Innovation and Technology department
To participate to the Best Practices Award for Innovation, the project should be drawn up according to the format described below and referred to as the Guidelines.
The project will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee, on the basis of the following indicators:
-Innovation in organizational, process and technological solutions introduced by the project, in respect to the actual conditions the national and international art;
-Innovation in organizational, process and technologic solutions introduced by the project inrespecttothecurrentpractice in the related productive sector;
-The quality of the economic plan and the benefits arising from the project:
a)(in case of SERVICE COMPANIES) for the applicant and the customer whereas the implementer has carried out the project for another company on specific order) or;
b)(in case MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES) for the applicant in case the implementer has carried out the project managing his own activities, with the possible collaboration of technical or technical / scientific partners, in order to introduce innovations in terms of process and / or product , to expand its market and / or introduce new products or services. In this case, however, the benefits resulting from the project (new markets, new customers, new products, higher production efficiency, lower production costs, patents obtained, environmental impact, etc..) should be indicated.
- Industrialization of the project results and transferability in different contexts;
- Contribution of the project to the growth of skills and training of specialized resources.
In order to facilitate the evaluation activities of the Technical Committee, it is essential that the project be submitted in accordance with the provided instructions. You can enclose tables, graphs, data, other, if considered significant.
The projects must be submitted by April 15, 2014 (o via fax,al n. +39 089338896)
A) COMPANY AND CUSTOMER IDENTIFICATION1)Company /applicant organizazion
Company registry (please fill in ALL THE FIELDS):
Company name______Address______Zip Code ____
Year of estabilishment______Web site______
Settore (nel caso di aziende di servizi/terziario)
Servizi hi tech MKT Consulenza e organizzazione Ingegneria FormazioneInternazionalizzazione
production/manufacturing Company
indicate the specific area ______
NAME and SURNAME of the project’s CONTACT PERSON______
Type of company
Business Consortium Group of companies(R.T.I. – A.T.I) Other
Market Local National Foreign
Productive areas of reference (indicate the product sectors where innovation is intended)
Company size class, with relation to the numberof employees:
until 15
16 to 50
over 50
Provide a brief description of the industry, the offered products / services and any other relevant information;
2)Project initiative customer (in case of a project carried out on specific order) or, whereas the activities have been carried out by the company itself (internally) to introduce product or process innovations: Indicate the subjects (business, / or bodies), taking part in the fulfilment of the initiative, or the ones which have been involved in various capacities, drawing a benefit; or indicate the benefits the company itself took advantage of as a result of the realization of the project (introduction of new processes, higher production efficiency, cost reduction, new product introduction, any patents, new markets, environmental impact, etc.).
until €50.000,00
from €50.000,00to €100.000,00
from € 100.000,00 to € 200.000,00
over € 200.000,00
the maximum contents of this section may not exceed 1 page.
B) PROJECT DESCRIPTION1Project title: indicate the title of the presented initiative;
SECTOR of intervention of the project:indicate the productive sector in which the project is realized. Eg, biomedical, green economy, PA, tourism, recreation / game industry (engineering, food processing, rubber / plastic, graphics, wood, transportation / logistics, ceramic, textile, marine, etc)
TAG (insert terms describing the project and allowing to classify and search for information on the web):
2Description of the project (type, objectives, analysis of the context, target): specify which typeofintervention can be carried out including the project (eg feasibility studies, market research, training, technological innovation, process and / or product, innovation, creation of an innovative new product, etc ...).
Provide a descriptionofthegeneralobjectives of the project, both in technological and organizational terms. Highlight the extent to which these objectives have been achieved and any problems encountered.
Provide a description of the aspects of the market in which the initiative is placed. Specify which othercustomer targets, users and beneficiaries of the project is applicable, where expected;
3Duration of the project: Indicate the number of months (from the initial design) which were necessary for the conclusion of the initiative.
4Project total cost quotation / actually incurred cost at the end of the initiative and coverage sources: indicate the total cost of the project (from initial design) and what actually incurred, briefly explaining any significant changes. Indicate also the coverage sources ;
5Design: Provide a brief detail of the activities and design phases carried out;
6 Trainig (if listed in the project) and / orenhancement of corporate know-how: describe educational interventions, where expected, specifying the recipients of the interventions and their achievements in terms of skills improvement and / or indicate the means for the growth of the business know-how (eg joint working teams with researchers and techsfrom other companies and / or research institutions, universities, etc.).
7Monitoring and measurement: Provide a description of the adopted processes to monitor the project, with particular emphasis on the achievement of objectives and the level of satisfaction of stakeholders;
8Connection with any involved research projects: indicate whether the project is the result of a previous research, specifying the involved parties
9Innovation: point out the innovative aspects of the projects (by describing them according to the evaluation grid found at the top of the current document);
10Trasferability: -point out the criteria of transferability of the initiative and of its results (eg applicability in different local, commodity-related contexts etc ... - and use of the results for the industrialization of products / series services);
11Further useful information.
The maximum contents of this section may not exceed 2 pages
C) PROJECT RESULTS1Results for proposers: Provide a brief description of the economic outcome of the project, indicating the significantly considered fiscal indicators.
2Results for the beneficiary:Provide a brief description of the economic outcomeof the project for the beneficiary (or the offeror in case of internal projects), indicating the significantly considered fiscal indicators;
3Non-economic effects of the project: add information on the effects of non-economic (also in terms of environmental impact and environmental sustainability) produced by the initiative and any used criteria for their evaluation
The maximum contents of this section may not exceed 2 pages
In compliance with the provisions of the Regulations, the undersigned______in relation to the request for participation in the 8th Best Practices Innovation Award with the project: ______
hereby accepts
fully the Award’s Regulations
hereby authorizes
the diffusion, including through the media, of the content of the submitted project and the proponent company data, including the clientcompany
hereby responds
against the client company for the allowed authorization, and relieves Confindustria Salerno from all liability.
Privacy policy
In compliance with the D. Decree 196/03 "Code regarding the protection of personal data" we inform you that the data contained in the projects will be handled, even with the aid of computer, limitedly and for necessary purposes to the verification, selection and promotion procedure of the 8th Best Practices Award for Innovation.
The holder of the treatment is Confindustria, Salerno.
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