?
How do you think Mary and Joseph felt when Jesus was born? Who told the shepherds about the birth of Jesus? What did the shepherds do when they found out about the birth of Jesus? What present do you think the shepherds gave baby Jesus? Why was Jesus such a special baby? How do we celebrate the birth of Jesus? Children should develop some understanding that Jesus is Son of God and Son of Mary.
Class: - Children start their nativity workbook (attached to planner).
KEY VOCABULARY: Nativity, Son of God, Son of Mary / Bible
Nativity Workbook (attached to planner) / Children will show an understanding of Jesus as the Son of God and Son of Man.
RERC Planner: Advent& Christmas Primary 1
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
Son of God
RERC 0-05a
I am familiar with the Christmas story and I know that at Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus the Son of God and the Son of Mary. / I can understand that Advent is a special time leading up to the birth of Jesus, and during this time we get ready to celebrate his birth.
I know the figures in the Christmas narrative (Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 2: 1-12) – Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Wise men / Magi, Shepherds, Angels.
I know the setting in which the Christmas narrative took place,
and that; Mary & Joseph had a difficult journey to Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph searched for shelter in Bethlehem, Jesus was born in a lowly stable, the star was a sign of the birth of a special person / Class: - Discuss with the children the concept of waiting for something nice to happen e.g. your birthday, going on holiday. Discuss how you would prepare for a birthday party and all the preparations for going on holiday.
Children are introduced to the word ‘Advent’ and that it is the name of the time when we get ready to celebrate Christmas. Ask the children to tell the class all the things their family do to get ready for Christmas e.g.
buying presents, choosing a Christmas tree.
Class: - Children participate in the art activity of making an Advent paper chain. Each child colours in their strip and glues it on to the correct strip to make a paper chain running from the 1st December to 24th December (attached to planner).
Class: - Teacher asks children what Jesus would want us to do in order to prepare for Christmas. Teacher leads class discussion to being good, kind, loving, etc. Teacher shows children the special chart they will be completing at home during Advent and explains that they will colour in the box beside the date if they have shown love to others.
Home: - Parents help children to complete Advent chart at home (attached to planner).
Class: - Children listen to a further story of the Nativity from the bible Matthew 2: 8-20. Teacher discusses with the children if they have ever seen stars in the sky? What was special about this star? Was King Herod happy when he heard about baby Jesus? Who did he send to visit baby Jesus? What did the wise men follow? Where did it lead them? Who did they find there? How did the wise men feel when they found baby Jesus? What gifts did they bring for baby Jesus? Did they tell Herod where he could find baby Jesus?
Class: - Teacher shows children figure s from the Nativity narrative and asks the children to name them. A Nativity scene can be set up in the classroom or somewhere else in the school building for the children to pray at.
There are excellent posters with the words underneath to show the children on
Class: - Class continue to work on their nativity workbook.
key vocabulary Advent, Christmas, Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Wise men, Magi, Shepherds, Angels, Bethlehem, stable, star. / Advent Paper Chain
Template(attached to planner)
Advent Chart(attached to planner)
Internet / Children will show an understanding that advent is a special time leading up to the birth of Jesus, and during this time we get ready to celebrate his birth.
Children can name the figures in the Christmas narrative.
RERC Planner: Advent& Christmas Primary 1
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
Hours of God
RERC 0‐15a
I am aware that Mary is the Mother of Jesus and Our Mother. / I know that Jesus’ mother is called Mary.
I am becoming familiar with the story of the Birth of Jesus (Luke 2: 8‐20; Matthew 2: 1‐12).
I know that Mary is Mother of us all. / Class: - Teacher discusses with the childrenall the different things their mother does for them. Why does she take such care of you? Do you think it is hard work being a mother? What was the name of the mother of Jesus? What do you think Mary did for Jesus when he was a baby? Would you like Mary to be your mother as well? Teacher tells children that Mary is also Our Mother. Do you know a prayer that we could say to Mary thanking her for being Our Mother?
The Children pray the Hail Mary.
Home: - Children take A Mary Our Mother Worksheet home to pray the Hail Mary with their family.
Class: -Teacher explains to class that every day before lunch a bell will ring and we will stop our work to pray the Hail Mary. When the bell rings. all the classes in the school will be praying to Our Lady the Mother of Jesus and Our Mother. This is called The Angelus and is a special prayer to Mary. Explain to the children that the word Angelus is Latin for angel and refers to the angel Gabriel who brought Mary the good news that she was going to have a baby.
Class: - Teacher revisits the story of the birth of Jesus.
Class: - Children continue to work on their nativity workbook.
KEY VOCABULARY: Jesus’ mother, Mary, Mother of us all / Mary Our Mother Worksheet (attached to planner)
Bible / Children will show an understanding of Mary as the mother of Jesus and as Our Mother
RERC Planner: Advent& Christmas Primary 1
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
RERC 0‐18a
I can recognise Christmas as a special time for the Christian Community. / I know that Christmas is an important times for all Christians and I can participate in appropriate prayer services in school. / Class: - Teacher tells class that all over the world people who follow Jesus are called Christians. Christmas is an important celebration for Christians because we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Ask the children what they are doing at home to get ready for Christmas? What are they doing in school to get ready for Christmas? Have they noticed some special candles that are lit at school assemblies or in the Church? Explain to the children that this is an Advent wreath. Show them an advent wreath or a picture of an advent wreath and explain the significance of the candles (advent wreath notes attached to planner).Children colour in the Advent wreath worksheet.
School: - Children participate in school assemblies where the advent wreath is lit.
Class: - Children complete their nativity workbooks.
KEY VOCABULARY: Christmas, Christians / Advent Wreath
Advent Wreath Worksheet(attached to planner) / Children develop an understanding that Christians all over the world recognise Christmas as a special time
RERC Planner: Advent& Christmas Primary 1
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
Reign of God
RERC 0‐20a
I know that God invites us to show love to others. / I can name the people in my family who love me and to whom I show love.
I am beginning to understand that God loves everybody and wants me to show love to others.
I can show love by being kind and respectful to my friends and family. / Class: - Teacher discusses with class what makes up a family and asks the children to name members of their family e.g. mum, dad, aunt, grandpa. Teacher asks what makes a family special and how do they show love towards each other e.g. by looking after each other, by sharing their toys.
Class: - Children draw family members inside a heart shape and write underneath - I love my family (attached to planner).
Class: - Teacher discusses with class that they are all part of God’s Family. God loves everybody and he wants us to show love to others. How can we show love to others? Do you think it is easy to always show love to others? How do you feel when someone shows love to you? Teacher tells children that Jesus wants us to love everybody and he told us, “Love one another as I have loved you.” What do you think he meant? Do you think you can do this? Teacher introduces the word respect to the children and explains that they can show respect by listening to others, being polite, etc.
Class: - Children read and colour in the words of Jesus-“Love one another as I have loved you” (attached to planner).
Class: - Teacher discusses with class that it is nice to tell someone that you love them and how it makes you and the person you are telling feel very happy. Teacher tells the children that they are going to make a special thank you card for their family and they will take it home and give it to them.
KEY VOCABULARY: Family, love, respect, friends / Heart Worksheet
(attached to planner)
“Love one another as I have loved you” Worksheet (attached to planner)
Art Materials / Children develop an understanding that as a member of God’s family they are invited to show love to others
RERC Planner: Advent& Christmas Primary 1
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & TeachingClass / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
RERC 0‐21a
I can respond to stories that reflect Christian values.
HWB 0-44a
I am aware of how friendships are formed
and that likes, dislikes, special qualities and
needs can influence relationships.
HWB 0-44b
I understand positive things about
friendships and relationships but when
something worries or upsets me I know who
I should talk to.
HWB 0-45b
I am aware of the need to respect personal
space and boundaries and can recognise
and respond appropriately to verbal and nonverbal
HWB 0-02a
I know that we all experience a variety of
thoughts and emotions that affect how we
feel and behave and I am learning ways of
managing them.
HWB 0-04a
I understand that my feelings and reactions
can change depending upon what is
happening within and around me. This helps
me to understand my own behaviour and the
way others behave. / GLP
I have experienced opportunities to listen to and share my responses to stories that reflect the Christian values of friendship, caring and love, that God shows His love to His people.
With the help of my teacher, I can identify times when these values have been shown in my playground, home and classroom interactions.
