REQUIREMENTS - B.S. Environmental Health Sciences

Name ID#______

Date Minor or Second Major ____

A minimum of 45 upper level hours (3000-4000) is required.

Major/Minor Environmental Health Sciences and Biology (No minor required)


( ) English Comp. I 1311

( ) English Comp. II 1312

( ) Speech 1300

( ) History 1311

( ) History 1312

( ) Math 1302

( ) English 2337 or English 2338 or

Philosophy 2320

Two Courses from the Following

( ) ARHU 2305 – Intro to Visual Art

( ) MUHL 2305 – Intro to Music

( ) THEA 2305 – Intro to Theatre and Dance

One Course from the Following:

( ) Political Science 1310 or History 2311 or

History 2312

Two Courses From The Following:

( ) Anthropology 2316

( ) Psychology 2300

( ) Gender Studies 2300

( ) Criminal Justice 2300

( ) Religious Studies 2305

( ) Geography 2312

( ) Sociology 2300

( ) Journalism / Radio, TV, and Film 2330

( ) Survey of Economics 2301

( ) Science & Tech in Society 2300

( ) Psych & Human experience 2300

Two Courses From The Following:

( ) Astronomy 1301 and 1101

( ) Biology 1400

( ) Biology 1401

( ) Chemistry 1409

( ) Earth Sciences 1302 and 1102

( ) Earth Sciences 1301 and 1103

Or a Substitution for 4 of the hours

(8 hours. of lab science courses from the same discipline)

( ) , and

( ) ______

Basic Sciences – (Course Requirements (29 Hour

( ) BIOL 1401 Science of Biology or

BIOL 1400 Evolutionary & Environmental Biology

( ) BIOL 2401 Microbiology

( ) BIOL 2402 Botany or BIOL 2403 Zoology

( ) BIOL 3303/3103 Principles of Ecology w/Lab

( ) CHEM 1400 Fundamental Chemistry I, CHEM 1401 Fundamental Chemistry II, and CHEM 2450 Organic Survey OR

( ) CHEM 1402 General Chemistry 1, CHEM 1403 General Chemistry II, and CHEM 3350/3150 General Organic Chemistry I with Lab

( ) CPSC 1370 Computer Literacy

( ) PHYS 1321 Elementary Physics

( ) STAT 2350 Intro to Statistical Methods

Environmental Health Sciences

Core Requirements (11 hours)

( ) ENHS 2320 Intro to Environmental Health Sciences

( ) ENHS 2120 Intro to Environmental Health Sciences Lab

( ) ENHS 3310 Environmental Regulations

( ) ENHS 4389 Research in Environmental Health Sciences

( ) ENHS 4190 Seminar in Env Hlth Sci

A grade of "C" or better is required in ENHS 2320.

Environmental Media ( 6 Hours, Select Two Courses)

( ) ENHS 3350 Principles of Air Pollution

( ) ENHS 3340 Intro Water Resources Management

( ) BIOL 4314/5314 Soil Biology

Environmental Analysis and Risk Assessment ( 8 Hours, Select Two Courses)

( ) ENHS 4415/5415 Environmental Impact Analysis

( ) ENHS 4410/5410 Environmental Planning

( ) ENHS 4430/5430 Epidemiology: Environment

and Health

Biology Electives ( 11 Hours) Recommended:

BIOL 3400, 3408, 4402, 4406, 4413, and 4424

(Approval of Program Director Required)

General Electives ( 15 Hours) Recommended :

ERSC 4421, ERSC 4422, RHET 3326, PHYC 3308

(Approval of Program Director Required)

NOTE: When a student has completed 70 hours, a degree plan must be filed. Contact the Department Office to make an appointment to start the procedure.