Dialectical Journal Format
From the Book
- Write down the 2 or 3 most important things that happen in this part of your book.
- What prediction can you make about what will happen in the next part of the book?
- Who is your favorite character in this part of the book?
- Power Lines - Copy down two lines from this section of reading that you think are important, or that you think are great lines (maybe they are funny, beautiful, or you just like how they sound).
- Include page numbers where you found the quote.
- Write like this – (124), (45-46)
- Write down 1 or 2 questions you have about this section of the reading.
- Write 10-15 vocabulary words from the reading. If you are struggling to find words you do not know, include words you believe other 9th grade students may not know.
- Why are these things you listed important?
- What evidence do you have for this prediction?
- Why did you select this character?
- Why did you select each line?
5. What possible answers do you have for these questions? How can you find out the answer?
6. Define the words.
The Dialectical Journal – A Model Using The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
From the Book
- 2-3 Important Things
The Man called Jack kills the infant’s family, but the infant escapes to the graveyard.
The ghosts of the graveyard save the infant from the Man called Jack
The ghosts of the graveyard name the infant Nobody, and give him the freedom of the graveyard.
- Predictions
I predict that Nobody Owens will learn to be powerful like the ghosts. I also think the Man called Jack will be back soon to the Graveyard to search for the infant.
- Favorite Character
My favorite character in this first chapter is Silas.
- 2 Power Lines
“You might not have seen a pale, plump woman, who walked the path near the front gates, and if you had seen her, with a second, more careful glance you would have realized that she was only moonlight, mist and shadow.” (7)
“They had not, in life and in death, been married for over two hundred and fifty years for nothing.” (11-12)
- Questions
Who is the Man called Jack, and why did he kill Nobody’s family and why does he want Nobody?
Who is Silas and where does he get these powers of mind control and being able to leave the graveyard?
6. (Your vocab words here)
1. These things are all important because they create the mystery of the book, and really make me try and think about what is going on and why. There are a lot of powers with the Man called Jack, as well as the ghosts, especially Silas. I think the name, Nobody, will be important (and reminds me of the epic poem The Odyssey).
2. My only evidence is that the ghosts have already shown some of their powers – to be able to talk to the dead, to remain hidden, to control others, and create thunder. The end of the chapter leads me to my second prediction – the Man called Jack is not done hunting for Nobody. I think one of his connections might see Nobody in the graveyard and tell him.
3. Silas is able to control the Man called Jack, who must be living because he says he doesn’t have the same power over the ghosts. Also, he can leave the graveyard and has promised to help Nobody. I think these two will have an important relationship.
4. My first power line was selected because I think the writing is beautiful and I like the idea of ghosts being seen and then not seen. My second line is just a great idea – being married long after both die; for the Owens’s it’s been 250 years. Cool.
5. Perhaps the Man called Jack has been ordered to kill this family. I think they might have some powers or they might know some secret that is important.
Perhaps Silas has different power than these other ghosts because of what he did when he was alive. Perhaps he was given special powers when he died.
6. Definitions of the vocabulary words: