Assignment: Read Through The LDS Articles Of Faith

Assignment: Read Through The LDS Articles Of Faith

Part I:

1) Find an official Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints/Mormon Church web site and in writing/typing – find this information/answer these questions (do not cut and paste information, be sure you use your own words – think: bulleted list of facts…): (Try or

- Make note of unique characteristics, practices and beliefs

- Details about the foundations of the religion and the role Joseph Smith played

- Do Mormons believe in the Trinity? What do Mormons believe about life after death?

- Are Mormons Christian?

2) Then, write down some common/possible misconceptions that people may have about Mormons (you can browse the web for this if you are at a loss of what to say here).

This is to be completed within about 25 minutes – when you are done, you will get a click on a second assignment that is due the next day we meet.