I know that, when I demonstrate these Christian values of friendship, caring and kindness, I am living as God wants me to live / Class: - Teacher asks class how they are getting on with their Advent Chart that they took home at the beginning of Advent. How many boxes have they coloured in? Why did they do at home to be allowed to colour the boxes in? Did they like colouring in the boxes? Children are told that as Christians who are followers of Jesus Christ we should show friendship, care, kindness and love to others. Teacher uses examples of school and family life to explain these values to the children.
Home: - Teacher involves parents by sending a letter home (attached to planner) explaining that their child is exploring the Christian values of friendship, care, kindness and love. Parents are askedto discuss these values at home and if appropriate use a story book that their child likes that reflects these values. The children will be encouraged to bring these books into school to discuss with their classmates.
Class: - Teacher reads to the class - The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister and discusses how the fish made friends. This will lead to a class discussion about how important friends are both at school and at home. Children colour in a worksheet of the rainbow fish (attached to planner).
Class: - Through short drama activities, the children are given opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of the values of friendship, care, kindness and love e.g. a girl is lonely in the playground and has no friend to play with. Other children notice this and ask her to join in their game. Discuss with the children that when we demonstrate these Christian values we are living as God wants us to live.
Class: - Teacher tells the children that theywill receive a certificate at the end of a given time if an adult in the school spots them living as God wants them to live by showing the values of friendship, care, kindness and love. This will be awarded at a ceremony at the end of the given time.
VOCABULARY: Christian values, friendship, care, kindness, love. / GLP
Quality Circle Time: Unit 6 - Relationships; Unit 8 - Bullying
How do we make friends? What is a good friend? When does
a good friend become a bad friend?
Glasgow SHRE Programme, P1 Lesson 2
Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 1 page 17-18
Opportunities within class/ Gym Hall to be seated and grouped
in a variety of ways and to work together in different contexts
Bouncing Back: Unit 2 - Emotions
Bullying Box, Worry Box, Diary/Journal - for school and home
Letter for parents about children’s stories(attached to planner)
The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
Rainbow Fish Worksheet (attached to planner)
Christian Values Certificates(attached to planner) / Children demonstrate by their actions that they have some understanding of the
Christian values of friendship, care, kindness and love
RERC Planner: Advent& Christmas Primary 1
The Nativity
Name...... Class......
Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth, to those with whom he is pleased.Luke 1:14
RERC Planner: Advent& Christmas Primary 1
RERC Planner: Advent& Christmas Primary 1
December 1st / / December 13th /December 2nd / / December 14th /
December 3rd / / December 15th /
December 4th / / December 16th /
December 5th / / December 17th /
December 6th / / December 18th /
December 7th / / December 19th /
December 8th / / December 20th /
December 9th / / December 21st /
December 10th / / December 22nd /
December 11th / / December 23rd /
December 12th / / December 24th /
During Advent I am going to get ready for Christmas by being kind and loving to my friends and family.
I will colour the box beside each day I complete this task.
RERC Planner: Advent& Christmas Primary 1
Primary One have been talking about Mary the Mother of Jesus and finding out that she is also Mary Our Mother. The class has been praying the Hail Mary, thanking Mary for being our mother. Please pray the Hail Mary with your child.
Hail Mary Prayer
Hail Mary, full of grace
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among women
and blessed
is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus
Holy Mary, mother of God
Pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death
RERC Planner: Advent& Christmas Primary 1
Teacher’s Notes- The Advent Wreath
The symbolism of the Advent wreath is beautiful. The wreath is made of various evergreens, signifying continuous life. Even these evergreens have a traditional meaning which can be adapted to our faith: The laurel signifies victory over persecution and suffering; pine, holly, and yew, immortality; and cedar, strength and healing. Holly also has a special Christian symbolism: The prickly leaves remind us of the crown of thorns, and one legend tells of how the cross was made of holly. The circle of the wreath, which has no beginning or end, symbolizes the eternity of God, the immortality of the soul, and the everlasting life found in Christ. Any pine cones, nuts, or seedpods used to decorate the wreath also symbolize life and resurrection. All together, the wreath of evergreens depicts the immortality of our soul and the new, everlasting life promised to us through Christ, the eternal Word of the Father, who entered our world becoming true man and who was victorious over sin and death through His own passion, death, and resurrection.